Engage Data Studio - Datasets Overview

Following standard datasets are provided and include a fixed list of fields. All fields that are not exposed in the below datasets are considered as custom data.

The standard datasets contain a combination of

  • technical data that is present in all lists and necessary for the system to work correctly together with execution data automatically created by the system
  • standardized data that is part of a custom schema and identified as the most commonly used fields across all verticals and businesses

Note: to use custom data that is not part of the standard datasets fields, it is possible to create datasets on external datasources (cloud storage, CSV, SQL database, ..).
For more information, please check this topic


Communication stats

The Communication stats include the following data which is stored in Engage.

Note: When using this dataset, there are multiple aggregation levels: Global, Journey, Domain, Content and deliveries. Some of the fields are only available at a certain aggregation level. This is indicated in the last column.
The aggregation level defines the level at which records are returned. By default, when no aggregation level is defined, deliveries is used. However, to retrieve specific data, the corresponding aggregation level must be set.
If you need to retrieve for example all journey types, aggregation level journey is used.
If you need to retrieve the number of emails sent, aggregation level global is used.

Field Description Aggregation level
User list ID ID of the Audience List delivery
User List name Name of the Audience List delivery
User ID Unique identifier of the contact within a list and organization delivery
User domain ID

The maildomain ID of destination-address of the contact

domain, delivery
User domain name The maildomain name of destination-address of the contact domain, delivery
Journey ID The ID of the journey journey, content, delivery
Journey name The name of the journey journey, content, delivery
Journey type The schedule of the journey, indicating if this is a single shot, data driven or recurring journey journey, content, delivery
Journey launch date Date on which the journey was launched journey, content, delivery
Journey last execution date Date on which the journey was last executed journey, content, delivery
Journey run id ID of the run of the recurring journey delivery
Action ID ID of the Action content, delivery
Action Name Name given to the Component in the Journey in which the content is used. content, delivery
Action channel type Type of channel used for the communication (eg. email) global, content, delivery
Action channel name Name of the channel used for the communication (eg. Email) global, content, delivery
Content ID ID of the content sent in the communication content, delivery
Content name Name of the content (eg. Welcome newsletter) content, delivery
Content type Type of content sent (eg. Email) content, delivery
Content description Description of the content as stored in the properties of the content content, delivery
Label Unique label All
Labels Cumulated label All
Language Language of the content content, delivery
Organization Name of the organization. When multiple organizations exist on the environment, this field will provide access to the different organization names when used as a filter. Note that this is only the case for organizations marked as global in the Admin Configuration. journey, delivery
Send date Datetime of the sending of the communication global, delivery
SEND_YEAR Year of the sending of the communication global, delivery
SEND_MONTH Month of the year of sending of the communication global, delivery
Send day of the week Day of the week of the sending of the communication global, delivery
SEND_HOUR Sending hour for the communication global, delivery
Send order per user descending Decreasing send order of a communication for each user. To be used to identify the last email sent, the 5 last emails sent etc… delivery
Sent count Total number of sent communications to the contact global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Failed count Total number of failed communications global, domain , journey, content, delivery
Bounce count Total number of bounced communications global, domain, content, delivery
Delivery ID   delivery
Delivery count Total number of delivered communications to the contact global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Open unique count Number of unique users that opened the communication (0 or 1). When 1 email is opened 3 times, it will count as 1. global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Open tracked count Total number of opens of this communication. When 1 email is opened 3 times, it will count as 3. global, domain, journey, delivery
Open first date Datetime of the first email opened by the user (minimum datetime based on the available data) delivery
Open last date Datetime of the last email opened by the user (maximum datetime based on the available data) delivery
Click unique count Number of unique users that clicked the communication (0 or 1). When 1 email is clicked 3 times, it will count as 1. Unsubscribes are excluded from this count. global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Click tracked count Total number of clicks on this communication. When 1 email is clicked 3 times, it will count as 3. Unsubscribes are excluded from this count. global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Click first date Datetime of the first email clicked by the user (minimum datetime based on the available data) delivery
Click last date Datetime of the last e-mail clicked by the user (maximum datetime based on the available data) delivery
Unsubscribe unique count Number of unique unsubscribes that resulted out of this communication global, domain, journey
Unsubscribe tracked count Number of unsubscribes that resulted out of this communication global, domain, journey, content
Open response time (in hours) Number of hours between the sending time (SEND_DATE) and the first open (OPEN_DT_FIRST). Can be used to measure the effectiveness of the sending day/hour. delivery
ROI currency The currency used. This is the base currency, EUR for Europe and $ for US customers. delivery, domain, global, journey, content
ROI converted user count Number of contacts that have converted as a result of this communication delivery, domain, global, journey, content
ROI purchases count Total number of purchases that resulted from this communication delivery, domain, global, journey, content
ROI articles purchases count Total number of articles purchased as a result of this communication delivery, domain, global, journey, content
ROI revenue amount Total revenue that resulted from this communication delivery, domain, global, journey, content
Aggregation type This defines the level of aggregation to be applied on the dashboard or a widget.
The following values are available: Content, Deliveries, Domains, Journey, global If no aggregation type is used for the dashboard, the default 'Deliveries' is used.
For example, if you want to define a filter widget on journey where the marketer can select a journey from a drop-down list, by default a list of journeys is returned based on the 10.000 top deliveries. If these deliveries are all linked to a single journey, only one journey will be returned. If you would use Content as aggregation level, all journeys are returned with content in the top 10.000 of most recent sent content.
global, domain, journey, content
Email client id Engage unique identifier delivery
Email client device type Type of device on which the email client is used ( The combination of the code, device type and version is allowing us to identify the email client.) delivery
Email client code Code of the email client, the same code is used for different versions ( The combination of the code, device type and version is allowing us to identify the email client.) delivery
Email client vendor Vendor that is providing the email client delivery
Email client version Version of the email client ( The combination of the code, device type and version is allowing us to identify the email client.) delivery
Journey count Counts the number of journeys for a specific organization. This field is mainly used in dashboard displayed for the global organization global, delivery
Content count Counts the number of content for a specific organization. This field is mainly used in dashboard displayed for the global organization global, delivery

