Technical Documentation

From this section you can have a direct access to technical documentation.

CRM Integration

Salesforce CRM Integration
MSDynamics365 Integration
SugarCRM Integration


Campaign API

Individual API
Broadcast API
API for Java


Site API

Site JavaScript API



Functions for Engage
Functions for Campaign v6


iOS integration

Using the SDK


Android integration

Using the SDK


E-commerce Integration

Adobe Commerce connector
Shopify connector


Content Rendering

Content rendering
Default content renderer


XSS Prevention Guide for Campaign

XSS Prevention Guide


Single Sign On for Engage

Single sign On


PGP for Engage



Services and Support documents

Facebook Leads to File Service
Reputation Warmup
PDF Merger
Content Building
Stored Procedures - guidelines
Cheat sheet : Campaign vs Engage functions
Generating a HAR file
Engage API Rate Limitations


Private documents

The following technical documents are only accessible through the Client/Partner Portal (behind a login).
Click below to access these Private Help Files.