Member Details: Profile Tab
The Profile tab displays the demographic information that the Loyalty platform has stored on a Member. These demographic fields are called "Member Attributes," and are defined on the Member Attributes screen. These fields are commonly used as "content tokens" to personalize messages, or they're used in Segments for targeting.
The Profile tab is divided into several sections:
Member Attributes: Displays all the Member Attributes defined in your database, and the values for each Attribute for this Member.
Tiers: Displays all Tiers (across all Tier Schemes) that this Member has attained.
Member Preferences: Displays the Member Preferences defined in your database, and the values for each preference for this Member.
Calculated Attributes: Dsiplayed the Calculated Attributes defined in your database, and the values for each Calculated Attribute for this Member.
The features available on the Profile tab are described below.