Communications Overview

This data set is different from the Communication stats dataset in a way that it does not contain data on contact level but only aggregated data. This has a positive impact on performance.

Field Description Aggregation level
User list ID ID of the Audience List delivery
User List name Name of the Audience List delivery
User domain ID

The maildomain ID of destination-address of the contact

domain, delivery
User domain name The maildomain name of destination-address of the contact domain, delivery
Journey ID The ID of the journey journey, content, delivery
Journey name The name of the journey journey, content, delivery
Journey type The schedule of the journey, indicating if this is a single shot, data driven or recurring journey journey, content, delivery
Journey launch date Date on which the journey was launched journey, content, delivery
Journey last execution date Date on which the journey was last executed journey, content, delivery
Journey run id ID of the run of the recurring journey delivery
Action ID ID of the Action content, delivery
Action Name Name given to the Component in the Journey in which the content is used. content, delivery
Action channel type Type of channel used for the communication (eg. email) global, content, delivery
Action channel name Name of the channel used for the communication (eg. Email) global, content, delivery
Content ID ID of the content sent in the communication content, delivery
Content name Name of the content (eg. Welcome newsletter) content, delivery
Content type Type of content sent (eg. Email) content, delivery
Content description Description of the content as stored in the properties of the content content, delivery
Label Unique label All
Labels Cumulated label All
Organization Name of the organization. When multiple organizations exist on the environment, this field will provide access to the different organization names when used as a filter. Note that this is only the case for organizations marked as global in the Admin Configuration. journey, delivery
Send date Datetime of the sending of the communication global, delivery
Send day of the week Day of the week of the sending of the communication global, delivery
Sent count Total number of sent communications to the contact global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Delivery count Total number of delivered communications to the contact global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Open unique count Number of unique users that opened the communication (0 or 1). When 1 email is opened 3 times, it will count as 1. global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Open tracked count Total number of opens of this communication. When 1 email is opened 3 times, it will count as 3. global, domain, journey, delivery
Click unique count Number of unique users that clicked the communication (0 or 1). When 1 email is clicked 3 times, it will count as 1. Unsubscribes are excluded from this count. global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Click tracked count Total number of clicks on this communication. When 1 email is clicked 3 times, it will count as 3. Unsubscribes are excluded from this count. global, domain, journey, content, delivery
Unsubscribe unique count Number of unique unsubscribes that resulted out of this communication global, domain, journey
ROI currency The currency used. This is either EUR for European customers or Dollar for US customers. delivery, domain, global, journey, content
ROI converted user count Number of contacts that have converted as a result of this communication delivery, domain, global, journey, content
ROI purchases count Total number of purchases that resulted from this communication delivery, domain, global, journey, content
ROI articles purchases count Total number of articles purchased as a result of this communication delivery, domain, global, journey, content
ROI revenue amount Total revenue that resulted from this communication delivery, domain, global, journey, content


