Purchased for more than 100$ Last Week

This is an extension of the previous example (Purchased last week) and at the same time slightly different. We will in this case not use the last order date but all orders made in the last week

Although we have order information available in the order list, it only provides the total amount per order and not a sum of all the orders amounts within a given time frame. Without CI, we would need an SQL task that calculates the total purchase amount for all orders made by a contact in the last week. With CI on the other hand, we can create this ourselves.


In CI we have this calculated field in the RFM table that returns the number of days since a purchase (function: DaysTo).


We will use this field and apply an expression on it. If the value returned is 7 or less, we attribute a 1, if the value is >7, we attribute a 0.

Note that you can also create both expressions at the same time as one.


We will store this expression and use it as filter when performing the third step, which is the creation of an aggregate that makes the sum of order amounts for the first filter. The aggregate is created in the Parana Users Extension table which will make it available in Campaign, the next day.


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