job – Update

Perform a bulk update of any number of user profiles. Use this to generate a list for any user matching a query, opt out a large list of email addresses, add a variable to a group of users, and more.

If an email address does not currently exist, a new user profile will be created.

Jobs are asynchronous: depending on their size, they may take minutes or hours to run. Using a job POST call returns a job_id. Using a job_id in a GET call, you can request the status of the posted job. In your POST call, you can also include a report email address and/or an API postback URL to be notified when the job is complete. update job.


  • The update postback does not trigger from the bulk update job, only from a user management page.
  • Best when updating a large number of profiles, such as updating optout preferences or variables
  • Supports JSON files
  • The update job processes more slowly than the import job
  • If you want to apply the same update to all of the users specified, you should pass the update parameter.
  • You must pass one of the required parameters, but not more than one: emails, url, file, or query

Endpoint URL:<span style="color: #333399;">job</span>

You'll specify update as the job parameter. Each job requires and supports its own set of additional parameters. In addition, there are two optional parameters for receiving job POST call results:

  • report_email - An email address to receive job-completion results. It is recommended that you include this with all requests, and consider using an alias for a group/distribution list that would alert multiple users within your company to any issues or errors.
  • postback_url - A URL that receives job-completion results (i.e. the same data from a job GET call), with two additional parameters that are provided by Engage by Sailthru - your api_key and the unique  sig for the request, so that it can be optionally verified as a legitimate request.

How it Works

When you submit a POST to the job API, you are making a request for a job to be undertaken. These jobs are not instantaneous and are submitted to a job queue for processing. Thus, the response from a job POST will usually contain an initial status of "pending" along with a job_id and an automatically generated name for the job.

    "job_id" : "582e31cd3c8aa9d6278b4567",
    "name" : "List Import: empty list",
    "status" : "pending"

You can use the GET call (see below) to obtain an update on the status, as shown below in the example response. If the job has not yet commenced execution, the status will still be listed as "pending".  A job that begun execution is show with a "running" status, and a completed job is shown as "completed". For example:

   "_id" : ObjectId('4fc7f24a6a44a14b0b0001f1'),
   "class" : "Sail_Job_ListErase",
   "client_id" : 3386,
   "create_time" : new Date('Thu, May 31 2016, 6:35 pm EDT'),
   "create_user" : "",
   "job_id" : null,
   "list" : "Sample List",
   "postback_url" : null,
   "queue_time" : new Date('Thu, May 31 2016, 6:35 pm EDT'),
   "remove_count" : 1,
   "report_email" : null,
   "start_time" : new Date('Thu, May 31 2016, 6:36 pm EDT'),
   "stop_time" : new Date('Thu, May 31 2016, 6:36 pm EDT'),
   "time" : 0,
   "status" : "completed"
For export jobs, this completed response will include a filename parameter and an export_url that you can use to retrieve the requested CSV file. If a job terminates without successful completion it will have the status "incomplete".

Due to this behavior, the responses documented on this page will be those containing the subsequent completed status, not the immediately returned pending status.

Note: In rare cases, an update job may encounter an issue that causes it to pause, restart, and begin processing from the start. As a result, updates may be applied to a user profile more than once depending on the point the issue occurred. If you are using update jobs to trigger entry into LO flows, please ensure that your LO Flow re-entry settings are configured with this in mind. For more information on configuring Flow re-entry, click here.

Universal Job Parameters

GET Mode

Required Parameters

job_idA job's unique identification

Response Parameters

statusA job's status: completed, pending, or error
nameA job's name
start_timeA job's start date and time; this field may not be available if job has not started
end_timeA job's end date and time; this field will not be available if job is not completed


Required Parameters

jobJob type. (See Job Parameter Value table.)

Optional Parameters

report_emailEmail that receives a short report upon job completion
postback_urlA URL that receives a job-completion results (i.e. the same data from a job GET call), with two additional parameters: api_key and sig, so that the request can be optionally verified as a legitimate request


Required for joburlURL to pull data from
  • If you are using the url or file parameters, then you are pulling data from a url or file. There are two different formats you can use:
    • Simple - Email address per line. This lets you perform the same update on a list of users.
    • JSON - JSON object per line. This lets you specify individual updates on a per-user basis. Each line should contain a JSON object with the email element to identify the user, and any optional parameters: vars, lists, or optout.
Example call Example JSON file
Required for jobfileFile data to upload
  • The maximum upload file size is 1 GB
  • If you are using the url or file parameters, then you are pulling data from a url or file. There are two different formats you can use:
    • Simple - Email address per line. This lets you perform the same update on a list of users.
    • JSON - JSON object per line. This lets you specify individual updates on a per-user basis. Each line should contain a JSON object with the email element to identify the user, and any optional parameters: vars, lists, or optout.
Required for jobqueryA query or search Queries In The APIExample
Optional for jobupdate[vars]The key/value hash of vars to setExample
Optional for jobupdate[lists]The key/value hash of lists to subscribe or unsubscribe to. 1 means subscribe, and 0 means unsubscribe.Example
Optional for jobupdate[optout]Updates a user's optout level
  • Valid optout values:
    • all - Opts users out of all communications
    • basic - Opts the user out of all communications except templates marked as "basic"
    • none - Opts the user back in
Optional for jobupdate[delete_vars]An array of vars to delete from user profiles
  • This process is irreversible, so proceed with caution
Optional for jobsignup_dateUse JSON to update users or a user's signup_date. Can also be passed along with these optional parameters: vars, lists or optout.Example

update Examples

url Required

Required For updateurl
See also: Bulk update JSON file example.

