Lists Report

View all your primary lists, with a breakdown by engagement levelEngaged, Passive, Active, Disengaged, Dormant, Hard Bounce or Optout.

You can also use the icons under the Report column for any list:

  • To view the List Ledger Report, click .
  • To view a Snapshot Report of the list, click  .

Lists Report Analytics Glossary




The list name.


Total number of users on the list

Including opted out and hardbounced users


Total number of users on the list who have any engagement status other than Hard Bounce or Optout, and the percentage of the list constituted by those users.


Total number of Engaged, Active and Passive users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users.


Total number of engaged users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users.


Total number of passive users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users.


Total number of active users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users.


Total number of disengaged users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users.


Total number of dormant users on the list and the percentage of the list constituted by those users.

Hard Bounce

Total number of hard bounced users on this list and the percentage those encompass.


Total number of opted out users on this list and the percentage those encompass.

Avg Lists

The average number of Primary Lists on which users of this list appear.


The List Ledger Report icon   for the list.

The Snapshot Report icon  for the list.