Badge Details


Badges are a type of Reward, allowing you to recognize and incentivize your Members. Members can view and share their Badges with friends and other Members. The Badge Details screen is used to view and edit information about a single Badge.


To access the Badge Details screen, click on the desired record from the Badges screen.

Navigation links are provided near the top of the Badge Details screen:

  • Back to Badges: Click this link to return to the Badges screen.

  • Next / Previous: Click these links to navigate to the Badge Details screen for the next or previous Badge.

The Badge Details screen is organized into different sections available by clicking the appropriate tab.

Select an item above for more details on that tab.




Advanced Options


Used By


The basic properties for the Badge are displayed at the top of the screen in the Header section. The features available within this section are described below.

View or Edit Badge Properties

Delete a Badge

Set Status and Effectivity Period