Reward Class Details
The Reward Class Details screen provides detailed information on all aspects of a single Reward Class.
To access the Reward Class Details screen, click on the desired record from the Reward Classes screen.
Navigation links are provided near the top of the Reward Class Details screen:
The basic properties for the Reward Class are displayed at the top of the screen in the Header section. The features available within this section are described below.
View or Edit Reward Class Properties
Click here
To edit the details of the selected Reward Class:
In the top section of the Reward Class Details screen, click edit. The "Edit Reward Class" pop-up window is displayed.
Make any necessary changes to the Reward Class properties.
Click save.
Delete a Reward Class
Click here
To delete the selected Reward Class:
In the Header section of the Reward Class Details screen, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Reward Class" pop-up window is displayed.
Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.
Set Status and Effectivity Period
Click here
To set the status and effectivity period for a Reward Class:
In the top-right section of the Reward ClassDetails screen, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Reward Class" pop-up window is displayed.
From the "Status" drop-down menu, select the desired status value -- Draft, Published, or Archive.
Make any necessary changes to the Reward Class effectivity. The effectivity designates the time frame during which the Reward Class can be used. Valid values are:
Always: This Reward Class doesn't expire.
Scheduled: Enter a start date and end date, and select the time zone. Optionally, check "Recurring" to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the "Recurring Schedule" drop-down menu, or define a new recurring schedule (see below for details on that process).
Click save.
Define a new recurring schedule
To define a new recurring schedule for this item's effectivity:
From the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, select Enter Schedule. The Repeat pop up window is displayed.
Select a recurrence frequency of Weeklyor Monthlyfrom the Frequency drop down menu.
In the text field, enter the interval.
For a Weekly frequency, select one or more days of the week. For example, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
For a Monthly frequency, choose one of the following options:
Day of month: Select one or more days of the month. Ex: the 15th and the 30th.
Day of week: Select one or more days of the week, for each of the four weeks within a month. Ex: the second Wednesday of the month.
Click ok. The system adds the new schedule to the Recurring Schedule drop down menu.
Managing Attributes
The Attributes tab displays the Attributes and domain values for this Reward Class. The features related to creating and managing Attributes are described below.
Create a New Attribute
Click here
To create a new Attribute:
In the "Enter Display Name" field, enter the name of the new Attribute.
Click add attribute. The Attribute is added to the screen.
Edit an Attribute
Click here
To edit the details of an Attribute:
To the right of the Attribute name, click the Edit icon. The "Edit <Attribute>" pop-up window is displayed.
Optionally edit the Attribute display name and / or internal name.
From the "Data Type" drop-down menu, select the Attribute's data type -- String, Integer, or Boolean.
Optionally, in the "Hint" field, enter the hint text.
Click save.
Delete an Attribute
Click here
To delete an Attribute:
To the right of the Attribute name, click the Delete icon. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.
Optionally, you can also delete the Attribute from within the "Edit" pop-up window:
To the right of the Attribute name, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Attribute" pop-up window is displayed.
Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.
Managing Domain Values
The Attributes tab displays the Attributes and domain values for this Reward Class. The features related to creating and managing domain values for an Attribute are described below.
Define Domain Values
Click here
Once you create an Attribute, you can define the set of valid values, called "domain values" that the platform will accept in this field. To define the domain values for the new Attribute:
Enter the value in the "Display Name" field beneath the Attribute name. Click add domain value. The "Edit <value>" pop-up window is displayed.
The "Display Name" field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
In the "Code" field, enter a code for this domain value.
The "Internal Name" is automatically populated based on the "Display Name" value. This field is disabled by default. To edit the Internal Name, check the "Edit Internal Name" check box. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
To make this domain value the default, check "Default."
Optionally, in the "Hint" field, enter the hint text.
Click save.
Repeat the above steps as needed to define additional domain values for this Attribute.
Edit a Domain Value
Click here
To edit the properties of a domain value:
To the right of the domain value, click the Edit icon. The "Edit <Domain Value>" pop-up window is displayed.
Make any necessary changes to the domain value properties.
Click save.
Delete a Domain Value
Click here
To delete a domain value:
To the right of the domain value, click the Delete icon. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.
Optionally, you can also delete the domain value from within the "Edit" pop-up window:
To the right of the domain value, click the Edit icon. The "Edit <Domain Value>" pop-up window is displayed.
Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.
Import Domain Values
Click here
From the "Actions" drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen, select "Import Classification Attribute Options." The "Create New Import - Classification Attribute Options" pop-up window is displayed.
Basic properties
From the "Import Method" drop-down menu, identify how you want the platform to handle the import records, such as create new records only, update existing records only, or both create and update records.
In the "File Options" field, select one or more fields used to identify existing records in the database.
By default, the platform will create an Activity record associated with this import. Optionally select the "Yes" radio button next to "Skip Publish Activity" to omit this process.
If you want to import blank values, select the "Yes" radio button next to "Include Blank Values."
The platform supports email and phone number syntax validation on the appropriate import fields. To run this validation, select the "Yes" radio button next to "Validate Records."
If you account is configured with business units, select the desired Business Unit from the "Business Unit" drop-down menu.
To send email notifications following the import process, enter one or more recipient email addresses in the "Recipients" field.
To send email notifications following a failed import process, enter one or more recipient email addresses in the "Failed Import Email Recipients" field.
To select the import file, clickchoose file, then browse to and select the desired file.
Select a column separator: Comma or Semicolon.
Import options
To configure additional import options:
Click add options.
To use a lookup table, select the desired table from the "Lookup table" drop-down menu.
From the "Lookup column" drop-down menu, select the desired column on the lookup table.
Enter a value in the "Rename as" field.
In the "Find by columns" field, select one or more columns used to identify existing records in the database.
If the lookup table is required, select the "Yes" radio button next to "Required."
If you want to stop the import process if a duplicate record is found, select the "Yes" radio button next to "Abort on Duplicate Record."
Optionally enter any additional conditions as Groovy expressions in the "Condition" field.
Optionally, click delete to remove the additional import options.
When finished, click submit.
View Domain Value Imports
Click here
To view a list of previous Domain Value imports:
From the "Actions" drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen, select "Classification Attribute Options Import List." The "Classification Attribute Options Import List" pop-up window is displayed and populated with a list of all previous Domain Value imports. For each import,
the screen displays the following:
Imported by
Result (i.e., the
number of records successfully imported, the number of
failed records, and the number of skipped records)
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