Email Event Stream Data Sets

The following email-centric data sets are available through Connect. To set up your S3 bucket policy, see the Event Stream S3 Bucket Policy documentation.

Layout of the Data

Email Event Stream is designed so that teams are able to focus more on the analysis and less on the transformation and handling of data. Two types of data are provided as part of the Email Event Stream feature: Email Events, and Lookup Data. Email Events capture granular individual events that an end-user would experience. Each time a message send occurs, an open is tracked, a click is recorded, that data is collated into a file and then sent to your bucket. Events are incremental and uniquely identified. Lookup Data is designed to help you enrich your Event data. Lookup Data will have relevant keys that allow the data to be streamlined, and reduced in size as it gets sent to your bucket. Whether you wish to know more about the Campaign, Template, or Lifecycle Optimizer Flow, you can use the relevant key to enrich your query. Lookup Data is sent as a full refresh, and should be loaded into your system in a way that refers to the latest copy by the /dt.../hr... path. Note that timestamps on event data as well as the the dates in the output S3 path are all in UTC, corresponding to the date of events within the file (dt) or the hour at time of export (hr).

Email Events

Campaign Sends

Target Locations3://[bucket_name]/campaign_send/dt=[dt]/client_id=[id]/[filename].csv
Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC. 

send_timestring2018-01-02 09:24:25This is the send time of the message. The campaign start time can be found in the campaign lookup table. The time is in UTC.
message_idstring15273725.1064Unique identifier for the message unique to the campaign and recipient. In the case of campaign emails this is a combination of the campaign_id and email_num.
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256stringfbc1acf72184b83374e1920a6ee754e030e3c45defd2ce1ac75146c95f491bf3SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.
email_md5string81a1ffc0947e2ca9efadd006c10685caMD5 hash of the recipient's email address.
engagementstringpassiveUser status at the time of send.
signup_timestring2018-03-29 15:33:09Time that the user originally signed up.  Can be used for cohort analysis. The time is in UTC.
campaign_idint15273725Unique identifier for the campaign send. All messages sent as part of the campaign on a particular date will share the same campaign_id. Foreign key to the Campaign lookup data.
list_namestringMon-To-Fri-Daily-Sends(Smart List)The name of the list to which the campaign was sent.
list_idstring5abd071f2e9bba1a861570ccThe unique identifier that corresponds with the list name.
template_idint5259685Unique identifier for the template used in the send if applicable. Foreign key to the template lookup data. Note: A/B split Campaigns will not have a Template ID
subjectstringOctober Monthly Deliverability NewsletterSubject line of the sent message. Note that this field includes the final rendered subject lines if Zephyr personalization is used, and the Campaign Lookup table contains the corresponding non-rendered Zephyr code.

Campaign Opens

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC.

send_timestring2018-01-02 09:24:25This is the send time of the message in UTC. The campaign start time can be found in the campaign lookup table. The time is in UTC.
message_idstring15273725.1064Unique identifier for the message unique to the campaign and recipient. In the case of campaign emails this is a combination of the campaign_id and email_num.
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256stringfbc1acf72184b83374e1920a6ee754e030e3c45defd2ce1ac75146c95f491bf3SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.
email_md5string81a1ffc0947e2ca9efadd006c10685caMD5 hash of the recipient's email address.
engagementstringpassiveUser status at the time of send.  See doc for definitions and configuration options.
signup_timestring2018-01-02 09:24:25Time that the user originally signed up in UTC.  Can be used for cohort analysis. 
campaign_idint15273725Unique identifier for the campaign send. All messages sent as part of the campaign on a particular date will share the same campaign_id. Foreign key to the Campaign lookup data.
list_idstring5abd071f2e9bba1a861570ccThe unique identifier that corresponds with the list name.
browserstringiPhoneDevice/browser used by the recipient.
countint2The open count for the user on that message at the time of the event.  If there are multiple opens this will increment each time. 
ipstring127.255.255.255Can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. The value provided is the address that would log at the edge of our network, as seen when an event comes into our platform for processing.
ip_typestringIPv4Specifies the IP address type observed.
user_agentstringMozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36The value noted is the user agent string data as seen when an event comes into our platform, without any transformation.



