Reward Details: Awards
The Awards tab for a Reward is used to view the Members who have been granted this Reward as an "Award." The platform displays information about the Member (such as his or her name, email address, and Member ID), and the details of the award (such as the date the Reward was granted).
To view all Awards across all Rewards, please see the Reward Awards screen.
Note: You can optionally search the list of Members by entering the Member's name or email address in the search field.
The features available on the Awards tab are described below.
Grant an Award
Click here
To manually grant this Reward to a Member:
Click grant award. The "Grant Award" pop-up window is displayed.
In the "Member" field, type all or part of the Member's name, then select the desired Member from the drop-down menu.
Optionally, check "Auto claim upon award" to set the award status to "Claimed" (the default award status is "Awarded" until the Member actually claims the award).
In the "Reason" field, enter the reason for granting the Reward to this Member.
Select an effectivity period:
Click save. The Member is added to the list within the Awards tab.
Change Award Status
Click here
An Award has one of the following possible status values:
The current status for an award is displayed within the "Status" column. To change the status for an award:
In the "Status" column, select the desired status from the drop-down menu.
Edit Award Properties
Click here
To edit the details of an award:
From the drop-down menu in the "Action" column, select "Edit." The "Edit Award" pop-up window is displayed.
Make any necessary changes to the award's properties
Click save.
Delete Award
Click here
To delete an award:
From the drop-down menu in the "Action" column, select "Delete." A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.