Reward Awards


An "Award" refers to a Reward granted to a Member, without the Member having to deduct any of his or her points. An Award is essentially a "free" Reward (as opposed to a "Redemption," which is a Reward that a Member earns and purchases with the appropriate number of points).  

Note: The Reward Awards screen is used to view and manage existing Awards; you can't grant a new Award from this screen. To grant an Award, you must navigate to the Reward Details screen for desired Reward, then select the "Awards" tab.


To access the Reward Awards screen, select Rewards from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Reward Awards from the Sub-Category menu.


Working with Awards

The Reward Awards screen provides the following features:

Searching and Sorting

Change Award Status

Exporting Award Data

The Reward Awards screen provides the following features related to exporting Award records.

Create Export Definition

View or Edit an Export Definition

Manually Execute an Export Definition

 Download an Export Definition

Delete an Export Definition