Consumer Engagement Stats

The below dataset contains fields that are standard available in a list as well as custom fields. If the naming for the custom fields in this dataset differs from the column names used in your lists, please contact Marigold so a mapping can be created between your custom fields and the ones provided in the dataset. Only then will you be able to use the full functionality of this dataset.

Note: When using this dataset, there are 2 aggregation levels: Global and Consumer. Some of the fields are only available at a certain aggregation level. This is indicated in the last column.
The aggregation level defines the level at which records are returned.

Note: All fields linked to EMIT are only used for customers who have EMIT activated on their environment.
All Site related fields are only available for customers who have an integration with Site.

Field Standard/Custom Description Aggregation level
Id Standard ID of the consumer Consumer
Language Standard Language of the consumer Consumer
Email Standard Email of the consumer Consumer
Domain Standard Name of the domain to which the delivery address of the consumer belongs Consumer
Domain ID Standard ID of the domain to which the delivery address of the consumer belongs Consumer
Creation date Standard Date on which the consumer record was created Consumer
Modified date Standard Date on which the consumer record was last modified Consumer
Optout Standard Optout status for the consumer Consumer
Optout datetime Standard Date on which the consumer opted out Consumer
List name Standard Name of the Audience List All
List ID Standard ID of the Audience List All
List creation date Standard Date on which the Audience List was created All
Consumer count Standard Number of contact records in the Audience List All
Consumer Optout count Standard Number of consumers that have opted out  
List is default Standard Indication if this is the default Audience List to be used in Data Studio All
Organization Standard Name of the organization to which the Audience List belongs All
Aggregation type Standard Defines the level of detail that is returned by the dataset. Possible values are Consumer and Global. Consumer is the default. All
Name Custom Consumer name Consumer
First name Custom Consumer first name Consumer
Gender Custom Consumer gender Consumer
Postal code Custom Postal code Consumer
Region Custom Region/State/Department name Consumer
Country Custom Country of residence of the consumer Consumer
Birthday Custom Day of birth of the consumer Consumer
Age Custom The age of the consumer, derived from the birthday Consumer
Age-Category Custom The age category of the consumer, derived from age Consumer
Subscribe-source Custom The source used by the consumer to register Consumer
Type Custom Type of consumer Consumer
Category Custom The category a consumer belongs to Consumer
Optin Custom   Consumer
Transaction Value Custom This depends on the customer and be the total amount, total amount of last transaction, etc Consumer
Transaction last date Custom The date of the last transaction Consumer
Transaction days since last Custom The number of days passed since the last transaction was made Consumer
Phone number Custom Consumer phone number Consumer
Mobile phone Custom Consumer cell phone number Consumer
Address Custom Address Consumer
City Custom City name Consumer
House number Custom House number Consumer
Box Custom Postal box Consumer
Marital status Custom Consumer marital status Consumer
Number of children Custom Number of children for this consumer Consumer
Employer organization Custom Name of the employer/organization Consumer
Occupation Custom Professional occupation of the consumer Consumer
Income Custom Consumer income Consumer
External ID Custom ID of the consumer in an external system (CRM, invoicing system) Consumer
Loyalty Card Number Custom Unique ID of the consumer's loyalty card Consumer
Loyalty Cart creation Custom Creation date of the loyalty card Consumer
Loyalty Card last gain date Custom Date of the last usage of the loyalty card to add points, amount,.. Consumer
Loyalty card last spend date Custom Date of the last usage of loyalty card to spend points, amount... Consumer
Loyalty level Custom Level of loyalty Consumer
Loyalty points Custom Loyalty points Consumer
Loyalty points used Custom Used points, amount... Consumer
Preferred store Custom Name of the preferred store based on previous purchases Consumer
Purchase product category Custom Category of product from the last purchase Consumer
Purchase first date Custom Date of the first purchase Consumer
