Data Exporter Data Sets

The following files are exported by Data Exporter. For one-time historical exports, filenames will not contain the date.


Filename & Description


User Profiles


For one-time historical exports, this includes all profiles. For daily 'update' exports, this includes all user profiles that had a material event since midnight (Eastern Time) of the previous day.

Material events include opens, clicks, pageviews, logins, purchases, natural list membership changes, optouts, bounce status changes, and var set. Note: By default, material events are included in your export including opens, clicks, pageviews, logins, purchases, natural list membership changes, and optouts. Material events such as bounce status changes and var sets are not included by default. Contact your CSM to request adjustments to the material events that will include pertinent profiles in your export.




Contains basic information about the campaigns that were sent on the previous day.


Campaign Messages


Contains metadata about all campaign messages sent on the previous day. These represent the individual emails that were sent to end users and some basic stats about what was done with each message.


Updated Campaign Messages


Contains metadata about all campaign messages sent in the past 7 days that have had any activity: an open, a click, revenue attributed, or an opt-out. Data field names match those included in "message_blast".

Provided only with daily exports, not one-time historical exports.


Triggered Messages


Contains metadata about triggered messages. These represent individual emails that were sent to end users, along with some basic statistics about actions taken on them.


Updated Triggered Messages


Contains metadata about all triggered messages sent in the past 7 days that have had any activity: an open, a click, revenue attributed, or an opt-out. Data field names match those included in "message_transactional".

Provided only with daily exports, not one-time historical exports.


This table identifies the key values that join each dataset together.










Field Reference

Note: Fields that have no value for a given export will not be included in the output file. Date/time fields conform to the ISO 8601 standard and are in UTC.

Identifying Unique Sends

Email sends are classified as one of two types. One type is Campaign sends (also referred to as a 'blast') and its associated metadata. The other type is Triggered sends (also referred to as 'transactional'). A unique send (that is, the way to identify a single email message sent to a single email address) is different depending on the email send type. Campaign sends are uniquely identified by the concatenation of the blast_id and the message_id, given the data in Data Exporter output where the files include the word "blast". Triggered sends are uniquely identified by their "id", given the data in Data Exporter output where the files include the word "transactional".

User Profiles

Note: There are several fields marked as Derived Values in the following table. These values will not be present in the exported data, but can be derived from it. Each derived value will note the data you can use to find it. For example, the Largest Purchase Item Price can be found in the purchase[] array in your exported data.


idUser profile identifier, use as a key with profile_id in Event Stream schema
emailUser email address
extidExternal identifier optionally passed by a customer into the systems
create_dateProfile create date
signup_timeSignup date for first list
lists_signup {}Array of lists (Natural Lists) that the user is signed up for.
lists_remove {}Array of names of lists for which the user was previously a member but has since been removed
login_timeTime the user logged in.
bounce_timeThe last time a profile bounced.
bounce_messageThe bounce message from when the profile bounced.
bounce_statusThe profile's current bounce status. If this is null, then the profile is not bounced.
varsAn array of all profile vars associated to the user.
var_timeThe last time a profile's var was changed.
horizonFor each tag, the aggregate number of times interest was recorded for that tag. Only included in historical exports.
horizon_monthCount of interests on a tag for that month. For daily exports, contains the current month's data. For historical exports, contains monthly data for at least 60 days.
horizon_timesEvery instance of recorded tag interest with its associated timestamp. Only provided in daily exports, not in historical exports.
total_opensTotal number of open emails (campaign, triggered)
total_clicksTotal number of email clicks (campaign, triggered)
total_unique_opensTotal number of unique email opens, so opening the same email multiple times only counts as a single open
total_unique_clicksTotal number of unique clicks, so clicking from the same email multiple times only counts as a single click
total_pageviewsTotal number of site pageviews
last_openDate the user last opened an email
last_clickDate the user last clicked an email
last_pageviewDate the user last viewed a page on your site
optout_typeOptout status of the user. If the value does not exist or is null, the user is opted in (i.e. has not opted out of any messaging). Other statuses may be all, blast, or basic. For definitions, see User Opt-Out Levels.
optout_timeTime user opted out
optout_reasonOnly set for some hosted email applications when the user clicks the Spam or Unsubscribe link (if you have set up Opt-out Reasons in your settings).
  • Unsubscribe-email: The user clicked the unsubscribe link provided by their ISP and the ISP sent the information back.
  • Update: A bulk update job opted out a mass group of users, or the user clicked the Spam button provided by Yahoo.
  • Spam: The user clicked the Spam button provided by other email applications.
  • API: The user clicked an Unsubscribe link on a Hosted Page.
geo.count {}The total number of instances of geo location {}Geo object of the cities the user has been identified to be located in and number of instances that the city was recorded for the user
geo.state {}Geo object of the states the user has been identified to be located in and number of instances that the state was recorded for the user {}Geo object of the countries the user has been identified to be located in and number of instances that the country was recorded for the user {}Geo object of the ZIP codes the user has been identified to be located in and number of instances that the zip was recorded for the user
total_messagesTotal number of email messages a user has received, both campaign and triggered
first_purchase_timeDate/time of a user's first purchase
purchase_countTotal number of purchases a user has made
total_revenueMonetary value of all purchases by the user
purchase_incomplete {}Abandoned cart items
purchase_timeDate/time of a user's last purchase
purchase []Array of all purchases and purchased items by a user
browser {}Object displaying browsers used, with a count of instances for eachDevice or browser recorded upon each email link click. If accessed via desktop, the browser is logged (e.g. chrome). Phones/tablets are logged, if used, and named accordingly.
app_idThe app identifier
device_idDisplays every device that has installed a specific mobile app.
platformDisplays the Operating System (OS); iOS,android
push_statusCurrent notification status:, enabled, disabled, quiet
Derived Values - These fields are not present in the export but can be derived from the exported data. Each derived value will note the exported value you can use to find it.
EngagementDerived engagement value based on rules.

