Reporting on tags

The tag overview shows the number of different values for each tag.

For 'Numeric’ tags, the word cloud displays the one value and reporting immediately below.

In case of a hierarchical tag a word cloud shows the most used tag values. Click a tag value in the word cloud to display the corresponding reports:

  • Tag value hit counts: A time line with the number of hits for the selected tag value
  • Weighted score: Balance of the selected value compared to the total score of all values (for this tag)
    = selected value score / total score all values * 100
  • Weighted profile count: Balance of the number of profiles that have the specific tag value compared to the total number of profiles (for this tag)
    = profiles with selected value / total profiles*100
  • Tag value Boxplot: The maximum and minimum counts, average and standard deviation for the selected tag value since the measuring started.
  • Tag value distribution: the score distribution for the selected tag value.

The 'Details' tab provides a table view on scores, profile counts for all tag values.



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