Purchase last date Custom Date of the last purchase Consumer
Purchase last abandoned basket date Custom Date of the last abandoned basket (on website or mobile...) Consumer
Purchase total amount Custom Total amount of purchases Consumer
Purchase average amount Custom Average amount spent per purchase Consumer
Purchase amount of last year Custom Total amount spent last year Consumer
Purchase amount of last half year Custom Total amount spent last Half-year Consumer
Purchase amount of last quarter Custom Total amount spent last quarter Consumer
Purchase amount of last month Custom Total amount spent last month Consumer
Purchase amount of last week Custom Total amount spent last week Consumer
Purchase amount of last day Custom Total amount spent last day Consumer
Purchase amount of last purchase Custom Total amount of last purchase Consumer
Purchase total count Custom Total count of purchases Consumer
Purchase count of last year Custom Total count of purchases of last year Consumer
Purchase count of last half year Custom Total count of purchases of last half-year Consumer
Purchase count of last quarter Custom Total count of purchases of last quarter Consumer
Purchase count of last month Custom Total count of purchases of last month Consumer
Purchase count of last week Custom Total count of purchases of last week Consumer
Purchase count of last day Custom Total count of purchases of last day Consumer
Email sent count standard Count of individual email sent (successfully or not) to the customer. Please note that multiple emails can be sent within 1 journey or campaign. Consumer
Email delivery count standard Count of individual email successfully delivered to the customer. Please note that multiple emails can be sent within 1 journey or campaign. Consumer
Email delivery rate standard Delivery rate over all sent emails (EML_DELIVERY_COUNT/EML_SENT_COUNT). Shows quality of the audience. Consumer
Email delivery rate category standard Categorization of EML_DELIVERY_RATE in buckets [0-3],[4-7],[8-30],[31-91],[92-182],[183-365],[366+] Consumer
First email delivery date standard The first time an email was delivered Consumer
Last email delivery date standard The last time an email got delivered. Consumer
Email Delivery frequency standard Average number of emails sent over a period of 7 days when looking at the first and the last email delivered. Calculated by dividing 7 days by the average time between emails. Consumer
Email delivery frequency evolution standard ''Wkly Freq Decr (-1)' if the weekly frequence is decreasing significantly (<-1/week) when comparing ULTIMATE5 vs PENULTIMATE5, 'Wkly Freq Incr (+)' or 'Wkly Freq Equal (=)' Consumer
Email delivery frequency evolution category standard Categorization of EML_DELIVERY_FREQUENCY_EVOLUTION in buckets Consumer
Days since last email delivery category standard Categorization of EML_DELIVERY_DAYS_SINCE_LAST in buckets [0-3],[4-7],[8-30],[31-91],[92-182],[183-365],[366+] Consumer
Days since last email delivery standard Number of days between the current date (load date) and EML_DELIVERY_DT_LAST. Consumer
Email open unique count standard Number of unique emails opened. When 1 email is opened 3 times, it counts as 1. Consumer
First email opened date standard Datetime of the first email opened by the consumer (minimum datetime based on the available data) Consumer
Last email opened date standard Datetime of the last email opened by the consumer (maximum datetime based on the available data) Consumer
Days since last email opened standard Number of days between the current date (load date) and EML_OPEN_DT_LAST Consumer
Days since last email open category standard Categorization of EML_OPEN_DAYS_SINCE_LAST in buckets [0-3],[4-7],[8-30],[31-91],[92-182],[183-365],[366+] Consumer
Email open rate standard Open rate over all available emails (=unique emails opened versus emails delivered = EML_OPEN_COUNT_UNIQUE / EML_DELIVERY_COUNT). Shows the interest in your company and your subject line Consumer
Email open rate category standard Categorization of EML_OPENRATE_OVERALL in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email open rate evolution standard ''OR Decr (-1)' if the openrate is decreasing when comparing ULTIMATE5 vs PENULTIMATE5, 'OR Incr (+)' or 'OR Equal (=)' Consumer
Email open rate evolution category standard 'Categorization of EML_OPEN_RATE_EVOLUTION in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email Unique click count standard Number of unique emails clicked. When 1 email is clicked 3 times, it counts as 1. Consumer
