Tier Schemes


Many MarigoldLoyalty clients use membership Tiers as part of their customer loyalty programs. Tiers allow a client to organize Members into a hierarchy based on some distinguishing feature, such as total purchases or points earned. Tiers are often used as a way to incentivize Members to spend in your loyalty program by offering rewards or increased discounts at higher Tiers. 

Tiers don't necessarily need to be made public to your Members. Some loyalty programs use Tiers behind the scenes, simply as a way to automatically trigger special offers or discounts at specified thresholds. 


To access the Tier Schemes screen, select Rules from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Tier Schemes from the Sub-Category menu.


This section describes key concepts related to Tiers in Marigold  Loyalty

Tier Schemes

A Tier Scheme is the top-level asset for organizing membership Tiers. A client can have one or more Tier Schemes defined within their account. For example, you could define separate Tier Schemes for each brand in a multi-brand account. Other clients use a separate Tier Scheme for "hidden" Tiers that aren't exposed to their customers. 

Tier Schemes are independent from one another, and all of the rules and conditions are evaluated separately. A single Member could theoretically attain a particular Tier in one Tier Scheme, and a completely different Tier in another Tier Scheme. 

If you have multiple Tier Schemes, one of them must be designated as the "primary" Tier Scheme. The primary Tier Scheme is displayed in the "Membership Summary" section of the Members CSR screen. In addition, a Member's assignment in the primary Tier Scheme is displayed within the header of the Member Details screen. 

Note: The Primary Tier Scheme is designated on the Deployments screen. 

Each Tier Scheme deifned in your account is governed by its own Effectivity Period and Status, which controls when that Tier Scheme is considered "live" and actively in use. 

Tier Table

Tiers are represented in Marigold  Loyalty as a table with one or more rows, and with one or more columns. Each row in the table corresponds to a Tier. For example, if your loyalty program has Base, Silver, and Gold tiers, you would have three rows in your Tier Table. The order of the rows is important, and rows should be arranged in the proper sequence from top-to-bottom, going from the lowest tier on the top row to the highest tier on the bottom row.

Each column in the Tier Table corresponds to a condition or threshold required for a Member to achieve that Tier. A Member must satisfy all conditions across all columns to achieve a given Tier (that is, multiple columns are joined with an AND logical operator). The platform supports the following column types:

  • Metric: The earned value for a metric (such as "loyalty points" for example) for a specified period of time is compared to the values specified in the column.

  • Metric Group: Groups allow you to evaluate two or more metrics. The overall group is satisfied for a Tier if any of the constituent metrics are satisfied (that is, multiple metrics within the group are joined with an OR logical operator).

  • Expression: The column is satisfied for a Tier if the expression evaluates to "true." Expressions provide a way to define conditions beyond just using metrics. For example, if you want to limit a Tier to only US residents, you could use the following expression: getMemberValue('country'). Then, you would define the desired value as "US."

Below is a sample Tier Table for a simple loyalty program with five different tiers, and two columns: Metric A and a Metric Group comprising Metrics B and C. Members begin in the top row ("Base") and progress downward through the Table as they attain higher Tiers. 


Metric A

Metric Group

Metric B

Metric C





















Since Metrics B and C are within a Metric Group, the two columns are joined by an OR operator. In this example, for a Member to advance to the next Tier, they must meet or exceed the value for Metric A, and they must meet or exceed either of the values for Metric B or Metric C. The highest Tier that a Member satisfies is the resultant Tier for that Member.

A single Tier Scheme can have one or more Tier Tables defined within it. Each Tier Table deifned within a Tier Scheme is governed by its own Effectivity Period and Status, which controls when that Tier Table is considered "live" and actively in use

For example, a client could define a Tier Table for the current year with a set of metric thresholds needed to attain each Tier. Then, let's say the thresholds are going to change next year. The client could define another Tier Table for the upcoming year with the new metric thresholds. Each Tier Table has its own expiration period, so the first Tier Table could be set to expire at midnight on December 31, with the new Tier Table then taking effect immediately on January 1. 

Note: As a best practice, you should not define Tier Tables with "overlapping" effectivity; you should only have one Tier Table active at a time. Likewise, be careful not to allow any gaps in effectivity. In the event that the evaluation date for a Member's Tier assignment does not fall under the effectivity period of any Tier Table, the first published Tier Table on the Base Rules screen will be considered as the effective one.  

Tier Rules

Tier Rules define the criteria that allow a Member to move from one Tier to the next. Tier Rules are written as a logical condition, such as "Metric A is greater than or equal to 1250."  

MarigoldLoyalty supports Basic and Advanced Tier Rules. Basic Tier Rules are structured via the Tier Table as described above. Advanced Tier Rules are typically used for temporary conditions, such as a special offer to allow Members to advance more quickly to the next Tier. Each Advanced Tier Rule defined within a Tier Scheme is governed by its own Effectivity Period and Status, which controls when that Advanced Tier Rule is considered "live" and actively in use


The features available on the Tier Schemes screen are described below.

Searching and Sorting

Create a New Tier Scheme

View or Edit a Tier Scheme

Deploy Tier Scheme Metadata