Triggered Actions


Triggers are a type of Rule within the Loyalty platform. Triggers are used to monitor changes to a Loyalty Member, and to execute a specific action when a specific condition is satisfied.

Triggers contain three main components: the trigger definition, the condition, and the action.

The trigger definition indicates what the platform should monitor. The possible trigger definitions are:

  • Member performs an activity,

  • Change in a Member's reward points, or

  • Change in the Member's tier

When the trigger definition occurs, the platforms checks the condition, which is represented as a logical expression. The trigger action is invoked only if this condition is satisfied.

The action specifies what the platform should do with the condition is met, such as a send a message, grant a Reward, or update a Member Attribute, for example.

Trigger Groups

Triggers are typically organized into Trigger Groups, which are used to control which Triggers are executed. The platform supports two different types, or "strategies," of Trigger Groups:

  • Execute only first application rule: Once a Trigger in this Trigger Group is executed, all other Triggers are skipped. For example, if you're using Triggers to send messages, you could put them in the same Trigger Group to avoid sending multiple messages to the same Member.

  • Execute all applicable rules: All Triggers in this Trigger Group can be executed.

Note: Triggers that execute within one Group have no impact on Actions in another Group.

For more details on how to define a Trigger Group, please see Trigger Action Settings.


To access the Triggered Actions screen, select Rules from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Triggered Actions from the Sub-Category menu.

Within the Triggered Actions screen, all of the Triggers are displayed beneath a sub-heading that indicates the Trigger Group. This sub-heading displays the Trigger Group name, description, and strategy (see above).


The Triggered Actions screen provides the following features:

Searching and Sorting

Create a trigger

The steps for creating a new Trigger are described below. 

Create a New Trigger

Define Trigger Condition

Define Trigger Action

Set Status and Effectivity Period

Manage Triggers

Features rtlating to managing your existing Triggers are described below. 

Deploy Triggered Action Metadata

View Deployed Triggered Action Metadata

Rearrange Triggers

Edit Trigger Properties

Delete a Trigger

Download JSON

Marigold Engage

You can configure triggered actions to send messages via Marigold Engage when processing activities, metric changes, or tier changes. The action "Send Message via Marigold Engage" can be used to configure triggered actions to send messages via Marigold Engage. The trigger will send any configured data that is a part of personalization details of the trigger in a request to Engage to create or update the Engage profile associated with the Loyalty member email address, and leverage the data configured in the trigger to personalize the message sent via Engage.

Marigold Engage+

You can configure personalization details such as member values, metrics, or other activity details in messaging triggers used by Marigold Engage+ without the need for scripting. Users can configure personalization details using selectors as the default process which simplifies and speeds up the configuration process. Users may still use scripting if desired for these messaging triggers by using the Advanced mode.

Personalization details for the below actions include new a new configuration settings dropdown for Type that include Attribute, Metric, Content Token, and Advanced options:

  • Invoke Marigold Engage+ Connector
  • Send Marigold Engage+ Email
  • Send Marigold Engage+ Email - Member Auth Notification

Note: Existing triggers will default to the Advanced Type, and the Name and Value Elements will not be changed.