Publish MMS

Publishing an MMS message makes it available for use in journeys in Marigold Engage. Publishing resets the cache automatically to ensure recipients always have access to the latest version. MMS messages can be used in Single Batch, Transactional, or Custom Journeys.

Note: Only MMS messages with all language versions configured can be used in a Custom Journey. This implies that a language must also be configured for contacts without a language or with a different language specified.

After publication, a History overview is available. Click the button in the toolbar to access it:

Every publish date and the person who performed this action is listed. A preview of the version is available using the eye icon.

When several versions of the content are listed, you can select an older version and restore it by clicking the icon for that version.

You need to Save this version to ensure this is the version that will be used.

You can also copy a version from the History. A new MMS is automatically opened. The name of the new MMS is a combination of the initial name followed by the person who published it and when.

Restore Welcome message. The restored message has following name:
Welcome - Published by Admin on Jul. 18,2018 5:11:38

Use the Filter buttons at the top to only display publications in a given time frame.


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