How to: Change your unique Customer ID
Experiences containing forms collect data from your customers. By default, the Grow platform uses the email address as the unique identifier for each customer. This ensures that the data collected in the experience links to the correct customer profile, to recognize individual entries and to enforce entry rules (e.g. "Sorry only one entry per user is allowed!").
If the email address isn’t your preferred customer identifier — for example, if you use Loyalty Member ID or Messaging ID — it’s quick and easy to configure a different customer identifier when setting up your experience.
This article will explain how to change the customer ID in the form settings.
Note: All experience types contain a form, except for Social Story and Embeddable Story that are meant for editorial content only.
How to change the customer ID
- Find your experience under the Experiences tab and edit the experience by clicking on the edit icon on the right hand side.
- You will enter the main experience workspace where you then click on Build in the left-hand side navigation menu.
- Find your Landing & Entry Page and click on the edit button on the right hand side.
- In the Form Section, click + Add Module.
- Add one or multiple of the following modules: Email, Number, Phone, Text.
Only the ones added to the form can be selected as a customer identifier later on.
- You can see the added modules in the form section.
- As an example, let's use a Number module. Click on the edit icon to access its settings.
- Set the Friendly ID to Loyalty_ID. (Spaces in the Friendly ID will automatically be replaced by underscore signs.)
Also, enter a clear Label, such as: Enter your Loyalty ID.
Then close the Settings pane.
- Click on the gear icon in the Form Section to show the form settings.
- Navigate to the Advanced tab and select the desired Customer ID from the drop-down (e.g. Loyalty_ID).
- Save your changes.
Note: If you didn't set the customer ID to be a required field, entries without this customer id are stored anonymously and entry criteria such as one entry per user can't be applied to those.
The customer ID will be visible in any reporting and external systems (such as API, ESP, CDP, CRM, etc.)
Note: If you set the customer ID in the Form Settings, it will automatically override any custom integration.
(Custom integrations are explained in this document: Technical Guide_ Customer ID v2.pdf.
If you need help, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or email