Marigold Loyalty Events lets you define events for your members to attend. You can create Events to target specific member segments to maximize the effectiveness of each Event. You can optionally add one or more presenters to the event, and choose an existing survey challenge for attendees to complete.
Setting up Events
Program Settings
There are no Program Settings for Events.
Using the Events Screen
Use the Communities | Events screen to manage your Events.
Searching and Sorting
The Events includes a variety of facilities to make it easy for you to search, filter, sort, and export/import records.
Searching. Use the Search text box to search records by name.
Sorting. Use the Sort dropdown to sort records by start date, date created, date updated, or display name.
Content Management
Use Marigold Loyalty’s Content Management capabilities to manage your Events:
Status. Use status to specify when an Event is in use. Change the status to change the visibility of the Event to members. Valid statuses are ‘Draft’, ‘Published’, and ‘Archived’.
Effectivity. Change the effectivity to designate the timeframe for which members can view and respond to each Event. Valid effectivities are ‘Always’ and ‘Schedule’.
Categories. Organize records into categories. Client applications use categories to show subsets of records to members.
Tags. Add one or more tags to help you search, filter, and organize your records. Tags are only visible and usable in the Marigold Loyalty Marketing Console: you can modify and create tags, but your members are not be able to see or access the tags.
Assignee. Choose an assignee to give ownership or responsibility to one or more Marketers. You can easily find the tasks assigned to a specific Marketer by searching for a name in the Search textbox.
For more information about Marigold Loyalty’s powerful Content Management capabilities, see Content Objects.
Event Attributes
Following is a list of the main attributes:
Name. Specify the name of the event.
Image. Upload an image to visually represent the event.
Location. The location for the event.
From and To. The start date and end date time for the event.
Event Definition
Use the Event | Definition screen to view additional information about the Event.
Enter one or more members who are leading the event. Members can view these presenters when viewing Event details.
Choose one or more survey challenges for the Event. After completing the event, attendees can complete the surveys associated with the Event.
Event Display
Use the Content Editor in the Display tab to specify what the cover of the Event should look like to the member based on the channel and presentation mode.
For more information about Marigold Loyalty’s Content Editor, see Content Editor.
Event Eligibility
Use segments and locations to specify which members can see and respond to an Event.
Segments. Specify one or more eligible segments for each Event. Use segmentation to target a specific demographic with the Event by including or excluding segments to be eligible for the Event. View the Members | Segments page to create member segments.
Locations. Specify one or more eligible locations for each Event. Target specific locations with individualized Events by including or excluding locations. View the Admin | Locations page to create locations.
Event Advanced Settings
Use the Advanced tab to manage the advanced settings.
Limits. Use limits to specify the total maximum submissions for all members, the maximum submissions for each individual member, and the minimum amount of time between submissions.
Business Value. Use business value to give a monetary value for each response.
Prizes. Use prizes to add incentives for members to submit responses. You can specify a metric to award to the member for submitting a response, or you can award secondary prizes such an entry into a sweepstakes or a reward from your reward catalog. Awarding only occures on approval of the response.
Managing Event Responses
Use the Event | Responses screen to view responses for one Event.
Each response has a status:
Submitted. The member has submitted the response but it is not yet accepted nor rejected.
Approved. The response has been approved, either manually by a Marketer or automatically with the auto-approve feature
Rejected. The response has been rejected by a Marketer and is ineligible to receive any prizes. You must manually reject a response. You can add a message to the member regarding the rejection and give the member the opportunity to re-submit a response.
Using Event Dashboards
Use the Event | Dashboard screen to analyze the responses for one Event. You can analyze:
Views. The number of times that an Event was viewed.
Responses. The number of Event Responses.