False, true

This identifier indicates whether or not an open was done by a machine or human.

True = Human
False = Machine

If false, the open was pre-cached by by Apple MPP. 


Campaign Clicks

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC.

send_timebigint2018-01-02 09:24:25This is the send time of the message. The campaign start time can be found in the campaign lookup table. The time is in UTC.
message_idstring15273725.1064Unique identifier for the message unique to the campaign and recipient. In the case of campaign emails this is a combination of the campaign_id and email_num.
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256stringfbc1acf72184b83374e1920a6ee754e030e3c45defd2ce1ac75146c95f491bf3SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.  Can be used as a unique identifier to the email, and can be used to join other events by the same user.
email_md5string81a1ffc0947e2ca9efadd006c10685caMD5 hash of the recipient's email address. Can be used as a unique identifier to the email, and can be used to join other events by the same user.
engagementstringpassiveUser status at the time of send.  See doc for definitions and configuration options.
signup_timestring2018-01-02 09:24:25Time that the user originally signed up.  Can be used for cohort analysis. The time is in UTC.
campaign_idint15273725Unique identifier for the campaign send. All messages sent as part of the campaign on a particular date will share the same campaign_id. Foreign key to the campaign lookup data.
list_idstring5abd071f2e9bba1a861570ccThe unique identifier that corresponds with the list name.
browserstringiPhoneDevice/browser used by the recipient.
urlstring url of the clicked link.
indexint2The order of the link based on how many times that link appears in the email. The first instance of a link is indexed at 1, the second at 2, and so on. If a link only appears once, it will have an index of 1.
countint2The click count for the user on that message at the time of the event.  If there are multiple clicks this will increment each time. 
url_countint1If the user clicks multiple URLs within the message, this counts unique URLs.
ipstring127.255.255.255Can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. The value provided is the address that would log at the edge of our network, as seen when an event comes into our platform for processing.
ip_typestringIPv4Specifies the IP address type observed.
user_agentstringMozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36The value noted is the user agent string data as seen when an event comes into our platform, without any transformation.



True = Real / False = NHI 

Campaign Bounces

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC.

send_timebigint2018-01-02 09:24:25This is the send time of the message. The campaign start time can be found in the campaign lookup table. The time is in UTC.
message_idstring15273725.1064Unique identifier for the message unique to the campaign and recipient. In the case of campaign emails this is a combination of the campaign_id and email_num.
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256stringfbc1acf72184b83374e1920a6ee754e030e3c45defd2ce1ac75146c95f491bf3SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.
email_md5string81a1ffc0947e2ca9efadd006c10685caMD5 hash of the recipient's email address.
engagementstringpassiveUser status at the time of send.  See doc for definitions and configuration options.
signup_timestring2018-01-02 09:24:25Time that the user originally signed up.  Can be used for cohort analysis. The time is in UTC.
campaign_idint15273725Unique identifier for the campaign. This is a foreign key to the campaign lookup table.
list_idstring5abd071f2e9bba1a861570ccThe unique identifier that corresponds with the list name.
reason_logstring4.2.2 (mailbox full) smtp;450 4.2.2 <>: user is overquotaExplains the reason for the bounce.
message_typestringhardbounceType includes softbounce or hardbounce.

Campaign Unsubscribes

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC.

send_timestring2018-01-02 09:24:25This is the send time of the message. The campaign start time can be found in the campaign lookup table. The time is in UTC.
message_idstring15273725.1064Unique identifier for the message unique to the campaign and recipient. In the case of campaign emails this is a combination of the campaign_id and email_num.
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256stringfbc1acf72184b83374e1920a6ee754e030e3c45defd2 ce1ac75146c95f491bf3SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.
email_md5string81a1ffc0947e2ca9efadd006c10685caMD5 hash of the recipient's email address.
engagementstringpassiveUser status at the time of send.
signup_timestring2018-01-02 09:24:25Time that the user originally signed up.  Can be used for cohort analysis. The time is in UTC.
campaign_idint15273725Unique identifier for the campaign. This is a foreign key to the campaign lookup table.
list_idstring5abd071f2e9bba1a861570ccThe unique identifier that corresponds with the list name.
message_typestringunsubscribe_hostedpageType describes how a user unsubscribed: unsubscribe_hostedpage- user directly requested to unsubscribe through a page hosted by the system
unsubscribe- user requested to unsubscribe through their email provider
spam- user marked the email as spam

