
The send call is intended for sending triggered messages using a specified template to a specified user. You can also retrieve information on a sent or scheduled transactional.

For campaign (mass-message) sending, you should exclusively use the blast API instead, or the blast_repeat API for recurring campaigns. This will ensure proper deliverability and efficiency, and enable campaign-specific features. Note that triggered sends can also be sent as a result of Purchase API calls (for example, purchase receipts or abandoned cart reminders) or via triggers that are set in response to user actions on previous triggered sends. 

Endpoint URL:

GET Triggered Send

Retrieve all information about a specific triggered send.

Get by send_id

Example Call:

  "send_id" : "WBo2fryq0sw9qI93"}


Example Response:

  "status" : "delivered",
  "send_key" : null,
  "view_url" : "",
  "text_url" : "",
  "send_id" : "WBokwLyq0jgtqI94",
  "template" : "Confirmed Opt-In",
  "send_time" : "Wed, 02 Nov 2016 13:39:12 -0400",
  "email" : ""}

Required Parameters

Parameter Description Example
send_id The unique identifier of the send TE8EZ3-LmosnAgAA

Response Parameters

Field Description Example
send_id The unique identifier of the send TE8EZ3-LmosnAgAA
email The destination email address
template The name of the template used in the send test-template
status The delivery status of the send - either unknownscheduledsoftbouncehardbounce, or delivered delivered
data_feed_url Data feed used in the campaign
send_time The time the message was sent. Present only if the message was sent. Tue, 27 Jul 2010 12:12:21 -0400
schedule_time The time the message was scheduled. Present only if the message was scheduled in advance. Tue, 27 Jul 2010 12:10:00 -0400
open_time The time the message was opened with images turned on. Present only if it was actually opened. Tue, 27 Jul 2010 13:15:59 -0400
click_time The time the message was clicked. Present only if it was actually clicked. Tue, 27 Jul 2010 13:16:17 -0400
To export a CSV of all triggered sends scheduled for the future, please see the API job call's "export_scheduled_sends". To export a CSV of all sent triggered emails, please visit the Triggered Sends Log in the user interface.

POST to Send, Schedule or Update

Send a triggered email, schedule one for the near future, or update the parameters of a scheduled triggered email.

Basic Send

Example Call (with minimum parameters, email address and template):

  "template" : "Product Alert",
  "email" : ""}

Example Response:

  "email" : "",
  "send_id" : "WGrLf25K3Fwzi4ry",
  "template" : "Product Alert",
  "status" : "unknown",
  "send_key" : null

Advanced Send

Example Call:

  "template" : "Product Alert",
  "email" : "",
  "schedule_time" : "2017-01-01 00:00:00",
  "vars": {"FirstName":"Douglas","LastName":"Crockford"},
  "data_feed_url" : ""}

Example Response:

  "email" : "",
  "send_id" : "WGrLf25K3Fwzi4ry",
  "template" : "Product Alert",
  "status" : "scheduled",
  "schedule_time" : "Sun, 01 Jan 2017 00:00:00 -0500",
  "send_key" : null

SMS Send

Send a transactional SMS using the same POST method as you use for a transactional email send. If the profile related to the email address has an SMS number as a profile key, the message should send the same way as a regular transactional message. 


Create an SMS template after there is an SMS number assigned to your client account. That way the from_sms field will pull in the SMS number properly.

Required Parameters

templatethe name of the template to sendmy-template
emailthe email address to send

Optional Parameters

schedule_timeTo send the email at some point in the future, otherwise it will send immediately. Any date recognized by PHP's strtotime function is valid, but be sure to specify timezone or use a UTC time to avoid confusion. You may also use a relative time, for example, 'tomorrow 09:30 UTC'."2013-09-08 20:00:00" or "now"
varsa key/value hash of var names and their values to use in the send. Each var may be referenced as {varname} within the template itself.{"varname":"value","name":"Joe Smith"}
options[headers[Cc]]include an email address on copy. Cc must be capitalized. If including multiple addresses, separate them with commas."options":{"headers":{"Cc":","}}
options[headers[Bcc]]include an email address on blind copy. Bcc must be capitalized. Note that BCC should be used carefully as some email domains guard against it in spam filters. If including multiple addresses, separate them with commas."options":{"headers":{"Bcc":","}}
options[replyto]customize the Reply-To header"options":{"replyto":""}
options[test]set to 1 to denote the email as a test1
data_feed_urlData feed used in the campaign
options[behalf_email]Use the Sender/From headers to send the email on behalf of a third party. Note that this should be used sparingly as it will impact deliverability. Headers will show: From: MyBehalfName <>, Sender:

Response Parameters

Will be identical to the return value of GET mode. This includes the send_id which you can use to reference the message later. Because the email has just sent, the status of a send will always be unknown at the moment it has sent. This is expected behavior. If you do a GET call a little later, you can retrieve the delivery status.

