Punch Card Details: Moments


The Moments tab allows you to trigger the deployment of relevant messages to Members related to their Punch Card. As Members progress through the stages of the Punch Card life cycle, the platform can be configured to automatically deploy these messages, if specified conditions are met. The process of using Moments provides a more integrated, streamlined method of creating and sending messages than using Triggered Actions

Note: The use of Moments requires the use of Marigold Engage+ and the Engagement Data Platform (EDP). Please speak to your Client Services Representative if you have any questions about these Marigold applications. 

Most of the Moments (such as IssuedPunched, and Completed for example), are triggered when changes occur to the Member's Punch Card in real-time. Other Moments (such as Opt-In Reminder and Hurdle at Risk) are designed to be evaluated and initiated based on a recurring schedule. 

Note: The schedule-based Moments are not yet enabled. 

Through the use of conditional logic, you can target content to different Members. For example, you could send different "Issued Punch Card" messages to your Members based on their current Tier. Or, you could limit messages to only Members who have a mailing address in the United States. The different versions of content and their associated conditions are referred to in the platform as variants. When a Moment is triggered, the platform will evaluate whether a variant applies based on the conditions specified, and if so, sends the message to the Member. If a Member qualifies for multiple variants, the platform will send the first one listed in sequence. 


The features available on the Moments tab are described below.  

Create a Content Variant

Edit a Content Variant

Delete a Content Variant

Rearrange Variants