For Connector types of Secure FTP and Amazon S3, an export filter comprises one or more logical rules that define what records are selected and included in the export file.
Click 1: filter.
To create a new rule, click the Add button (plus sign icon).
From the first drop-down menu, select an attribute.
From the second drop-down menu, select a mathematical operator.
Note: The LIKE operator allows you to search for part of a string using "%" as a wild card character. For example, if you wanted to export all People records that have "" as their email address domain, you would select LIKE as the operator, then enter the value of ""
In the text field, enter a value.
Repeat the above steps as needed to define additional rules.
If your filter has multiple rules, use the toggle buttons to define the logical operator used to join the rules -- AND or OR.
Click save. Or click next to move to 2: Map & Transform.
Rule groups
To create a group of rules connected with their own logical operator:
Within the 1: Filter screen, click group.
Within the Group box, click the Add button (plus sign icon) to define the first rule for the group.
From the first drop-down menu, select an attribute.
From the second drop-down menu, select a mathematical operator.
In the text field, enter a value.
Repeat the above steps as needed to define additional rules for the Group.
Within the Group box, use the toggle buttons to define the logical operator -- AND or OR. This operator applies only to the rules inside this Group.
Note: By clicking the group button inside the Group box, you can create "nested" groups.