Tier Scheme Details: Definition
The Definition tab of the Tier Scheme Details screen allows you to define the different Tiers in your Tier Scheme.
Note: Tiers are always defined at a Tier Scheme level. Even if you have multiple Tier Tables defined in your Tier Scheme, all those Tier Tables will have the same set of Tiers (i.e., rows).
The Definition tab provides the following features related to managing your Tiers.
Create a New Tier
Click here
To create a new Tier:
In the Enter Display Name field, enter the Display Name value for the new tier.
Click add tier. The "Edit Tier" pop-up window is displayed.
The Display Name field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Display Name value. This field is disabled by default. To edit the Internal Name, check Edit Internal Name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
In the Description field, optionally enter a description of the Tier.
Click save.
Repeat the above steps as necessary to define additional Tiers.
Assign a Reward to a Tier
Click here
When a Member successfully attains a new Tier, you can optionally grant them a Reward. To assign a Reward to a Tier:
In the Rewards column of the desired Tier, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Tier" pop-up window is displayed.
From the "Rewards" drop-down menu, select a Reward to grant the Member upon attaining this Tier.
Click save.
Optionally, click on the Reward's name within the Rewards column to navigate to the Reward Details screen.
Add Extra JSON
Click here
If you need to include additional fields when exporting Tier information, you can add custom JSON to a Tier:
In the Extra JSON column of the desired Tier, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Tier" pop-up window is displayed.
In the "Extra JSON" field, enter the JSON code.
Click save.
Rearrange Tiers
Click here
The order of the Tiers should be arranged from the Member's first (or lowest) Tier, downward through progressive (higher) Tiers. To rearrange the tier sequence:
To the left of the Tier name, click on the "handle" area.
Drag-and-drop the Tier
into its desired new sequence.
Edit Tier Properties
Click here
To edit the properties of a Tier:
Within the Action column
of the desired Tier, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Tier" pop-up window is displayed.
Make any necessary
changes to the Tier properties.
Click save.
Delete a Tier
Click here
To delete a Tier:
Within the Action column
of the desired tier, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Tier" pop-up window is displayed.
Click delete.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.