Gift Cards

MarigoldLoyalty Gift Cards lets a brand provision gift cards to members. Members use gift cards to make purchases in-store and online. MarigoldLoyalty Gift Cards securely stores gift card balances and history. Members can create a new gift card, add money to an existing gift card, deduct money from a gift card, check their gift card balance, link and unlink a gift card to their member account, and deactivate a gift card.

NOTE: Marigold Loyalty Gift Cards can be used by member and non-members.

MarigoldLoyalty Gift Cards uses a secure server-based processing flow to use a payment method (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Apple Pay, etc.) to purchase a new gift card or to add money to an existing gift card. With its rich set of APIs, you can connect popular point-of-sale (POS) or ecommerce systems to Stellat Gift Cards so members and non-members can use the giftacards wherever they need to pay.

Setting Up Gift Cards

Gift Card Classes

Use the Product | Gift Card Classes screen to setup your Gift Card Classes. Each Marigold  Loyalty Gift Card must belong to a Gift Card Class, which provides shared attributes for the Gift Cards:

  • Name. A unique name for the Gift Card Class.

  • Image. A jpg or png image shown to members.

On the Products | Gift Card Classes screen, you can also view all the Gift Cards and all the Gift Card Transaction for the Gift Card Class.

Gift Card Program Settings

Use the Program | Program Settings to configure the following settings:

  • Default Gift Card Class. Specify the default Gift Card Class when creating a new Gift Card.

Gift Card Payment Processor

MarigoldLoyalty Gift Cards has an option to let members use a payment card to add value to a Gift Card. To enable this, you must setup a Gift Card Payment Processor, such as BrainTree, to collect payment information from the member and to process the payment with the payment processor. Please contact the Marigold  Loyalty Customer Success Team to setup the Gift Card Payment Processor.

Using the Gift Cards Screen

Use the Products | Gift Cards screen to manage your Gift Cards.

Searching and Sorting

The Gift Cards screen includes a variety of facilities to make it easy for you to search, filter, sort, and export/import records.

  • Searching. Use the Search text box to search records by gift card name or gift card number.

  • Sorting. Use the Sort dropdown to sort records by date created, date updated, gift card number, or gift card name.

  • Export / Import. Use Marigold  Loyalty’s built-in export and import capability to export existing Gift Cards to and from .csv files.

Gift Card Attributes

  • Card Number. A string that uniquely identifies the Gift Card.

  • PIN. A alphanumeric string needed to perform certain Gift Card transactions, such as linking a Gift Card to a member.

  • Name (optional). A unique name for the Gift Card.

  • Auto Reload. When enabled, Marigold  Loyalty Gift Cards attempts to reload the Gift Card with more value whenever the balance falls below the ‘Reload Threshold’.

  • Reload Threshold. The amount that trigger an ‘Auto Reload’.

  • Reload Amount. The amount to add to the Gift Card when performing an Auto Reload.

Gift Types

MarigoldLoyalty Gift Cards supports several types:

  • Physical. A Gift Card that has a printed physical card.

  • Digital. A Gift Card that that exists virtually.