First email click date standard Datetime of the first email clicked by the consumer (minimum datetime based on the available data). Consumer
Last email click date standard Datetime of the last email clicked by the consumer (maximum datetime based on the available data) Consumer
Days since last email click standard Number of days between the current date (load date) and the date of the last click. Consumer
Days since last email click category standard Categorization of EML_CLICK_DAYS_SINCE_LAST in buckets [0-3],[4-7],[8-30],[31-91],[92-182],[183-365],[366+] Consumer
Email click rate standard Click rate over all available emails (=unique emails clicked versus emails delivered = EML_CLICK_COUNT_UNIQUE / EML_DELIVERY_COUNT). Consumer
Email click rate category standard Categorization of EML_CLICK_RATE in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email click rate evolution standard ''OR Decr (-1)' if the click rate is decreasing when comparing ULTIMATE5 vs PENULTIMATE5, 'OR Incr (+)' or 'OR Equal (=)' Consumer
Email click rate evolution category standard
Categorization of EML_CLICK_RATE in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%]
Email click to open rate standard CTO rate over all available emails (=unique emails clicked versus unique emails opened = EML_CLICK_COUNT_UNIQUE/EML_OPEN_COUNT_UNIQUE). Shows the interest in the content of your email. How well is this person targeted. Consumer
Email click to open rate category standard Categorization of EML_CLICK_TO_OPENRATE_OVERALL in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email click to open rate evolution standard ''CTO Decr (-1)' if the CTO rate is decreasing when comparing ULTIMATE5 vs PENULTIMATE5, 'CTO Incr (+)' or 'CTO Equal (=)' Consumer
Email click to open rate evolution category standard Categorization of EML_CLICK_TO_OPENRATE_EVOLUTION in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email last series unopened standard The size of the sequence of emails which are not opened, meaning that the last opened emails was EML_STATS_UNOPENED_SERIES_CNT-1 emails ago. Helps to measure the (des-)interest of a consumer and check if a 'rest'-time is appropriate. Consumer
Email last series unopened category standard Categorization of EML_STATS_UNOPENED_SERIES_CNT in buckets [0 unopened],[1-5 unopened],[6-10 unopened],[11-25 unopened],[25-50 unopened],[51+ unopened] Consumer
Email desktop engagements standard Number of email views and clicks on desktop. Consumer
Email mobile engagements standard Number of email views and clicks on mobile device. Consumer
Email mobile usage rate standard number of email views and clicks on mobile divided by the sum of the number of emails viewed on desktop, mobile and tablet. Consumer
Email mobile usage rate category standard Categorization of MOBILE_USAGE_RATE in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email tablet engagements standard Number of email views and clicks on tablet. Consumer
Email tablet usage rate standard number of email views and clicks on tablet divided by the sum of the number of emails viewed on desktop, mobile and tablet. Consumer
Email tablet usage rate category standard Categorization of TABLET_USAGE_RATE in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Site last used device standard Type of Last used device Consumer
Site most used device standard Type of most used device Consumer
Site top domain score standard Score of the top domain Consumer
Site top domain standard Top domain name Consumer
Site average pages per visit standard Average number of pages per visit Consumer
Site average minutes per visit standard Average number of minutes per visit Consumer
Site average visits per month standard Average number of visits per month Consumer
Site first date hit standard Date and time of the first hit Consumer
Site last date hit standard Date and time of the last hit Consumer
Site total pages standard Total count of visited pages Consumer
Site total time in minutes standard Total number of minutes including all visits Consumer
Site total visits standard Total number of visits Consumer
Site profile is active standard Is the profile active or not Consumer
Site do not track profile standard Is the Do not track option active for that profile Consumer
Site last search terms standard Term used for the last search Consumer
Site top search terms standard Term used for most searches Consumer
Site last traffic source standard Source of origin of the last visit Consumer
Site most important traffic source standard Source of origin occurring the most over all visits Consumer


