Understanding the interface

The Lists section consists of

  • a Home tab followed by a series of List tabs, one per opened list.
  • a main window in which all the different aspects of a list can be configured and consulted
  • a tree view of lists with an overview of all folders and lists that have been created within Selligent Campaign.
  • a properties window on the right allowing viewing the properties of the selected list.



Home tab

The 'Home' tab is always available and holds all recently modified lists as well as favorites. These favorites are added by the user, manually, by selecting the option 'Pin this' from the popup menu available on a right click on the list in the tree view. A pinned list is equally added to the 'Pinned' folder in the tree view.

From the 'Home' tab a jump can be made to the corresponding list by clicking it or selecting the properties icon in the overview. A new 'List' tab is added.

The buttons in the 'Home' tab allow creating a new list, open or search for an existing one or export/import a list through the Package option.

The + tab is used to create a new list. A page pops up in which a name and description can be given:


List tabs

When a list is selected from the tree view or a new list is created, the 'List' tab holds the name of the list itself and the body of the tab contains a series of buttons:

  • Import data: allows importing data from an external source into the list.
  • Report: access to list report with major KPI's and history graph
  • Deduplicate: allows removing duplicate records from a specific list. The user is taken through a series of windows and options in which the criteria and operations need to be defined.

Main window

The main window displays general information about the list and high level statistics (number of records, size of the table, number of segments, etc). It is used to configure the different aspects of a list, such as the fields, data, indexes, segments, etc.

All these options are accessible through the dedicated buttons at the bottom of the main window.


Tree view

The tree view on the left comprises a series of folders and subfolders in which lists are available for selection. The different types of lists are represented with a specific icon in front.

Following operations can be performed within the tree view:

A right click menu called from an element in the tree view provides following actions:

  • pin this: will add the current element to the 'Home' page and to the folder 'Pinned'
  • rename
  • delete

Double clicking an element opens the selected element in a new tab.

Clicking an element opens the selected element in the current tab.

A right click from a folder in the tree view allows following:

  • new list: displays the creation page and allows creating a new list in the selected folder
  • new folder: creates a new folder within the selected folder.
  • rename
  • delete

Standard operations on a folder are provided to expand/collapse a folder, rename it or move around.

List properties

When a list has been selected, the properties of the list are accessible at the right hand side of the main window. Note that changes to properties of a list take effect immediately. No saving is required.



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