Segment Details: Rules


The Rules tab of the Segment Details screen allows you to define the conditions that specify the inclusion criteria for the Segment. The features available in this section vary depending on the selected Execution Type of the Segment (EDP or Golden Record).

Note: For Golden Record-type Segments, if you checked the External option, the Rules tab is not displayed. 


The features and options available from the Rules section are described below.

Segment Type: EDP

The EDP Segment Execution Type uses aggregated data, and does not support dynamically-calculated Segments. This Execution Type is primarily intended for use cases where you need to calculate all the individuals that belong in a particular Segment. For Segments of type EDP, the Rules tab provides the following features: 

Define Segment Rules - Simple

Define Segment Rules - Advanced

Define Segment Rules - Traditional

Segment Type: Golden Record

The Golden Record Execution Type uses a "wide row" design, meaning that everything about an individual is available within a single row. This Execution Type is primarily intended for use cases where you need to calculate to which Segments a single individual belongs. For Segments of type Golden Record, the Rules tab provides the following features: 

Create Rule Conditions

 Test Member Count

View Expression Logic