Engagement Metrics

This dataset contains EMIT specific data. Currently these fields are also available in the Consumer dataset, but for performance reasons they are now also available in a dedicated dataset. These fields are only used for customers who have EMIT activated on their environment.

Field Standard/Custom Description Aggregation level
Id Standard ID of the consumer Consumer
List ID Standard ID of the Audience List All
Email sent count standard Count of individual email sent (successfully or not) to the customer. Please note that multiple emails can be sent within 1 journey or campaign. Consumer
Email delivery count standard Count of individual email successfully delivered to the customer. Please note that multiple emails can be sent within 1 journey or campaign. Consumer
Email delivery rate standard Delivery rate over all sent emails (EML_DELIVERY_COUNT/EML_SENT_COUNT). Shows quality of the audience. Consumer
Email delivery rate category standard Categorization of EML_DELIVERY_RATE in buckets [0-3],[4-7],[8-30],[31-91],[92-182],[183-365],[366+] Consumer
First email delivery date standard The first time an email was delivered Consumer
Last email delivery date standard The last time an email got delivered. Consumer
Email Delivery frequency standard

Represents the average number of emails delivered per week when looking at the time frame between the first email delivered within the EMIT time window and the end of the EMIT time window. .

Example: there are 56 days between the first email and the end of the time window. 500 emails were delivered within this time frame. This results is a delivery frequency= 500 emails/8 weeks =62 emails/week

Exception: If there are less than 5 deliveries within the default EMIT time window, this falls back to 0.

Email delivery frequency evolution standard

Represents the evolution of the penultimate (5 emails before the last 5 emails) delivery frequency to ultimate (last 5 emails) delivery frequency. A tolerance of 10% is used.

The delivery frequency for the ultimate emails, is calculated by using the number of days between the first email and the last one of these 5 emails => 7* (#deliveries/#days). The same applies for the delivery frequency of the penultimate emails.

If the frequency increases it will indicate +1. If the frequency decreases, it will indicate -1.

Example: The last 5 emails were delivered in a time frame of 10 days (frequency =3.5). The 5 previous emails were delivered in a time frame of 15 days (frequency = 2.33). In this case the evolution is UP (+1). When dividing 2.33/3.5 the result is 0.66 which is smaller than the 0.9 tolerance.

Email delivery frequency evolution category standard Categorization of EML_DELIVERY_FREQUENCY_EVOLUTION in buckets Consumer
Days since last email delivery category standard Categorization of EML_DELIVERY_DAYS_SINCE_LAST in buckets [0-3],[4-7],[8-30],[31-91],[92-182],[183-365],[366+] Consumer
Days since last email delivery standard Number of days between the current date (load date) and EML_DELIVERY_DT_LAST. Consumer
Email open unique count standard Number of unique emails opened. When 1 email is opened 3 times, it counts as 1. Consumer
First email opened date standard Datetime of the first email opened by the consumer (minimum datetime based on the available data) Consumer
Last email opened date standard Datetime of the last email opened by the consumer (maximum datetime based on the available data) Consumer
Days since last email opened standard Number of days between the current date (load date) and EML_OPEN_DT_LAST Consumer
Days since last email open category standard Categorization of EML_OPEN_DAYS_SINCE_LAST in buckets [0-3],[4-7],[8-30],[31-91],[92-182],[183-365],[366+] Consumer
Email open rate standard Open rate over all available emails (=unique emails opened versus emails delivered = EML_OPEN_COUNT_UNIQUE / EML_DELIVERY_COUNT). Shows the interest in your company and your subject line Consumer
Email open rate category standard Categorization of EML_OPENRATE_OVERALL in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email open rate evolution standard Represents the evolution of the ‘Open rate’ by comparing the penultimate (5 emails before the last 5 emails) ‘Open rate’ to the ultimate (last 5 emails) ‘Open rate’.
This means that the last 10 emails are split into 2 groups. The 5 most recent ones and the 5 before these. The ‘Open rate’ is then calculated for each group and compared. If the more recent group has a higher ‘Open rate’ than the earlier group, the ‘Open rate’ is increasing. It the more recent group has a lower ‘Open rate’ than the earlier group, the ‘Open rate’ is decreasing.