JSON Example

Optional For updateN/A
Example content of JSON file for bulk update, sent with an update call or referenced by URL:
{"id":"", "keys":{"extid":"12"}, "fields":{"keys":1}, "vars":{"updated":"yes"}, "lists":{"Update List":1}}
{"id":"", "keys":{"extid":"13"}, "fields":{"keys":1}, "lists":{"Update List":0}}
{"id":"", "keys":{"extid":"14"}, "fields":{"keys":1}, "optout":"all"}
{"id":"", "signup_date":"1987-08-01"}
Object 1: Adding a key, adding a var, adding to a list Object 2: Adding a key, removing from a list Object 3: Adding a key, setting status to optout all Object 4: Setting custom signup date Click here to view the same content in an easier-viewed but unsupported format.
   "lists":{"Update List":1}
   "lists":{"Update List":0}

query Required

Required For updatequery

vars Optional

Optional For updateupdate[vars]
            "name":"Joe One",
            "company":"Example Company"        }

lists Optional

Optional For updateupdate[lists]

optout Optional

Optional For updateupdate[optout]

deletevars Optional

Optional For updateupdate[delete_vars]
            "source_list":"Main"        },
                    "company"                ]


signup_date Optional

Optional For updatesignup_date
{"email":"", "signup_date":"Jan 18, 2013"}

Use Cases

Add Users to a New List

This adds all the users on the list "Main" to a new list called "Main-copy."

Add Users to a List using a URL File (in PHP)

$report_email = "";
$url = "";
$client->processUpdateJobFromUrl($url, array("lists"=>array("listnamegoeshere"=>1)), $report_email ,  false)

Bulk Update Optout Status for a List


Query Users and Add Segment to a New List

This query checks for users on the list "Main" that have an engagement level of at least 5, and then adds those users to a new list called "Main-copy."

Query Users on Multiple Lists and Add Segment to a New List

{"job":"update","report_email":"","query":{"source_list":".multiple","multiple_source_list":["Main","Another List"],"criteria:["engagement_min"],"engagement":[5]},"update":{"lists":{"My Copy":1}}}
This query checks for users on the lists "Main" and "Another List" that have an engagement level of at least 5, and then adds those users to a new list called "My Copy."

Set Vars on a Group of Users

Find all users on the list Main who have an email address at and who open email more than 50% of the time in the state of NY. Add a var to those users called "is_example" and set the value as true.

Example in JSON:

   "value":["","NY US"],

Third-Party Opt-out

You are working with a third party that is able to get you occasional exports of email addresses that need to be opted out. Take the list of third party email addresses and turn them into a new line-separated list of emails, then put them on a private URL and:

$sailthru->apiPost('job', array(
  'job' => 'update',
  'url' => 'https://path/to/emails',
  'update' => array('optout' => 'blast'),

Or POST directly as a file:

$sailthru->apiPost('job', array(
  'job' => 'update',
  'update' => array('optout' => 'blast'),
), array(
  'file' => '/path/to/emails',

Regular List Cleaning

You want to automatically remove disengaged users from your main  list and move them onto a disengaged  list. (You could achieve a similar effect by just using Smart Lists, but let's assume for some reason you need to use normal lists.)

$sailthru->apiPost('job', array(
  'job' => 'update',
  'query' => array('source_list' => 'main',
                   'criteria' => array('engagement_max'),
                   'engagement' => array(2)),
  'update' => array('lists' => array('main' => 0, 'disengaged' => 1)),

Multiple Source Lists

You can query multiple lists at the same time. Use multiple source lists within the JOB call, 'update' type. For example:

("job",{"job"=>"update","report_email"=>"","query"=>{"source_list"=>".multiple", "multiple_source_list" => ["listname1","listname2"]}, "update"=>{"name of merged list" => 1}})

General JSON File Requirements

Each job that requires a JSON file shares some general file requirements. See the specific jobs for all the file requirements.

  • The file must be a text file, a UTF-8 text file, or a CSV file
  • One JSON object per line
  • The maximum upload size is 1GB

Error Codes

JobHTTP CodeError CodeError MessageNotes
update40099One of the following parameters is required: emails, url, file, or query
update40099List name: {LIST_NAME} failed validation
update40099List name cannot contain a $ character
update40099Invalid URL:
updateWhen using a file, same errors applies as import job
40099Invalid JSON provided