Triggered Sends

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC.

send_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Email send time represented in the following UTC format YYYY-MM-DD HR:MI:SS
message_idstring5db2165b9c625f28504758d3Unique identifier for the message. 
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256string6b3918d4492bcb86d2e81b126ca466888c7e40e0f5acc 1c88277bf7c59757349SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.
email_md5stringfa2ae4e9af4986e483d006a036783691MD5 hash of the recipient's email address.
engagementstringactiveUser status at the time of send.
signup_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Time that the user originally signed up in UTC.  Can be used for cohort analysis. The time is in UTC.
template_idint5259685Unique identifier for the template used in the send if applicable. Foreign key to the template lookup data.
is_basicbooleanTrueWhether the template is classified as a basic / transactional template.  
flow_idstring79c15585-ee58-4ca2-8f3f-7ec4d1a2d831Unique identifier for the LO flow that triggered this send. Foreign key to the lifecycle_optimizer_flow lookup data.

Triggered Opens

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC.

send_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Email send time in UTC
message_idstring5db2165b9c625f28504758d3Unique identifier for the message. 
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256string6b3918d4492bcb86d2e81b126ca466888c7e40e0f5a cc1c88277bf7c59757349SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.
email_md5stringfa2ae4e9af4986e483d006a036783691MD5 hash of the recipient's email address.
engagementstringactiveUser status at the time of send.
signup_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Time that the user originally signed up in UTC.  Can be used for cohort analysis. The time is in UTC.
template_idint5259685Unique identifier for the template used in the send if applicable. Foreign key to the template lookup data.
is_basicbooleanTrueWhether the template is classified as a basic / transactional template.  
flow_idstring79c15585-ee58-4ca2-8f3f-7ec4d1a2d831Unique identifier for the LO flow that triggered this send. Foreign key to the lifecycle_optimizer_flow lookup data.
browserstringiPhoneDevice/browser used by the recipient.
countint2The open count for the user on that message at the time of the event.  If there are multiple opens this will increment each time. 
ipstring127.255.255.255Can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. The value provided is the address that the system would log at the edge of our network, as seen when an event comes into our platform for processing.
ip_typestringIPv4Specifies the IP address type observed.
user_agentstringMozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36The value noted is the user agent string data as seen when an event comes into our platform, without any transformation.



False, true

This identifier indicates whether or not an open was done by a machine or human.

True = Human
False = Machine

If false, the open was pre-cached by by Apple MPP. 


Triggered Clicks

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC.

send_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Email send time in UTC
message_idstring5db2165b9c625f28504758d3Unique identifier for the message. 
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256string6b3918d4492bcb86d2e81b126ca466888c7e40e0f5a cc1c88277bf7c59757349SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.
email_md5stringfa2ae4e9af4986e483d006a036783691MD5 hash of the recipient's email address.
engagementstringactiveUser status at the time of send.
signup_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Time that the user originally signed up in UTC.  Can be used for cohort analysis. The time is in UTC.
template_idint5259685Unique identifier for the template used in the send if applicable. Foreign key to the template lookup data.
is_basicbooleanTrueWhether the template is classified as a basic / transactional template.  
flow_idstring79c15585-ee58-4ca2-8f3f-7ec4d1a2d831Unique identifier for the LO flow that triggered this send. Foreign key to the lifecycle_optimizer_flow lookup data.
browserstringiPhoneDevice/browser used by the recipient.
urlstring url of the clicked link.
indexint2The order of the link based on how many times that link appears in the email. The first instance of a link is indexed at 1, the second at 2, and so on. If a link only appears once, it will have an index of 1.
countint2The click count for the user on that message at the time of the event.  If there are multiple clicks this will increment each time. 
url_countint1If the user clicks multiple URLs within the message, this counts unique URLs.
ipstring127.255.255.255Can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. The value provided is the address that the system would log at the edge of our network, as seen when an event comes into our platform for processing.
ip_typestringIPv4Specifies the IP address type observed.
user_agentstringMozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36The value noted is the user agent string data as seen when an event comes into our platform, without any transformation.



