Trigger Action Settings
Triggered Actions are a type of Rule within the Loyalty platform. Triggered Actions are used to monitor changes to a Loyalty Member, and to execute a specific action when a specific condition is satisfied.
The Triggered Action Settings screen is used to create and manage Trigger Groups. Triggered Actions are typically organized into these Trigger Groups, which are used to control which Triggered Actions are executed. The platform supports two different types, or "strategies," of Trigger Groups:
Execute only first applicable rule: Once a Triggered Action in this Trigger Group is executed, all other Triggered Actions are skipped. For example, if you're using Triggered Actions to send messages, you could put them in the same Trigger Group to avoid sending multiple messages to the same Member.
Execute all applicable rules: All Triggered Actions in this Trigger Group are executed.
Note: Triggered Actions that execute within one Group have no impact on Actions in another Group.
To access the Triggered Actions Settings screen, select Rules from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Settings > Triggered Action Settings from the Sub-Category menu.
The Triggered Actions screen provides the following features:
Create a New Trigger Group
Click here
To create a new Trigger Group:
In the "Enter Display Name" field, enter the Display Name value for the new Trigger Group.
From the "Strategy" drop-down menu, select a Trigger Group strategy:
Execute only first application rule: Once a Triggered Action in this Trigger Group is executed, all other Triggered Actions are skipped.
Execute all applicable rules: All Triggered Actions in this Trigger Group are executed.
Click create. The "Trigger Group" pop-up window is displayed.
The "Display Name" field is populated with the value you entered above in step 1; optionally edit this value.
The "Internal Name" is automatically populated based on the "Display Name" value. This field is disabled by default. To edit the Internal Name, check the "Edit Internal Name" check box. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
In the "Description" field, enter a description of the Trigger Group.
The Trigger Group strategy you selected above in step 2 is automatically selected in the "Strategy" drop-down; optionally select a different strategy.
Click save. The Trigger Group is added to the screen. By default, the new Trigger Group is added to the very bottom (see "Rearrange Trigger Groups" below for more details on how to move a Trigger Group).
View or Edit Trigger Group Properties
Click here
To edit the properties of a Trigger Group:
Within the "Action" column of the desired Trigger Group, click the edit icon. The "Trigger Group" pop-up window is displayed.
Make any necessary changes to the Trigger Group properties.
Click save. Or to discard the changes without saving, click close.
Rearrange Trigger Groups
Click here
The sequence in which the Trigger Group appears on the Trigger Action Settings controls the sequence in which the platform executes the Trigger Groups.
To rearrange the Trigger Groups:
To the left of the desired Trigger Group, click and hold on the "handle" area.
Drag-and-drop the Trigger Group to its desired new sequence.
Delete a Trigger Group
Click here
To delete a Trigger Group:
Within the "Action" column of the desired Trigger Group, click the edit icon. The "Trigger Group" pop-up window is displayed.
Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.