The Activities section provides a variety of options for searching for Activity records.
You can filter the Activities section as follows:
Optionally, from the Activity Type drop-down menu, select either "All Activity Types" (the default value), or one or more specific Activity types.
Optionally, click the "With Primary Metric Change" toggle to show only Activities that resulted in a change to your loyalty program's primary metric (such as reward points). By default, the "All" toggle is selected.
Optionally, from the date drop-down menu, select a date range. This menu offers a variety of pre-defined date range options, such as "last three months" (the default value), or year-to-date, for example.
Press Enter, or click the search button (magnifying glass icon).
The Activities section is refreshed to show only the Activities that meet your search criteria. Please note Activities must meet ALL criteria you select in the above steps.
To remove all search criteria and revert back to the default options, click the remove button ("X" icon).
By default, the Activities section is sorted by Date in descending order (newest first).
To change the sort order, click the header for the column by which you want to sort. The Activities are sorted by that column in descending order; click the same header again to toggle the sort order to ascending.