The Coupon Offers guide helps you create, customize, and understand offers that can be best used for your business. You can find contents such as creating an offer, discounts, expiration, certificate codes, and much more. This guide can help you manage and create coupons seamlessly.
Loyalty Offers
This document serves as a guide to creating, using, and managing Coupon-type Offers within Marigold Loyalty.
Offers are a general-purpose Content Object within Loyalty, designed to let you present promotions, discounts, special deals, and advertisements to your Members.
The platform supports several different actions that can occur as a result of the Offer, such as a granting a single use certificate code, redirecting the Member to a website, or referencing another Loyalty object (such as a Reward or Challenge); this guide focuses specifically on the "Coupon" Offer action.
Coupon Lifecycle
Coupon Offers are typically used to incentivize Members to spend within your loyalty program by providing them with a discount on a qualifying purchase as a reward for achieving a goal.
For programs that issue Coupons as rewards, you can configure a Triggered Action to check for certain Member actions, such as making a purchase or earning loyalty points. When these actions are identified, the Triggered Action can then check a condition, such as a purchase amount or a loyalty point threshold, then grant a Coupon to the Member if the condition is satisfied.
For example, let's say you grant a five-dollar coupon to a Member when they spend $100 within your loyalty program. When a Member makes a new purchase, a Triggered Action identifies that purchase activity, and evaluates the Member's total purchase amount. If the condition is not met, nothing happens. If the condition is met, the Triggered Action invokes an action to grant a Coupon Offer to the Member.
The system tracks the details of the Member's Coupon Offer -- including the discount rules, eligible items, and expiration date -- as an "Offer Response." The Offer Response also maintains a status, which is initially set to "Pending," meaning it is unused.
Point of Sale (POS) systems that integrate with Marigold Loyalty will check if a Coupon Offer is available for use when a Member makes a purchase. The POS system sends an API request to Marigold Loyalty to see if the Member has any available Coupon Offers, meaning it's been issued to the Member, the Offer Response has a "Pending" status, and the current date is within its effectivity period. If the platform identifies a valid Offer, it sends an API response back to the POS system with the Coupon details, which are then applied to the Member's purchase. Depending on the program configuration, the platform may generate a "Coupon" Activity record to track the Coupon usage. The Offer Response status is then set to "Completed."
Coupons Offers can also have rules governing what purchases are eligible for the discount. Continuing the above example, you could specify that the five-dollar coupon be used only toward the purchase of food, but not toward the purchase of alcohol. The platform supports a variety of different Coupon qualifying rules, such as a list of product categories or product items that a purchase requires before the Coupon is able to be applied.
Coupon Offers can also have an "expiration date," which is controlled using an Effectivity Period. The current date must be within the Coupon Offer's specified Effectivity Period to be considered valid and usable.
The following flowchart depicts the typical life cycle of a Coupon Offer when invoked from a Triggered Action.
Offers and Offers Responses can also be used to create Segments for targeting purposes. For example, you could send a Message to Members who are close to qualifying for an Offer, as a way to entice them. Or, you could send a reminder to Members who have an Offer Response that's nearly expired, to encourage them to use it soon.
Working with Coupon Offers
This section describes how to create, configure, and manage your Coupon Offers.
Create a Coupon Offer
This document focuses on the most commonly used configuration options for Coupon Offers, and as such, doesn't describe every option available in the Loyalty platform, such as using Offers in Campaigns, or using Tracking Codes, for example.
To create a new Coupon Offer:
- From the Loyalty navigation menu, select Campaigns > Offers.
- In the Enter Display Name field, enter the Display Name value for the new Offer.
- Click Create. The Edit Offer pop-up window is displayed.
- The Display Name field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
- The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Display Name value. This field is noneditable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check Edit Internal Name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click Ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
- Optionally, in the Description field, enter a description of the Offer.
- To assign an image to this Offer, click Choose File. Browse to and select an image file.
- From the Offer Action drop-down menu, select Coupon.
- Optionally, in the Categories field, assign one or more Categories to this Offer. Categories are used to organize Loyalty assets into groups. Offers are searchable by Category from the Offer screen, from the Admin screen, and from a "Get Offers" API request.
- Optionally, in the Tags field, assign one or more Tags to this Offer. Tags are used to help search, filter, and organize Loyalty assets within the platform. Offers are searchable by Tag from the Offer screen and from the Admin screen (but not from a "Get Offers" API request).
- Click Save. Your new Offer is added to the list of Offers.
- Click the Offer record to view the Offer Details screen.
The Offer Details screen provides detailed information on all aspects of a single Offer. The basic attributes for the Offer are displayed at the top of the screen in the header section. Beneath the header section, the rest of the Offer Details screen is organized into a series of tabs.
Coupon Definition
The Definition tab for a Coupon Offer is used to configure the Coupon, define the qualifying rules, and configure the Response and Usage Periods. Within the "Coupon" section of the Definition tab, you can configure the details and properties of this Coupon Offer. The properties available depend on the combination of the selected Coupon Type and Discount Type.
