Contacts under 18
The date of birth is stored in the audience list as a datetime field. For this reason we need to apply a function to the birthday field that extracts the date and then compares it with today - 18years. Place the created filter in the Constraint tab:
Following options are possible:
- If you want to take into account the exact moment a person turns 18 use
BIRTHDAY>DATEADD(YY,(-18),GETDATE()) =>DATEADD(YY,(-18),GETDATE()) returns e.g., 2/25/1998 2:22PM
- If you want to check taking into account the date of today use
BIRTHDAY > CONVERT(DATE,DATEADD(yy,-18,getdate())) => CONVERT(DATE,DATEADD(yy,-18,getdate())) returns 2/25/1998
The second option returns all contacts that turn 18 today.