
Lists are used everywhere in Marigold Engage. Different types can be created and are used in different ways.

  • Audience list — Stores all the data about your contacts. An audience list is required when creating messages and journeys. It will be used as the target for your message. The fields in the audience list can be used for personalization of the message and data in the audience list can be updated easily in a journey. It is recommended to create only one audience list per organization.
  • Data list — Audience lists can be expanded with data in 1:1 and 1:n linked lists called Data lists which are actually profile extensions for the contacts in the audience list. This list is used to store data that is not directly related to the basic profile data, such as user preferences, loyalty card info, order info, contest and survey answers, etc.
  • Data selection lists — These lists are used to store the articles of newsletters or the items in your catalog. Articles often consist of text, images, hyperlinks, etc. For these elements, fields are created in the data selection list and these fields are then used in messages as personalization fields or to fill out the repeaters.
  • Dynamic Segments — These are dynamic lists that contain a fraction of the data in the list that meet certain filter criteria. The data in the segment changes continuously, depending on how many records match the filter criteria.
  • Static Segments — The data in a static segment is a snapshot of the data in a list at a specific moment in time. This data does not evolve over time.
  • Option lists — Option lists are used to provide the user with a list of possible values when filling out a form field. The values will be listed in the language of the message. Option lists contain a code for each possible value and for each code, there is a translated value for all the different languages detected over all organizations.
  • Device lists — Store mobile device data and contain one record for each device. This list contains data such as deviceid, devicetoken, platform, and information on specific user interaction events such as login, logout, register, and unregister. The device list is linked to an audience list as a 1:n relation. Each user can have multiple devices.
  • Engagement — Created by default and linked to the Audience list when Engagement Metrics is activated for the environment. This list is called Email Engagement and the data in that list can be accessed via the Data tab of the audience. It stores data on the interactions of the user (views, clicks, etc). More information on how Engagement Metrics works can be found here.
  • Interest — Created by default and linked to the Audience list when Interest Tags is activated for the environment. This list is called Email Interests and the data in that list can be accessed via the Data tab of the Audience list. It stores data on the points of interest for this contact. More information on how Interest Tags works can be found here.