The platform supports the following Coupon Types:
- GS 1128: For use with Coupons that use the GS 1128 barcode specification -- a standardized barcode typically used in the food and grocery industry.
- LOC SMS: For use with Coupons intended to be redeemed through the LOC SMS Point of Sale system.
- Rev Trax: For use with Coupons that integrate with the Rev Trax coupon management system.
- Item Discount: For general-purpose use with Coupons that apply discounts to a particular purchased item.
- Sub-item Discount: For general-purpose use with Coupons that apply discounts to a given purchase at the subtotal level.
Note: This document focuses on the Item Discount and Sub-item Discount Coupon Types. The other three Coupon Types are industry-specific, and not widely used.
The available Discount Types and their configuration properties are described below in more detail.
Discount Type: Amount
The Amount Discount Type allows you to define the discount as an exact amount (for example, five dollars off). This Discount Type is available for both Item Discount and SubItem Discount coupons. From the Discount Type drop-down menu, select Amount.
The configuration properties for this Discount Type are:
- Percentage Off: This field is populated with 100 and is disabled from editing. You're essentially telling the platform to take 100 percent off of the discount amount. For example, if the discount amount is five dollars, then the platform applies a discount of 100 percent of five dollars.
- Max $ Amount: Enter the amount of the discount (in dollars).
- Limit: Define how many times a Member can use this Offer Coupon. The most common use case is 1. This has the ability to configure a limit on the quantity of qualified items the system should apply a qualified discount to, respect that limit, and return the appropriate discount calculation.
- Coupon Code: This field is used for integration with the client's Point of Sale system. This code contains metadata that tells the POS system how to apply the coupon. The client or POS vendor should supply you with this value.
When finished, be sure to click Save to save your changes.
Discount Type: Percentage
The Percentage Discount Type allows you to define the discount as a percentage of the purchase price (for example, 10% off ). This Discount Type is available for both Item Discount and Sub-Item Discount coupons. From the Discount Type drop down menu, select Percentage.
The configuration properties for this Discount Type are:
- Percentage Off: Enter the discount percentage.
- Max $ Amount: Optionally, enter the maximum value of the discount (in dollars). For example, let's say you have a 10%-off coupon, with a maximum amount of $20. A Member makes a $250 purchase. Ten percent of $250 is $25, but the discount would be capped at only $20. If you leave this field blank, then the platform will not impose any limit to the discount amount.
- Limit: Define how many times a Member can use this Offer Coupon. The most common use case is 1. This has the ability to configure a limit on the quantity of qualified items the system should apply a qualified discount to, respect that limit, and return the appropriate discount calculation.
- Coupon Code: This field is used for integration with the client's Point of Sale system. This code contains metadata that tells the POS system how to apply the coupon. The client or POS vendor should supply you with this value.
When finished, be sure to click Save to save your changes.
Discount Type: Free
The Free Discount Type allows a Member to receive their purchase for free. This Discount Type essentially functions as a Percentage Discount, but with a fixed percentage discount of 100%. This Discount Type is available for both Item Discount and Sub-Item Discount coupons. From the Discount Type drop down menu, select Free.
The configuration properties for this Discount Type are:
- Percentage Off: This field is populated with "100" and is disabled from editing.
- Max $ Amount: Optionally, enter the maximum value of the discount (in dollars). For example, you may not want a Member to be able to purchase more expensive items for free. If you leave this field blank, then the platform will not impose any limit to the discount amount.
- Limit: Define how many times a Member can use this Offer Coupon. The most common use case is 1. This has the ability to configure a limit on the quantity of qualified items the system should apply a qualified discount to, respect that limit, and return the appropriate discount calculation.
- Coupon Code: This field is used for integration with the client's Point of Sale system. This code contains metadata that tells the POS system how to apply the coupon. The client or POS vendor should supply you with this value.
When finished, be sure to click Save to save your changes.
Discount Type: BOGO (Buy One, Get One)
The BOGO Discount Type allows a Member to purchase one or more items, in order to qualify for a discount on one or more additional items. Traditionally, BOGO refers to "Buy One, Get One," but the feature can be configured to support other dynamic quantity-based promotions, such as "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" or "Buy 3, get 1 at 50% off" for example.
This Discount Type is available only for the Item Discount Coupon Type. From the Discount Type drop down menu, select BOGO.
The configuration properties for this Discount Type are listed below. Please note that these options apply to the secondary item (the one being discounted).
Buy Qty: Enter the number of items the Member must purchase to qualify for the Offer. The default value is 1.
Get Qty: Enter the number of discounted items the Member receives if they qualify for the Offer. The default value is 1. The Get Quantity must be less than or equal to the Buy Quantity.
Percentage Off:To apply a percentage discount to the discounted item(s), enter the percentage discount. For example, if you want to offer a "Buy One, Get One Half Price" promotion, you would enter "50" in this field, to indicate the 50%-off of the discounted item. The default value is 100% (that is, free).
Max $ Amount: Optionally, enter the maximum value of the discount (in dollars). If you leave this field blank, then the platform will not impose any limit to the discount amount.
Quantity Limit: Define how many times a Member can use this Offer Coupon. The most common use case is 1This option can be used to configure a limit on the quantity of qualified items the system should apply a qualified discount to, respect that limit, and return the appropriate discount calculation.
POS Code: This field is used for integration with the client's Point of Sale system. This code contains metadata that tells the POS system how to apply the coupon. The client or POS vendor should supply you with this value.
In addition, when more than 2 qualifying items are configured in the BOGO offer, the discount is applied to the lowest priced qualifying item. For example:
2 Qualifying Items by SKU:
4190 - Item A $10
4195 - Item B $5
- Transaction contains 3 items, 2 items qualify for the BOGO Offer
- Result Discounts Lower Priced Qualifying item (Item B)
3 Qualifying Items by SKU:
13579 - Item A $7
24680 - Item B $3
11111 - Item D $15
- Transaction contains 4 items, 3 items qualify for the BOGO Offer
Result Discounts Lowest Priced Qualifying item (Item B)
When finished, be sure to click Save to save your changes.
Discount Type: New Price
The New Price Discount Type allows a Member to purchase an item at a modified price. This Discount Type is available only for the Item Discount Coupon Type. From the Discount Type drop-down menu, select New Price.
The configuration properties for this Discount Type are:
- New Price: Enter the modified price of the item.
- Limit: Define how many times a Member can use this Offer Coupon. The most common use case is 1. This has the ability to configure a limit on the quantity of qualified items the system should apply a qualified discount to, respect that limit, and return the appropriate discount calculation.
- Coupon Code: This field is used for integration with the client's Point of Sale system. This code contains metadata that tells the POS system how to apply the coupon. The client or POS vendor should supply you with this value. When finished, be sure to click Save to save your changes.
Discount Type: Bundle Deals
The Bundle Deals Discount Type allows a Member to purchase a combination of specified items at a modified price. This Discount Type is available only for the Item Discount Coupon Type. From the Discount Type drop-down menu, select Bundle Deals.
The configuration properties for this Discount Type are:
- Bundle Price: Enter the modified price of the entire item bundle.
- Limit: Define how many times a Member can use this Offer Coupon. The most common use case is 1. This has the ability to configure a limit on the quantity of qualified items the system should apply a qualified discount to, respect that limit, and return the appropriate discount calculation.
- Coupon Code: This field is used for integration with the client's Point of Sale system. This code contains metadata that tells the POS system how to apply the coupon. The client or POS vendor should supply you with this value.
When finished, be sure to click Save to save your changes.
Qualifying Rules
The Qualifying Rules section of the Definition tab allows you to define the specific circumstances under which a Member can use this Coupon Offer. For example, you can link a Coupon Offer to only a specific product, or to a product category.
The parameters in this section are as follows:
- Minimum Subtotal Amount: Enter the minimum purchase amount that a Member must spend in order to use this Coupon Offer.
- Apply Coupon: Only on Qualified Items: Apply the discount ONLY to the items listed below. If unchecked, the discount is applied to all items within the purchase. When using an Item Discount Coupon Type, this option is checked by default, and disabled from editing.
- Qualify Based On: Select one of the following:
- Product Category: Define one or more qualifying product categories. A purchase of any item within any of these categories would allow the Member to use this coupon.
- Product PLU: Define one or more specific products. The Member must purchase one of these items to use this coupon.
- Lookup: Use a Lookup table to define the qualifying items. Lookup Tables are typically used for more complex hierarchies of product categories / subcategories.
It's important to understand the way that the above rules interact with one another. For example, let's say your restaurant offers a 10%-off coupon that can be applied toward the Entrée and Appetizer product categories.
A Member makes a purchase that includes an Entrée item and an Alcohol item. Since Entrée is a valid product category for this Coupon Offer, the Member would be allowed to use the Coupon. Conversely, another Member makes a purchase that contains only Alcohol items. Since Alcohol is not a valid product category for this Coupon Offer, the Member would not be allowed to use the Coupon.
Continuing this example, let's say you checked the Only On QualifiedItems option. The Member in the first example above purchased a $20 Entrée item and a $10 Alcohol item. As described above, the Entrée item means they qualify to use this Coupon. However, the 10%- off discount would apply ONLY to the Entrée item (for a $2 savings), and NOT to the Alcohol item.
Conversely, if you unchecked Only On Qualified Items, then the 10%-off discount would apply to the entire $30 receipt (for a $3 savings).
Extra JSON
The Extra JSON section of the Definition tab allows you to extend the standard Offer API to include additional Offer metadata relevant for external processing. Click Edit to open the Edit Offer pop-up window, and enter the custom JSON parameters. These parameters will be appended to the Offer message payload.
Offer Status
An Offer must have a status of Published to be considered active and available for use. To publish an Offer, select Published from the Status drop-down menu near the top-right corner of the Offer Details screen. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click Confirm.
Effectivity Periods
Offers are governed by an overall Effectivity Period that controls when an Offer is considered active and available for use.
To set the overall Effectivity Period:
- Click the Edit icon near the top-right corner of the screen to display the Edit Offer pop-up window.
- Select an Effectivity option:
- Always: . Select an assignee. This Reward never expires.
- Schedule:
- Enter a start date and end date.
- Recurring Schedule: Check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule.
- Click on the time zone drop down and select your preferred time zone.
- Click on the assignee drop down and select your preferred assignee.
3. Click Save.
In addition to the overall Effectivity Period for the Offer, the platform allows you to set more granular schedules that control when a Member can earn the Coupon Offer (called the Response Period), and redeem the Coupon Offer (called the Usage Period).
The Effectivity Periods section of the Definition tab is used to define the Response and Offer Periods.
To define the Response Period:
- Click on the Select Period Type dropdown and choose:
- Same: Uses the same effectivity period as defined for the Punch Card.
- Relative:
- Optionally, you can click the checkbox, Preferred Location TimeZone, if you have a preferred time zone location set for your offer. Otherwise, the program setting’s time zone will be used.
- Select the interval and a unit of time for the beginning of the date range.
- Select the interval and unit of time for the end of the date range.
- Fixed:
- Optionally, you can click the checkbox, Preferred Location TimeZone, if you have a preferred time zone location set for your offer. Otherwise, the program setting’s time zone will be used.
- Enter a date range relative to the publish date.
- Select the time zone you want the effectivity period to be effective.
- Optionally, check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule. See below for details on creating a new recurring schedule.
- Click Save.
To define the Usage Period:
- Click on the Select Period Type dropdown and choose:
- Always: Punch Card does not expire.
- Same: Uses the same effectivity period as defined for the Punch Card.
- Relative:
- Optionally, you can click the checkbox, Preferred Location TimeZone, if you have a preferred time zone location set for your offer. Otherwise, the program setting’s time zone will be used.
- Select the interval and a unit of time for the beginning of the date range.
- Select the interval and unit of time for the end of the date range.
- Fixed:
- Optionally, you can click the checkbox, Preferred Location TimeZone, if you have a preferred time zone location set for your offer. Otherwise, the program setting’s time zone will be used.
- Enter a date range relative to the publish date.
- Select the time zone you want the effectivity period to be effective.
- Optionally, check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule. See below for details on creating a new recurring schedule.
- Click Save.
Manage Your Offers
This section describes how to manage your existing Offers.
View Offer Details
- From the Loyalty navigation menu, select Campaigns > Offers.
- Optionally, in the search field near the top of Offers screen, enter the desired text string.
- Optionally, from the Status drop down menu, select an Offer status (or Any Status).
- Optionally, from the Effectivity drop down menu, select an Offer effectivity (or Any effectivity).
- Press Enter, or click the Search button (magnifying glass icon). The Offer screen is refreshed to show only the Offers that meet your search criteria. Please note that if you enter multiple search criteria, the platform displays only the Offers that meet ALL criteria.
- Click the Offer record to view the Offer Details screen.
Delete an Offer
- Navigate to the Offer Details screen as described above.
- Click the Edit icon near the top of the screen to display the Edit Offer pop-up window.
- Click Delete.
- A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Confirm.
Certificate Codes
Certificate Codes are an optional feature within Offers that allow you to send unique, single-use codes to your Members or to other customers that they can then redeem for a prize or a discount. The platform provides several means of managing these Certificate Codes, and keeping track of how they're generated, distributed, and redeemed. Some common uses cases for Certificate Codes are:
- Export the Certificate Codes and send to a print shop, for use on printed promotional materials.
- Send Certificate Codes to Members in an email message sent via the Loyalty application. Please note that the Certificate Code feature does not yet support integration with Marigold's Engage+ application.
- Direct customers to a Content Page where they can access their unique Certificate Code.
The use of Certificate Codes encompasses several different Loyalty asset types, as depicted here:
Certificate Codes are stored within the platform as an Offer Certificate asset type. These Codes are often (but not always) associated with an Offer. The platform does allow you to create unassigned Certificate Codes that aren't associated with an Offer (see below for more details on this use case).
The Offer Response asset is used to manage the relationship between an Offer Certificate and a Member or other customer. For email and digital/social channels, these Offer Responses are automatically generated by the system on the fly when you deploy the Message, or when the Member visits the Content Page, for example.
For print media, you need to create the Offer Responses manually, at the same time you generate or import the Certificate Codes.
The recipient of your Certificate Code can be a Member of your loyalty program, but they don't necessarily have to be. You can also give Certificate Codes to unknown visitors as a promotional tool, or as a way of trying to entice individuals to join your loyalty program. The platform will still capture and track the usage of the Code, but instead of being linked to a known Member, the platform will instead link the Code to an anonymous user.
Certificate Code Lifecycle
When using Certificate Codes, the typical use case for the Offer is different than other Coupon Offers. Instead of the Member earning the Coupon by reaching some threshold or achievement, clients will often distribute the Certificate Codes freely to the desired audience, usually via an email message, a link to a webpage, social media, or printed materials.
The following diagram depicts a common scenario for emailing Certificate Codes:
Certificate Codes use a Status value to track their current state. The typical lifecycle of a Certificate Code Status is as follows:
- Unused: The Certificate Code has been generated and is stored within the platform, but has not yet been assigned to a Member or other customer.
- Reserved: The Certificate Code has been assigned to a Member or other customer, but they have not yet used it.
- Redeemed: The Member or other customer has used the Certificate Code in a purchase.
The platform supports an additional, optional status value of Fulfilled, which is used by clients who want to track when a Member's purchase has been shipped, or completed. The Loyalty platform doesn't capture or track the Fulfilled status. This status must be set through some other mechanism, such as a batch import, for example.
Enable Certificate Codes
To add the Certificate Code to the Offer:
- Navigate to the Offer Details screen.
- Select the Certificate tab.
- Within the Certificates on Responses section, click Edit. The Edit Offer pop-up window is displayed.
- Check Certificates on Responses.
- Click Save.
Define Certificate Codes
The Loyalty platform can generate a series of Certificate Codes, or you can import codes into the platform that were generated in an external system or tool.
This document focuses on creating and managing Certificate Codes through the Offer Detail screen, but the platform does provide several other mechanisms for managing Certificate Codes:
- Directly from within the Messages screen for an email message, you can auto generate a series of Certificate Codes. The platform will then send these Codes to the Message recipients, and automatically keep track of which recipient received which Certificate Code. This screen will also tell you how many Codes you have available for use, and the size of your Message audience, so you can make sure you have enough Codes.
- On the Offer Certificates screen, you can auto-generate Certificate Codes that aren't associated with any Offer. This screen is often used to create a bank of unassociated Certificate Codes from which the platform can draw when necessary. For example, let's say you send a Message, and you don't have enough dedicated Certificate Codes in the Message to cover your entire audience. The platform will then use any unassociated Certificate Codes to make up the difference.
- On the CSR screen, you can import a file of Certificate Codes, and create their associated Offer Response at the same time. This method is typically used for print media channels.
Create a Code
To manually create a single Certificate Code:
- Navigate to the Offer Details screen.
- Select the Certificate tab.
- Within the Definition for Coupon section, click Create to display the Create Offer Certificate pop-up window.
- In the Code field, enter the Certificate Code.
- Select the Effectivity Period for this Code:
- Always: This Code never expires.
- Schedule: Enter a start date and end date, and select the time zone.
- Click Save.
Auto-generate Codes
To have the platform automatically generate a series of Certificate Codes:
- Navigate to the Offer Details screen.
- Select the Certificate tab.
- Within the Definition for Coupon section, click Auto-generate to display the Generate Certificates pop-up window.
- In the No. of Certificates field, enter how many Certificate Codes you want the platform to generate.
- In the Length of Code field, enter the length of the Certificate Code.
- Optionally, in the Code Prefix field, enter a prefix to insert at the beginning of each Certificate Code. This Prefix value is not counted as part of the overall code length value specified above.
- Optionally, if you want to exclude any characters from the Certificate Code values, enter them in the Excluded Characters field.
Note: The recommended best practice is to exclude the following characters: 0,O,o,1,I,i,l,6,A,E,I,U,G,g,Q,q,5,S,s,a,b,c,d,e,f,h,j,k,m,n,p,r,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
- Check Use Offer Effectivity if you want the Certificate Codes to inherit the overall Effectivity Period defined for the Offer. If you don't check this option, you'll need to define the Effectivity Period for each Code (see Edit a Certificate Code below for details on this process).
- Check Unique in all Offers if you want the Certificate Code values to be unique across all Offers in your Loyalty account.
- If you want the platform to generate Certificate Codes in batches, enter the number of records in a batch within the Batch Size field.
- Click Generate. The platform will send you an email notification when the process is complete. Refresh your browser to see the list of Codes on the Offer Details screen.
Import Certificate Codes
To import Certificate Codes created in some external tool or system:
- Navigate to the Offer Details screen.
- Select the Certificate tab.
- Within the Definition for Coupon section, from the Action drop-down menu, select Import Offer Certificates to display the Create New Import - Member pop-up window.
- From the Import Method drop-down menu, identify how you want the platform to handle the import records, such as create new records only, update existing records only, or both create and update records.
- In the Find Options field, select one or more fields used to identify existing records in the database. By default, the platform uses the Certificate Code and Offer ID fields.
- If you want to import blank values, select the Yes radio button next to Include Blank Values.
- The platform supports syntax validation on the appropriate import fields. To run this validation, select the Yes radio button next to Validate Records.
- If your account is configured with business units, select the desired Business Unit from the Business Unit drop-down menu.
- To send email notifications following the import process, enter one or more recipient email addresses in the Recipients field.
- To send email notifications following a failed import process, enter one or more recipient email addresses in the Failed Import Email Recipients field.
- Enter the number of lines per file.
- To select the import file, click Choose File, then browse to and select the desired file.
- Select a column separator: Comma or Semicolon.
The Import Options section allows you to configure additional, optional import properties. These options are not described in this document.
- When finished, click Submit.
Manage Certificate Codes
Once you've generated or imported the Certificate Codes, the Codes are listed within the Certificates tab of the Offer Detail screen. From this tab, you can view, edit, and manage your Codes as needed.
Edit a Certificate Code
- Navigate to the Offer Details screen.
- Select the Certificates tab.
- Optionally enter all or part of the desired Code value in the Search field. You can also filter the Certificate Codes by Status. Press Enter, or click the Search button.
- Next to the desired Certificate Code, click the Edit icon within the Actions column to display the Edit Offer Certificate pop-up window.
- In the Code field, enter a new Certificate Code value.
- Always: This Code never expires.
- Schedule: Enter a start date and end date, and select the time zone.
- Click Save.
Delete a Certificate Code
- Next to the desired Certificate Code, click the Delete icon within the Actions column.
- A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click Confirm.
Other Coupon Offer Options
This section describes other configuration options and properties available for Coupon Offers. These options are common across all Offer types, and are not unique to Coupon-type Offers.
Offers are a type of Content Object within the Loyalty platform, and as such, you have full control over the content and appearance of the Offer (text, images, links, and so forth) when it's used in a Message, Content Page, etc. To view or edit the Offer content:
- Navigate to the Offer Details screen.
- Select the Display tab.
- Click Edit. The Content Editor is displayed in a separate browser tab or window.
- Make any necessary changes to the Offer content. When finished, close the Content Editor tab.
- Click Preview to view your Offer content.
The Eligibility tab is used to override Segment logic, and to explicitly include (or exclude) this Offer in a Segment. Likewise, you can explicitly include (or exclude) this Offer in a Location.
Include or Exclude Segment
- Navigate to the Offer Details screen.
- Select the Eligibility tab.
- In the appropriate section, select a Segment from the drop down menu.
- Click Add Segment.
- Repeat the above steps as needed.
Include or Exclude Location
- In the appropriate section, select a Location from the drop down menu.
- Click Add Location.
- Repeat the above steps as needed.
The Advanced tab provides access to more sophisticated Offer settings, such as setting a maximum number of responses per Member, and defining legal acceptance terms and conditions.
- Navigate to the Offer Details screen.
- Select the Advanced tab.
- Within the appropriate section, click Edit. The Edit Offer pop-up window is displayed.
- Select or enter the desired options.
- Click Save.
Used By and Dashboard
The remaining tabs on the Offer Details screen provide additional information about the Offer.
- Used By: View other Loyalty assets that reference this Offer.
- Dashboard: Analyze the responses to this Offer. The Dashboard depicts the following metrics: Views, Clicks, and Usages.
Offer Responses
When a Member earns a Coupon Offer, the platform creates a new asset called an Offer Response. The Offer Response contains the details and metadata of the Offer, its current status, and expiration (if it has one).
Likewise, if you distribute Certificate Codes to Members, the platform creates an Offer Response that links the Certificate Code to the Member.
Managing Offer Responses
This section describes how to view and manage your Offer Responses.
View Offer Responses to a Single Offer
The Offer Responses associated with a single Coupon Offer are available from the Offer Details screen.
- From the Loyalty navigation menu, select Campaigns > Offers.
- Optionally enter any desired search criteria for the Offer, then press Enter, or click the search button (magnifying glass icon).
- Click the Offer record to view the Offer Details screen.
- Select the Responses tab. The platform displays all Offer Responses associated with the selected Offer.
- Optionally enter any desired search criteria for an Offer Response, then press Enter, or click the search button (magnifying glass icon).
From this screen, you can manually change the status of an Offer Response by selecting the desired response status from the Actions drop-down menu.
View All Offer Responses
The Offer Responses screen serves as a dashboard for viewing and managing all Offer Responses, across all Offers in your account.
- From the Loyalty navigation menu, select Campaigns > Offer Responses.
- From this screen, you can:
- Click the Offername to navigate to the Offer Details screen for that Offer.
- Click the Member name to navigate to the Member Details screen for that Member.
- Hover your mouse cursor over the icon in the Usage Period column to see a tooltip with the Usage Period for this Offer.
- Hover your mouse cursor over the icon in the Processing Status column to see a tooltip with additional details. The possible icons in this column are:
-- Pending or Processing
-- Canceled
-- Clipped
-- Completed
- Manually change the status of an Offer Response by selecting the desired response status from the Actions drop-down menu
Offer-type Rewards
Rewards are a type of Content Object within the Loyalty platform. Rewards are conceptually similar to Offers, in that they represent something of value given to your Members. The key difference between Rewards and Offers is that Rewards require the Member to spend loyalty points in order to "purchase" it. When a Member gets a Reward, the platform automatically deducts a specified number of points from their point balance. Conversely, Offers are usually given away for free, without the Member having to spend any points.
The platform supports a wide range of Reward types, such as a badge, a gift card, or a physical product. A common use case for many Loyalty clients is to assign a Coupon-type Offer to the Reward, thereby allowing the Member to spend their points to acquire the Coupon.
For example, let's say your loyalty program allows Members to make purchases to earn points, with each dollar spent resulting in one loyalty point. If a Member earns a total of 100 points, they automatically receive a $10 coupon in exchange for "spending" 100 points.
Configuring this use case requires setting up several assets within the Loyalty program:
- First, you need a Coupon-type Offer that defines the $10 discount.
- Second, you need a Reward linked to the above Offer. The Reward controls the "price" of the Offer (in the above example, 100 points). When a Member earns the Reward, the platform will deduct the defined number of points from the Member's balance, and grant the Coupon Offer to the Member.
- Third, you need a Triggered Action that executes when a Member's metric total changes. The Triggered Action should have a condition that specifies the required point threshold to earn the Reward.
The following diagram depicts this use case:
Create an Offer-type Reward
This document focuses on the most commonly used configuration options for Rewards, and as such, doesn't describe every option available in the Loyalty platform, such as using Tracking Codes, for example.
To create a new Offer-type Reward:
- From the Loyalty navigation menu, select Rewards > Rewards.
- In the Enter Display Name field, enter the Display Name value for the new Reward.
- Click Create to display the Edit pop-up window
- The Display Name field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
- The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Display Name value. This field is not editable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check Edit Internal Name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click Ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
- From the Type drop down menu, select Offer.
- Optionally, in the Description field, enter a description of the Reward.
- In the Required Metric field, enter the number of points to be deducted when a Member is granted this Reward. Also select the loyalty metric to use.
- In the Categories field, assign one or more Categories to this Reward. Categories are used to organize Loyalty assets into groups.
- In the Tags field, assign one or more Tags to this Reward. Tags are used to help search, filter, and organize Loyalty assets within the platform.
- To assign an image to this Reward, click Choose File. Browse to and select an image file.
- Click Save.
- Click the Reward record to view the Reward Details screen.
The Reward Details screen provides detailed information on all aspects of a single Reward. The basic attributes for the Reward are displayed at the top of the screen in the header section. Beneath the header section, the rest of the Reward Details screen is organized into a series of tabs.
Reward Definition
The Definition tab for an Offer-type Reward is used to select the desired Offer, and to configure the Response and Usage Periods.
Select the Offer
- Navigate to the Reward Details screen.
- Select the Definition tab.
- Within the Definition for Offer section, click Edit to display the Edit Reward pop-up window.
- From the Offer drop-down menu, select the desired Offer.
- The Extra JSON section allows you to extend the standard Reward API to include additional metadata relevant for external processing. Optionally enter the custom JSON parameters.
- Click Save.
Effectivity Periods
Rewards are governed by an overall Effectivity Period that controls when a Reward is considered active and available for use.
Note: In general, you want to be sure your Reward uses the same Effectivity Period as the Offer that you associated with the Reward.
To set the overall Effectivity Period:
- Click the Edit icon near the top-right corner of the screen to display the Edit Reward pop-up window.
- Select an Effectivity option:
- Always: Select an assignee. This Reward never expires.
- Schedule:
- Enter a start date and end date.
- Recurring Schedule: Check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule.
- Click on the time zone drop down and select your preferred time zone.
- Click on the assignee drop down and select your preferred assignee.
- Relative:
- Click the Attribute dropdown and select an attribute
- Enter a value in the time field and select a time interval.
- Optional: Check Use Current Year and/or Until end of day for when the Reward is effective.
- Click on the time zone drop down and select your preferred time zone.
- Click on the assignee drop down and select your preferred assignee.
- Click Save.
- Select an Effectivity option:
In addition to the overall Effectivity Period for the Reward, the platform allows you to set more granular schedules that control when a Member can earn the Reward (called the Response Period), and redeem the Reward (called the Usage Period).
The Effectivity Periods section of the Definition tab is used to define the Response and Offer Periods.
To define the Response Period:
- Click on the Select Period Type dropdown and choose:
- Same: Uses the same effectivity period as defined for the Punch Card.
- Relative:
- Select the interval and a unit of time for the beginning of the date range. Ex. 1 hour.
- Select the interval and unit of time for the end of the date range. Ex. 2 weeks.
- Fixed:
- Enter a date range relative to the publish date.
- Select the time zone you want the effectivity period to be effective.
- Optionally, check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule. See below for details on creating a new recurring schedule.
- Click Save.
To define the Usage Period:
- Click on the Select Period Type dropdown and choose:
- Always: Punch Card does not expire.
- Same: Uses the same effectivity period as defined for the Punch Card.
- Relative:
- Select the interval and a unit of time for the beginning of the date range.
- Select the interval and unit of time for the end of the date range.
- Fixed:
- Enter a date range relative to the publish date.
- Select the time zone you want the effectivity period to be effective.
- Optionally, check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule. See below for details on creating a new recurring schedule.
- Click Save.