At least the 10 emails must fall within the default 90 day time window for EMIT. If there are less than 10 emails in this time window the rate falls back to 0, meaning no evolution
Email open rate evolution category standard 'Categorization of EML_OPEN_RATE_EVOLUTION in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email Unique click count standard Number of unique emails clicked. When 1 email is clicked 3 times, it counts as 1. Consumer
First email click date standard Datetime of the first email clicked by the consumer (minimum datetime based on the available data). Consumer
Last email click date standard Datetime of the last email clicked by the consumer (maximum datetime based on the available data) Consumer
Days since last email click standard Number of days between the current date (load date) and the date of the last click. Consumer
Days since last email click category standard Categorization of EML_CLICK_DAYS_SINCE_LAST in buckets [0-3],[4-7],[8-30],[31-91],[92-182],[183-365],[366+] Consumer
Email click rate standard Click rate over all available emails (=unique emails clicked versus emails delivered = EML_CLICK_COUNT_UNIQUE / EML_DELIVERY_COUNT). Consumer
Email click rate category standard Categorization of EML_CLICK_RATE in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email click rate evolution standard

Represents the evolution of the ‘Click rate’ by comparing the penultimate (5 emails before the last 5 emails) ‘Click rate’ to the ultimate (last 5 emails) ‘Click rate’.

This means that the last 10 emails are split into 2 groups. The 5 most recent ones and the 5 before these. The ‘Click rate’ is then calculated for each group and compared. If the more recent group has a higher ‘Click rate’ than the earlier group, the ‘Click rate’ is increasing and the evolution is UP(+1). If the more recent group has a lower ‘Click rate’ than the earlier group, the ‘Click rate’ is decreasing and the evolution is DOWN(-1).

Example: There are 4 emails clicked out of the last 5 emails and 5 emails out of the 5 emails before that. This results in a downward evolution.

Exceptions: The 10 emails must fall within the default 90-day time window for EMIT. If there are less than 10 emails in this time window the rate falls back to 0, meaning no evolution

Email click rate evolution category standard
Categorization of EML_CLICK_RATE in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%]
Email click to open rate standard CTO rate over all available emails (=unique emails clicked versus unique emails opened = EML_CLICK_COUNT_UNIQUE/EML_OPEN_COUNT_UNIQUE). Shows the interest in the content of your email. How well is this person targeted. Consumer
Email click to open rate category standard Categorization of EML_CLICK_TO_OPENRATE_OVERALL in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email click to open rate evolution standard Represents the evolution of penultimate (5 emails before the last 5 emails) ‘CTO rate’ to ultimate (last 5 emails) ‘CTO rate’.

This means that the last 10 emails are split into 2 groups. The 5 most recent ones and the 5 before these. The ‘CTO rate’ is then calculated for each group and compared. If the more recent group has a higher ‘CTO rate’ than the earlier group, the ‘CTO rate’ is increasing and the evolution is UP(+1). It the more recent group has a lower’ CTO rate’ than the earlier group, the ‘CTO rate’ is decreasing and the evolution is DOWN(-1).

Exceptions: At least the 10 emails must fall within the default 90 day time window for EMIT. If there are less than 10 emails in this time window the rate falls back to 0, meaning no evolution.
Email click to open rate evolution category standard Categorization of EML_CLICK_TO_OPENRATE_EVOLUTION in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email last series unopened standard The size of the sequence of emails which are not opened, meaning that the last opened emails was EML_STATS_UNOPENED_SERIES_CNT-1 emails ago. Helps to measure the (des-)interest of a consumer and check if a 'rest'-time is appropriate. Consumer
Email last series unopened category standard Categorization of EML_STATS_UNOPENED_SERIES_CNT in buckets [0 unopened],[1-5 unopened],[6-10 unopened],[11-25 unopened],[25-50 unopened],[51+ unopened] Consumer
Email desktop engagements standard Number of email views and clicks on desktop. Consumer
Email mobile engagements standard Number of email views and clicks on mobile device. Consumer
Email mobile usage rate standard number of email views and clicks on mobile divided by the sum of the number of emails viewed on desktop, mobile and tablet. Consumer
Email mobile usage rate category standard Categorization of MOBILE_USAGE_RATE in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer
Email tablet engagements standard Number of email views and clicks on tablet. Consumer
Email tablet usage rate standard number of email views and clicks on tablet divided by the sum of the number of emails viewed on desktop, mobile and tablet. Consumer
Email tablet usage rate category standard Categorization of TABLET_USAGE_RATE in buckets [0%],[0.001-10%],[11-25%],[26-50%],[51-75%],[76-100%] Consumer