Ad Targeter Overview

Sailthru’s Ad Targeter technology makes real-time delivery decisions for in-email ad impressions to ensure that both you and your advertisers attain the strongest possible ROI.

Ad Targeter supports the way ads are traditionally handled in newsletters, selling ads against a list and a particular day's scheduled send. Ad Targeter augments your monetization strategy by giving you complete control of your in-email advertising units, whether you're leveraging these placements for in-house ads and offers or selling the inventory to third parties.

Ad Targeter can leverage the behavioral intelligence of Sailthru's Personalization Engine, allowing you to target ads to specific users based on the behaviors they exhibit across mobile, social and email channels - all in real time.

Ad Targeter can be used to:

  • Target lapsed buyers with a coupon or other promotional incentive.
  • Target all highly engaged but non-paying users (if you have a paid subscription model) with an ad.
  • Target users who recently canceled a paid subscription with an ad to resubscribe.
  • Use a mix of Sailthru's geo-data and custom variables to promote an event based on location, like a new store opening or a conference.
  • Upsell your own newsletters or products based on Sailthru-tracked interest data, such as a tech newsletter to users who show an interest of 5 times or more the average in technology.  

Read more about each step of working with Ad Targeter: