User Opt-Out Levels

Opt-out levels are user-selected preferences. There are two opt-out levels provided:

  • Opting out of marketing emails.
  • Opting out of all email you send.

CAN-SPAM requires you to tell subscribers how to opt out of receiving future marketing or commercial messages from the sender. Engage by Sailthru helps you implement this by requiring your commercial messages to include a link to a single opt-out page.

Opt out of marketing emails


  • Opts users out of receiving any marketing emails. If a user is opted out using this option, their User Profile will show their status as Optout (Marketing).
  • Email templates you have given a Transactional status, like password resets, shipping confirmations, and purchase receipts, are still sent.
    • You must designate which templates are Transactional for them to be sent. You can do this from each HTML template's Template Editor main menu. Use the General tab in the Settings Editor to mark visual templates Transactional.
  • From July 2018, this is the default status when a user marks your email as spam from within an email client (i.e. yahoo, hotmail,

Opt out with the API

To opt a user out with the API, use the user API endpoint while creating a user or the update API endpoint while updating one or more users.

Opt out of all emails

  • Opts the user out of all emails, regardless of type. This includes messages like password reset and order confirmation emails. If a user is opted out using this option, their User Profile will show their status as Optout (All).
  • Prior to July 2018, this was the default status when a user marked your email as spam from an email client.

Opt out with the API

To opt a user out with the API, use the user API endpoint while creating a user or the update API endpoint while updating one or more users.

Opt-out Management

Engage by Sailthru helps you manage your opt outs by creating a default opt-out page for you with each account.

The opt-out of all marketing or commercial email option is required on any opt-out page. Edit your opt-out page to create a full user preferences center where your users can:

  • Opt out of marketing or commercial email, except for transactional email (required)
  • Opt out of individual lists or mailings
  • Opt out of all specified lists or mailings
  • Opt out of receiving any email at all, including transactional email

These options can be offered in addition to each other, not exclusive of each other. A user might choose to opt out of receiving marketing or commercial emails, but also opt out of a specific list or mailing. Or a user might want to opt out of receiving any email at all. For in-depth information on building a user preference center, see the Build a User Management Page for Subscription Preferences and Opt-Outs documentation.