Badge Details: Members
The Members tab for a Badge is used to view the Members who have achieved, or been granted, this Badge. To view all Members who have achieved all Badges defined within your account, please see the Badge Members screen.
If you click the Member's name, the Member Details screen is displayed.
The features available on the Members tab are described below.
Grant Badge to a Member
Click here
To manually grant a Badge to a Member, the Badge must have a status ofPublished.
To grant a Badge:
Click grant badge. The "Grant Badge" pop-up window is displayed.
In the "Member" field, type all or part of the Member's name, then select the desired Member from the drop-down menu.
For Status type Badges only -- from the "Level" drop-down menu, select the Badge level to grant to this Member.
For Collector type Badges only -- in the "Badge count" field, enter how many Badges to grant to this Member.
Click save.
Post to News Feed
Click here
To post a comment:
From the "Action" menu next to the desired item, select "Post to Feed," then select which newsfeed (such as "Main Newsfeed" for example).
For more information on newsfeeds, please see News Feeds.
Edit Badge Level
Click here
For Status type Badges, to manually adjust a Member's Badge level:
From the "Action" menu next to the Member, select "Edit Level." The "Edit Member Badge" pop-up window is displayed.
From the "Level" drop-down menu, select the Badge level to grant to this Member.
Click save.
Expire a Badge
Click here
To expire a Member's Badge:
From the "Action" menu next to the Member, select "Expire." A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.