Translating Messages

One way of sending out different messages depending on the language of the contact is creating multiple messages, one for each language and using the language of the contact as a filter in the journey. Another possibility is to create messages with different content sections, depending on the language.

Translation can also be provided for:

  • option lists by defining translations in the configuration of the option list and using the translated value from the option list in the message personalization. E.g. ~$GENDER~ will show the option list's translated values 'Mr.' or 'Ms.' for values 'M' or 'F' of the GENDER field in the audience list.
  • labels can be defined for form labels, form error messages or any other static text that needs different translations in a message. Labels are grouped in namespaces. In a message you can use ~#LABELNAME~ to display the label's translated value.
  • complete text Content Blocks in messages by means of translation files. In a 'master' message you can use ~$LABELNAME$~ to display the translated content of the translation files. For each language a new translated message is created from the 'master' message.

To be able to use translations in messages, a language must be defined in the properties of the message. If not, Selligent is unable to determine which translation must be used.


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