For an explanation of each of these engagement levels, see User Engagement Levels.
Largest Purchase Item PriceCan be found in the purchase array
Top DeviceDerived from browser data
Email StatusDerived value, if optout == "all", status Optout (All), otherwise, valid
optout_templatesTemplates from which the user opted out. Derived from optout_time on the message and template






Newsletter name


The template used in the campaign


List of users this campaign was sent to


Date newsletter sent


The blast ID. can be used to map the message to the campaign (joined from message.blast by blast id)


An object containing all of the querystring parameters added to the message

Campaign Messages

<client_id>_message_blast<.YYYYMMDD>.json.gz & <client_id>_message_blast_updated<.YYYYMMDD>.json.gz

Field Description
profile_id ID of message recipient
send_time Send time of the email
blast_id ID of the campaign. May be used in the blast API. Maps to the id value in the blast export.
opens [] An array of the email opens and open times
opens.ts Timestamp of each email open. Multiple ts values may be present, one for each open.
open_time Timestamp of the first open for this message. Matches the first opens.ts value (and the only opens.ts value, if only one is present).
clicks [] An array of in-email link-click data, including associated URLs and times.
clicks.ts Timestamp of each link click. Multiple ts values may be present, one for each click.
clicks.url URL of the link clicked. multiple URL may be present in the array, representing each click, with the potential for multiple clicks of the same URL (reflected as multiple instances of the same URL).
click_time Timestamp of the first link click for this message. Matches the first clicks.ts value (and the only clicks.ts value, if only one is present).
message_id For the given blast, a unique ID for the message sent to the specific user.
message_revenue Revenue attributed to the email based on the message_id sent with a Purchase API call
device Device which opened / viewed the message
delivery_status Softbounce, hardbounce, or delivered. A delivery_status of "missing" or "null" means the message was delivered.
optout_time Time user opt-ed out from this list / messaging


This identifier indicates whether or not an open was done by a machine or human.

True = Human
False = Machine

If false, the open waspre-cached by by Apple MPP. 


True = Real / False = NHI

Derived Values - These fields are not present in the export but can be derived from the exported data. Each derived value will note the exported value you can use to find it.
purchases - Sent on profile - Can use profile id and message date + purchase date to arrive at same data - Purchases outside the 24hrs + till export time will not be sent with this approach
purchase time Date/time of purchase

Triggered Messages

<client_id>_message_transactional<.YYYYMMDD>.json.gz & <client_id>_message_transactional_updated<.YYYYMMDD>.json.gz

Field Description
send_time Time message was sent
profile_id Unique identifier of the email recipient
opens [] An array of the email opens and open times
opens.ts Timestamp of each email open. Multiple ts values may be present, one for each open.
open_time Timestamp of the first open for this message. Matches the first opens.ts value (and the only opens.ts value, if only one is present).
clicks [] An array of in-email link-click data, including associated URLs and times.
clicks.ts Timestamp of each link click. Multiple ts values may be present, one for each click.
clicks.url URL of the link clicked. multiple URL may be present in the array, representing each click, with the potential for multiple clicks of the same URL (reflected as multiple instances of the same URL).
click_time Timestamp of the first link click for this message. Matches the first clicks.ts value (and the only clicks.ts value, if only one is present).
message_revenue Revenue attributed to this message based on the message_id sent with a Purchase API call
device Device used to open message
delivery_status Softbounce, hardbounce, or delivered A delivery_status of "missing" or "null" means the message was delivered.
template Message template sent
optout_time Time user opted out of messaging attributed to this email
link_params An object containing all of the querystring parameters added to the message


This identifier indicates whether or not an open was done by a machine or human.

True = Human
False = Machine

If false, the open waspre-cached by by Apple MPP. 


True = Real / False = NHI

Derived Values - These fields are not present in the export but can be derived from the exported data. Each derived value will note the exported value you can use to find it.
purchases - Sent on profile - Can use profile id and message date + purchase date to arrive at same data - Purchases outside the 24hrs + till export time will not be sent with this approach
purchase time Date/time of purchase