True = Real / False = NHI 

Triggered Bounces

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC.

send_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Email send time in UTC
message_idstring5db2165b9c625f28504758d3Unique identifier for the message. 
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256string6b3918d4492bcb86d2e81b126ca466888c7e40e0f5acc1c88277bf7c59757349SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.
email_md5stringfa2ae4e9af4986e483d006a036783691MD5 hash of the recipient's email address.
engagementstringactiveUser status at the time of send.
signup_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Time that the user originally signed up in UTC.  Can be used for cohort analysis. The time is in UTC.
template_idint5259685Unique identifier for the template used in the send if applicable. Foreign key to the template lookup data.
is_basicbooleanTrueWhether the template is classified as a basic / transactional template.  
reason_logstring4.2.2 (mailbox full) smtp;450 4.2.2 <>: user is overquotaExplains the reason for the bounce
message_typestringhardbounceType includes softbounce or hardbounce

Triggered Unsubscribes

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup data. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup data.




A uuid7 string that represents a unique event




A timestamp string with millisecond level precision (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS..SSS)
The time is in UTC.

send_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Email send time in UTC
message_idstring5db2165b9c625f28504758d3Unique identifier for the message. 
profile_idstring597fa1d224c17c309b02400Unique identifier for the user profile of the message recipient.
email_sha256string6b3918d4492bcb86d2e81b126ca466888c7e40e0f5a cc1c88277bf7c59757349SHA-256 hash of the recipient's email address.
email_md5stringfa2ae4e9af4986e483d006a036783691MD5 hash of the recipient's email address.
engagementstringactiveUser status at the time of send.
signup_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Time that the user originally signed up in UTC.  Can be used for cohort analysis. The time is in UTC.
template_idint5259685Unique identifier for the template used in the send if applicable. Foreign key to the template lookup data.
is_basicbooleanTrueWhether the template is classified as a basic / transactional template.  
message_typestringunsubscribe_hostedpageType describes how a user unsubscribed:
unsubscribe_hostedpage- user directly requested to unsubscribe through a hosted page
unsubscribe- user requested to unsubscribe through their email provider
spam- user marked the email as spam

Lookup Tables


Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the account_id field.
account_idint1The client_id of the parent account. If this client is the parent account the account_id will be the same as the client_id.
namestringTestingThe name of the client account.


Table NameCampaign
Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup table. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup table.
campaign_idint15273725Unique identifier for the campaign send. All messages sent as part of the campaign on a particular date will share the same campaign_id.
namestring12/6/18 Customer blog sendUser defined campaign name
from_namestringSailthruThe name displayed as the sender
from_emailstringexample@sailthru.comThe email address displayed as the sender
replyto_emailstringsupport@sailthru.comThe email address replies are sent to
subjectstringGet Ready for Green Monday with These 4 Best PracticesThe subject line for the campaign. If Zephyr is used in the subject line this will include the unresolved Zephyr code.
list_namestringsailthru_blog_updatesThe list to which the campaign was sent.
data_feed_urlstring of the data feed used to power dynamic content in the campaign (if applicable).
preheaderstringMarketing best practicesThe preheader text that shows up with the subject line (only available for templates created through Email Composer).
template_idint5259685Unique identifier for the template used in the campaign (if applicable). Foreign key to the template lookup table. Note: A/B Split Campaigns will not have a template ID in the template_id column.
schedule_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Scheduled send time represented as a unix timestamp in UTC time with milliseconds.
report_emailstringexample@sailthru.comEmail address to which the confirmation report is sent once the campaign sends complete.
suppress_liststring[ "Old/Dormant Mkto Blog Users", "Marketo Suppression", "sailthru_blog_updates" ]Listing of email list(s) used as suppression lists for the campaign.
email_hour_rangeint6The length in hours of the sent time range when Personalized Send Time (PST) is used.
create_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Time of campaign creation represented as a unix timestamp in UTC time with milliseconds.
start_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25Campaign send start time represented as a unix timestamp in UTC time with milliseconds.
abtest_idUUID60c21795a1a5332aff168c2fThe unique identifier for an A/B test, will be common across multiple campaigns.
abtest_segmentstringAThe "leg" of the A/B test, can be the letters A, B, through E, or final.
abtest_percentint50A value between 0 and 100 percent that refers to the proportion of sends allocated to the segment.
label_idsarray"[5d1640fb6feb44bdb50c72bc, 5d83ab476feb44bdb55fda0d, 5d88e22f6feb44bdb57399fe]"The unique identifier(s) which tie a Campaign to a Label. Note that a user in the UI is allowed to to associate a Label directly to a Campaign. This is independent of the Template-to-Label association.


Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup table. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup table.
template_idint5241784Unique identifier for the template.
namestringAbandoned CartUser defined name for the template.
create_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25The time the template was created represented as a unix timestamp in UTC time with milliseconds.
modify_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2018-01-02 09:24:25The last time the template was modified represented as a unix timestamp in UTC time with milliseconds.
create_userstringexample@sailthru.comThe email address of the user that created the template.
modify_userstringexample@sailthru.comThe email address of the last user to modify the template.
from_namestringSailthruThe name displayed as the sender
from_emailstringexample@sailthru.comThe email address displayed as the sender
replyto_emailstringsupport@sailthru.comThe email address replies are sent to
subjectstringGet Ready for Green Monday with These 4 Best PracticesThe subject line for the template. If Zephyr is used in the subject line this will include the unresolved Zephyr code.
preheaderstringMarketing best practicesThe preheader text that shows up with the subject line (only available for templates created through Email Composer).
is_basicbooleanfalseIndicator of whether the template is a basic template. Basic templates are non-marketing transactional emails, such as password reset messages.
data_feed_urlstring of the data feed used to power dynamic content (if applicable).
label_idsarray"[5cdc25636feb44bdb5e1b949, 5d83ab476feb44bdb55fda0e, 5ea1b364f68d5e34b4cd5e38]"The unique identifier(s) which associate a Template to a Label. Note that a user in the UI is allowed to associate a Label directly to a Template. This is independent of the Campaign-to-Label association.

Lifecycle Optimizer Flow

Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
flow_idstring4320f1ef-ebe4-4d65-86ba-484d26dc02a7Unique identifier for the Lifecycle Optimizer (LO) flow.
namestringInternal DHC Proposed ChangesUser defined name for the LO flow.
create_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2017-02-09 23:17:24The time the LO flow was created represented in UTC.
modify_timestring (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)2017-02-09 23:22:24The time the LO flow was modified represented in UTC.
versionstring3The most recent version of the flow.
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup table. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup table.


Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup table. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup table.
label_idObjectID60c21795a1a5332aff168c2fThe unique identifier for a label. Can be used to join either from the Campaign lookup table or Template lookup table for the corresponding "name" value.
namestringBRAND X NLThe value of the Label that is displayed in the UI.

Campaign AB Test

Target Locations3://[bucket_name]/campaign_abtest/dt=[dt]/hr=[hr]/client_id=[id]/[filename].csv
Field NameData TypeExampleDescription
client_idint3386Client identifier. Foreign key to the Client lookup table. If the client has multiple accounts, this will be the child account which can be linked to the parent account through the lookup table.
abtest_idUUID60c21795a1a5332aff168c2fThe unique identifier for an A/B test, will be common across multiple campaign sends. Can be used to join to the Campaign lookup table.
abtest_typestringsplit, finalThe type of A/B test to be run.
abtest_fieldsstring"[from_name, subject]"The fields where changes are being tested in a given variation in the abtest. 
abtest_final_idint18690717The campaign id of the final segment that was eventually sent to users.
abtest_winner_metricstringclickThe metric to determine which segment of the ab test should be sent to the final leg. Values are present only for autowinner types of AB tests.
abtest_winner_idint18557303The id of the campaign which was copied from, for final send. Only filled in for winner or autowinner types.