Marketing and Subscriber Performance Dashboards

Get insight into your overall marketing performance and the sources that are driving subscriber growth with Marketing and Subscriber Performance Dashboards.

Dashboards can be found in the Custom Reports project within the Reports by Sailthru folder.

Campaign Marketing Dashboard


Client Name - choose one or more Sailthru Account Names to isolate or aggregate data by CID

Event Date - select date range to view associated data 

Measure Selection  

Measure Selection will populate the KPI viewed in the trend graph below 

KPI Banner 

Aggregated Campaign metrics within the chosen filters (Client Name and Event Date). Click any KPI within the banner to dynamically change the bar chart below to view associated data. 

  • Sends - total campaign sends within the chosen filters
  • Open Rate - aggregated open rate (SUM([Beacon Click Count]+[Beacon Noclick Count]+[Nobeacon Click Count])/SUM([Delivered Count])
  • CTR - aggregated click-through rate (SUM([Beacon Click Count]+[Nobeacon Click Count])/SUM([Delivered Count])
  • Pageviews - total pageviews from campaigns 
  • Revenue - total campaign revenue 
  • Churn Rate - (opt outs + unsubscribes + hardbounces)/sends 

Trend Graph  

MoM viewing of chosen KPI from the banner above. Click the + or - to the left of the chart to view data by Year, Quarter, Month, Week or Day

Top Campaigns

All sent campaigns within the chosen Event Date filter. Commerce client dashboards are sorted descending by Revenue. Media client dashboards are sorted descending by CTR. Sort can be customized by clicking the down arrow next to the KPI in the header 

Signups vs Churn Dashboard


Client Name - choose one or more Sailthru Account Names to isolate or aggregate data by CID

Signup Time - select date range of user signup to view associated data 

Measure Selection 

Measure Selection will populate the KPI viewed in the trend graph below 

KPI Banner 

Aggregated user profile metrics within the chosen filters (Client Name and Signup Time). Click any KPI within the banner to dynamically change the bar chart below to view associated data. 

  • Total Signups - total user signups within the chosen filters 
  • Total Opt Outs - total user opt outs, including unsubscribes within the chosen filters
  • Total Hardbounce - total hardbounced users within the chosen fitlers 
  • Churn Rate - (total opt out + unsubscribes + hardbounce)/signups 
  • Conversion Rate - total buyers/total signups 

Trend Graph  

MoM bar chart showing Signup Count. Solid line populates MoM chosen KPI from the banner above. Dotted line populates MoM trend line for the chosen KPI. Click the + or - to the left of the chart to view data by Year, Quarter, Month, Week or Day

Top Signup Sources 

Top user signup sources for the chosen date range. Opt in and opt out are color coded 

Signups vs Opt Outs

% of Opt Outs and Signups within the chosen parameters 


Opt Out Reason 

Top reasons for user opt out within the chosen filters 

  • API: The user opted out via the unsubscribe page connected to a Hosted Page (most common reason) or via an API call.
  • Unsubscribe-email: The user opted out by clicking the unsubscribe link provided by the ISP and the ISP sends the information by feedback loop.
  • Spam: The user marked the email as spam. When a recipient hits "This is spam" on an ISP that offers this feedback, the users is noted as opt-out (marketing). The status is reported in the Campaign Detail report under Domains.
  • UI: The user's opt-out status was manually updated on the user profile.
  • Update: A bulk update job opted out a mass group of users.
  • Upload: A user was opted out through a list uploaded on the List page.
  • Suspicious Signup: Users that are opted out as part of anti fraud measures.