
Marigold Loyalty Gallery provides a repository of all media and images contributed by both marketers and members. You can manually upload media and images to the Marigold  Loyalty Gallery. Or, you can configure Photo Challenges to upload member photo submissions to the Gallery.

Using the Gallery Screen

Use the Communities | Gallery screen to manage your Gallery.

Searching and Sorting

The Gallery screen includes a variety of facilities to make it easy for you to search and sort records.

  • Searching. Use the Search text box to search records by name.

  • Sorting. Use the Sort dropdown to sort records by date created, date updated, or display name.

Content Management

Use MarigoldLoyalty’s Content Management capabilities to manage your Gallery:

  • Tags. Add one or more tags to help you search, filter, and organize your records. Tags are only visible and usable in the Marigold  Loyalty Marketing Console: you can modify and create tags, but your members are not be able to see or access the tags.

For more information about Marigold  Loyalty’s powerful Content Management capabilities, see Content Objects.

Gallery Attributes

Following is a list of the main attributes:

  • Name. Specify a name for the media or image.

  • Description. A short description of the media or image.