Reward Status
A Reward must have a status of Published to be considered active and available for use. To publish a Reward:
- Navigate to the Reward Details screen.
- From the Status drop down menu near the top-right corner of the Reward Details screen, select Publish.
- A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click Confirm.
Triggered Actions
Triggered Actions are a type of Rule within the Loyalty platform, used to monitor changes to a Member profile, and to then execute a specific action if a specific condition is satisfied.
In the context of Coupon Offers, Triggered Actions can be used to grant the Offer to a Member when the Member performs the appropriate action, and meets a condition or threshold.
If you're using an Offer-type Reward, you can use the Triggered Action to grant the Reward to a Member when they reach a point threshold.
Triggered Actions contain three main components: the trigger definition, the condition, and the action.
Trigger Definition
The trigger definition indicates what the platform should monitor, or "listen" for. The platform supports the following trigger definition types:
- Member performs an Activity
- Change in the Member's reward points
- Change in the Member's tier
To create the trigger definition:
- From the navigation menu in Loyalty, select Rules > Triggered Actions.
- In the Enter Display Name field, enter a name for the new Trigger.
- From the Select Trigger Group drop down menu, select a Trigger Group.
- Click Create. The Edit Trigger pop-up window is displayed.
- The Display Name field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
- The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Name value. This field is un-editable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check Edit Internal Name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click Ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
- Optionally, in the Description field, enter a description of the Triggered Action.
- The Trigger Group you selected above is automatically selected in the Trigger Grouping drop-down; optionally select a different Trigger Group.
- From the Trigger Type drop-down menu, select either:
- Activity Processed: Select one or more Activity Types. If this Trigger will be used to make changes to a customer's loyalty points, select the metric field.
- Tier Changed: Select the new and old tiers.
- Metric Changed: Select the metric field.
- Click Save.
Rearrange Triggered Actions
By default, a new Triggered Action is added to the end of the assigned Trigger Group. The sequence in which the Triggered Actions appear within the Group controls the sequence in which the platform executes the Triggered Actions in that Group.
- To the left of the desired Triggered Action, click and hold on the handle area.
- Drag and drop the Triggered Action to its desired new sequence.
You can't drag and drop a Triggered Action into a different Trigger Group. To change a Triggered Action's inclusion in a Group, you must edit its properties.
When the trigger definition occurs, the platform checks the condition, which is represented as a logical expression. The Triggered Action is invoked only if this condition is satisfied. The use of a condition is optional.
To define the Trigger condition:
- Next to the desired Triggered Action, click the Edit icon within the Condition column. The Conditions pop-up window is displayed.
- Click the Add button (plus-sign icon) and select Add Rule.
- From the first drop-down menu, select the desired field.
- Select a mathematical operator.
- Enter or select a value.
- Repeat the above steps as needed to define more Rules.
- Once you define more than one Rule, select the logical operator. From the Include customers that meet drop down menu above the list of Rules, select either:
- All of the following (i.e., an AND operator)
- Some of the following (i.e., an OR operator)
Note: To clear all Rules from this Condition, click Remove Condition. To see the underlying Groovy code for this condition, click Show Expression.
- If you need to define additional Conditions for this Triggered Action, click Add Condition. Repeat the above steps to define the Rule, or Rules, for the Condition.
- Click Save.
Instead of defining a Rule through the user interface, you can provide code to perform more complex query logic. Enter your custom code in the Advanced Expression field.
The action specifies what process the Loyalty platform should execute when the condition is met. For the purposes of a Coupon Offer, this action should be to grant the desired Offer.
To define the action:
- Next to the desired Triggered Action, click the Edit icon within the Action column. The Actions pop up window is displayed.
- From the Action Type drop down menu, select Grant Offer.
- From the Offer drop down menu, select the desired Coupon Offer.
- Click Save.
Publish the Triggered Action
For a Triggered Action to be considered live, its status must be set to Published, and today's date must be within the defined Effectivity Period.
- Next to the desired Triggered Action, click the Edit icon within the Status column. The Edit Trigger pop up window is displayed.
- From the Status drop down menu, select the Triggered Action status: Draft, Published, or Archived.
- Select an Effectivity Period option:
- Always: This Triggered Action doesn't expire.
- Schedule: Enter a start date and end date, and select a time zone.
- Optionally, check Recurring and select an existing Recurring Schedule, or define a new Recurring Schedule.
- Click Save.
Deploy Triggered Action metadata
After you've created and published a Triggered Action, you must deploy the Triggered Action metadata. When you deploy the Triggered Action metadata, the process automatically deploys the metadata for ALL modified Triggered Actions.
- On the Trigger screen, from the Actions menu in the top right corner, select Validate Trigger Rules Metadata.
- If the validation step passes, a message pops up: Trigger Rules metadata is valid.
If the validation step fails, you'll receive an error message; review and correct your Triggered Action expressions, then retry the validation step.
- Click Deploy Trigger Rules Metadata.
- A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click Confirm.
- If the deployment was successful, a message pops up, Trigger Rules metadata has been deployed.
- Click Close.