Update Scheduled Send

By logging the send_id of a scheduled send, you can later update that send by submitting a new POST mode call using the send_id parameter. You can additionally submit email, vars, and template to update existing parameters. Parameters not resubmitted will remain as originally submitted.

Send to Multiple Recipients

You can send the same template to multiple email addresses at once (up to 5 per API call). If you are doing this on a large scale, you may want to consider sending it as a campaign instead, using the blast API.Use multiple, comma-separated email addresses as the email parameter value. You may also include the following parameter if you wish to include unique var values per recipient:

evarsKey-value hash where each key is an email address, and each value is a key/value hash of variables for that particular email addressevars[][myvar]=value

For example:

  "template" : "Example Template Name",
  "email" : ",,",
  "evars": {
    "": {
      "greeting" : "Hello", "signoff" : "Bye!"    },
    "": {
      "greeting" : "Bonjour", "signoff" : "Ciao"    },
    "": {
      "greeting" : "Greetings!", "signoff" : "Ta-ra!"    }

The return value will be slightly different for a multi-send and will return:

templateThe name of the templateExample Template Name
sent_countThe number of messages that were sent. If a message is sent to the same address more than once, only one send will be recorded in the send_count.4
send_idsThe unique identifiers for each message
["" : "WFw4hukyi7E8i060",
"" : "WFw4hukyi7E8i061",
"" : "WFw4hukyi7E8i062"]

Combining schedule_time with a multi-user send is not supported.

A/B Test Sends

For templates that have A/B test versions, upon each send to the template, the system will pick randomly between the different A/B versions. After a period of time, you will be able to compare the results and determine which is the most effective template.

A user's placement in the A or B grouping will persist for all future triggered test sends.

DELETE a scheduled send

Delete Send

Example Call:

  "send_id" : "WGrLf25K3Fwzi4ry"}

Example Response:

  "send_id" : "WGrLf25K3Fwzi4ry"  "ok" : true,
  "send_key" : null

Cancels an email that you had previously scheduled for future sending with the schedule_time parameter. It is not possible to cancel an email that was sent immediately, without a future schedule.

Required Parameters

send_idThe unique identifier of the sendTE8EZ3LmosnAgAA

Response Parameters

send_idThe unique identifier of the sendTE8EZ3LmosnAgAA
oktrue or 1true

Error Codes


HTTP Status CodeError CodeError Message
40099Invalid value for parameter limit_name provided
40499Unable to load profile
40499Unable to find a message with limit {limit_name} for {email}
40412Unknown send_id: {id}
4002Missing required parameter: {param}
4002Invalid parameter type: {param}


HTTP Status CodeError CodeError MessageNotes
4002Missing required parameter: key or email
40099A send_key must be a string
40499Invalid send_key {key}sid,profile_id,device_id
4002Missing required parameter: id
40099The device_id cannot be more than 200 characters
40099The device_id cannot contain special characters {device_id}
40099The sid must be a string
40099Invalid sid: {profile_id}
40499The side {profile_id} does not match any known profile
40414Unknown template: {template}
40414{template} is not an active template
40499Unknown template: {template} {revision_id}
40499Unknown template: {template} and/or revision ID: {revision_id}
40414Unknown template: " {template}
40099Missing required parameter app_id
40122You must be approved; email
40121You must be an approved client to email {email{}
40099Invalid value for parameter limit[name] provided
40099Invalid value for parameter limit[within_time] provided, must be a relative, negative time
40018Invalid time: {time}
20018Invalid start_time
20018Invalid end_time
40018Invalid time, end_time must be greater than start_time
40018Invalid time, end_time must be within 24 hours of start_time.
40018Invalid time, method must be on of the following: {method}Email, site, mobile
40499No profile with {send_key} {id}
20011Invalid email
40412Unknown client_id {client_id}
40341Unable to edit, already sent
40414Unknown template: {template}
20099Unable to set send limit successfully, this message with not send
40099Replacement vars size too largeThe json representation of the vars hash table must be no larger than 1000000 characters.
40399You may not email more than 200 emails at once
40099Invalid JSON provided


HTTP Status CodeError CodeError Message
40341Unable to cancel, already sent
40099Invalid value for parameter limit_name provided
40499Unable to load profile
40499Unable to find a message with limit {limit_name} for {email}
40412Unknown send_id: {id}
4002Missing required parameter: {param}
4002Invalid parameter type: {param}