MarigoldLoyalty Messages lets you communicate with your members by sending them messages. You can target Messages to specific member segments. You can send two different types of messages: email or push notifications.
This page is only intended for Customers using legacy Loyalty Messaging feature.
Setting up Messages
Content Setup
Marigold Loyalty Messages use various Content features, such as Content Tokens, Content Blocks, Content Pages, and Template Sets.
For more information about MarigoldLoyalty’s Content features, see Content Tools.
Program Settings
There are no Program Settings for Messages.
Managing Communication Preferences
MarigoldLoyalty Messages uses several Member Profile attributes, called Communication Preferences, when sending Messages:
email. The Member’s email address.
receive_email_offers. Specify whether the member should receive Marketing (i.e. non-Operational) emails.
receive_mobile_app_offers. Specify whether the member should receive Marketing (i.e. non-Operational) mobile push notifications
comm_prefs_updated_date. The datetime of the last change of the member’s communication preferences.
Marigold Loyalty Messages provides a Communication Preferences screen for Members to edit their own Communication Preferences. You can also edit these Communication Preferences for a Member in the Members screen.
Using the Messages Screen
Use the Campaigns | Messages screen to manage your Messages.
Searching and Sorting
The Rewards screen includes a variety of facilities to make it easy for you to search, filter, sort, and export/import records.
Searching. Use the Search text box to search records by name.
Filtering. Use the Triggered and Type dropdowns to filter records.
Sorting. Use the Sort dropdown to sort records by date created, date updated, or display name.
Content Management
Use Marigold Loyalty’s Content Management capabilities to manage your Messages:
Status. Use status to specify when a Message is valid. Marigold Loyalty automatically maintains this value for Messages that are not triggered.
Categories. Organize Messages into categories. Client applications use categories to show subsets of Messages to members.
Tags. Add one or more tags to help you search, filter, and organize your records. Tags are only visible and usable in the MarigoldLoyalty Marketing Console: you can modify and create tags, but your members are not be able to see or access the tags.
For more information about Marigold Loyalty’s powerful Content Management capabilities, see Content Objects.
Message Attributes
Following is a list of the main attributes:
Name. The name of the Message.
Description. A short description of the Message.
Tracking Code (optional). Specify a value to track clicks on the links in the Message. MarigoldLoyalty appends the Tracking Code to the end of links.
Triggered. Check this value to indicate that the Message is invoked for one member at a time. If unchecked, then the Message is sent as a single batch to the Message’s Recipients.
Operational. Check this value to indicate that the Message is used for normal program operations and usually does not contain Offers or an unsubscribe link.
Target Type and Target. The Message wraps another MarigoldLoyalty Content Object, such as a Challenge, Reward, or Product. Use these Messages to promote a Challenge or a Reward. Specify the Target Type and Target to point the Message to the MarigoldLoyalty Content Object.
Message Types
Marigold Loyalty Messages supports several types:
Email. Send the message via email. Author the message content in the Message | Display screen.
Push. Send the message via mobile push notification. Enter the message you want to send in the Text field.
Message Display (Email only)
Use the Content Editor in the Display tab to author the Message content.
For more information about Marigold Loyalty's Content Editor, see Content Editor.
Message Recipients
Define the list of members who should receive the Message by specifying a set of members, a set of segments, or all the members.
By Members. Enumerate the list of members that should receive the Message.
By Segments. Enumerate the list of segments that should receive the Message. View the Members | Segments page to create member segments.
To All. Send the Message to all members.
Note: There is an option to upload a CSV email list for recipients who will receive the message. Note that to ensure this upload works as expected, it must be
- UTF-8 encoded and
- Include a header row with the label ‘email’
An example of what the file should look like is as follows:
Message Advanced Settings
Use the Advanced tab to manage the advanced settings.
Placement. Use Placement to specify whether to send the Message to Visitors.
Static Files. Attach one or more files to the Content Object record.
Managing Message Responses
Use the Message | Responses screen to view responses for one Message.
Each response has an Activity:
Sent. MarigoldLoyalty sent the message to the member.
Delivered. The message was delivered to the member.
Opened. The member opened the message for viewing.
Clicked. The member clicked on the message.
Bounced. The message was returned to MarigoldLoyalty.
Using Message Dashboards
Use the Message | Dashboard screen to analyze the responses for one Message. Use the Campaigns | Message Dashboard to view responses across all Messages. You can analyze:
Targeted Members. Number of members who are recipients for the Message.
Delivered Number of messages delivered to members.
Opened. Number of opens by members.
Clicked. Number of clicks by members.
Bounced. Number of messages returned to MarigoldLoyalty.
Spam Reports. Number of member spam reports.
You can also analyze the following over time:
Deliveries. Number of messages delivered to members.
Responses. Number of opens and clicks by members.
Views. The number of times that a Reward was viewed.
Redeems. The number of reward redemptions.