Lists Report
View all your primary lists, with a breakdown by engagement level—Engaged, Passive, Active, Disengaged, Dormant, Hard Bounce or Optout.
You can also use the icons under the Report column for any list:
- To view the List Ledger Report, click
- To view a Snapshot Report of the list, click
Lists Report Analytics Glossary
Name |
Description |
List |
The list name. |
Total |
Total number of users on the list Including opted out and hardbounced users |
Valid |
Total number of users on the list who have any engagement status other than Hard Bounce or Optout, and the percentage of the list constituted by those users. |
Live |
Total number of Engaged, Active and Passive users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users. |
Engaged |
Total number of engaged users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users. |
Passive |
Total number of passive users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users. |
Active |
Total number of active users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users. |
Disengaged |
Total number of disengaged users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users. |
Dormant |
Total number of dormant users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users. |
Hard Bounce |
Total number of hard bounced users on this list and the percentage those encompass. |
Optout |
Total number of opted out users on this list and the percentage those encompass. |
Avg Lists |
The average number of Primary Lists on which users of this list appear. |
Report |
The List Ledger Report icon |
The Snapshot Report icon |