To create one or more Certificate Codes:
Click auto-generate. The "Generate Certificates" pop-up window is displayed.
From the "Reward" drop-down menu, select the Reward for which Members can redeem this Certificate.
In the "No. of Certificates" field, enter how many Certificates you want to generate.
In the "Length of Code" field, enter the character length for the Certificate Code.
In the "Code Prefix" field, optionally enter a prefix to be inserted before the Code (the Prefix doesn't count towards the length entered above in Step 4).
From the "Excluded Characters" drop-down menu, optionally select a letter or number to be excluded from the Code. Repeat this step as needed to exclude additional characters.
You may save the above settings of length of code, code prefix, and excluded characters as your default data by clicking on the Save as Default button. Note that doing so will also update the program setting Certificate Generation Defaults.
7. If you want to use the effectivity assigned to the Reward, check the "Use Reward Effectivity" check box.
8. Optionally check "Unique in all Rewards."
9. In the "Batch Size" field, enter the size of a Certificate "batch."
10. Click generate. Or, to close the window without creating any Certificates, click close.
Note: It may take a few moments for the platform to generate the Certificates; refresh the screen periodically until the Certificates are displayed. During this process, the auto-generate button label changes to read certificates generation on-going. You can't generate new Certificates until the process is finished. The platform will send you an email notification when the process is complete.