Wallet Passes


A Mobile Wallet functions as a digital version of a physical wallet. Like its physical counterpart, a Mobile Wallet can hold loyalty cards, coupons, gift cards, and event tickets -- just digital versions of these items.

Unlike a physical wallet, though, all the items in a Mobile Wallet can be dynamic. Members are informed in real-time about their available coupons, and the geolocation capabilities of the program notify them about Offers that are available in their nearest store. 

MarigoldLoyalty's Mobile Wallet feature leverages Apple and Google's built-in wallet apps to deliver content, thereby allowing marketers to reach their Members on their devices in a manner similar to Push Notifications, without the expense of creating a branded mobile app. 


To access the Wallet Passes screen, select Campaigns from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Wallet Passes from the Sub-Category menu.


The Wallet Passes screen provides the following features:

Searching and Sorting

Create a New Wallet Pass

View or Edit a Wallet Pass