Create a New Connection Profile
Click here
To create a new Connection Profile:
Click the tile representing the type of Connection Profile you want to create. The platform displays a list of existing Connection Profiles of the selected type.
In the "Label" field, enter the name of the new Connection Profile.
Click Create. The "Connection Profile" pop-up window is displayed. The properties available within this window will vary depending on the Connector type:
Marigold Engage+
To create a Connector to Marigold Engage+:
The "Label" field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Label value. This field is uneditable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check edit internal name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
In the "Endpoint" field, enter the appropriate API endpoint based on your region. Typically for a Messaging Connector, you'll use the Advanced Event Trigger API, which uses the following endpoint depending your region:
North America:
In the "Username" field, enter the Consumer Key for the Messaging system user.
In the "Password" field, enter the Consumer Secret for the Messaging system user. By default, this value is obscured; optionally click show to view the value.
Note: The Username and Password values can be found within Messaging on the API Keys screen. Please see the Messaging Online Help for more details.
In the "Token Expiration" field, enter the duration of the authentication token.
Click save.
Marigold Engage
To create a Connector to Marigold Engage:
The Label is the display name. Use a clear name, as this is the connector label name that will be used in triggered actions afterwards.
The Internal Name is used in API calls and is automatically populated based on the 'Label' value. This field is not editable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check the 'Edit Internal Name' box.
The API Client ID is the API key coming from Marigold Engage. Copy the value from the Service Accounts section in Engage's Admin Configuration and paste it into this field.
The API Client Secret is the API key secret coming from Marigold Engage. Copy the value from the Service Accounts section in Engage's Admin Configuration and paste it into this field.
The Engage Organization is the name in which the Transactional Journeys and messages are located.
The Engage Domain is the domain for the API call to be triggered (e.g.,
Click save.
Secure FTP
To create a Connector to an FTP Server:
The "Label" field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Label value. This field is uneditable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check edit internal name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
In the "FTP Host" field, enter the FTP server filepath.
In the "FTP Port" field, enter the desired server port.
In the "Username" field, enter the FTP server username.
From the "Auth type" drop-down menu, select either:
Password: In the "Password" field, enter the FTP server password.
Public Key: From the "Private Key File" drop-down menu, select an Encryption Key.
Note: EDP supports the use of SSH2 (Secure Shell protocol version 2) for importing and exporting data. To use SSH2, you must create an Encryption Key that uses "RSA Private Key" as the encryption type, then assign that Encryption Key to an SFTP Connection Profile as described above. Then, select that Connection Profile for your Import and Export Definitions in EDP.
In the "Root Path" field, optionally enter the root path to the desired location on the FTP server. This value will be used as a prefix for all objects that use this Connection Profile.
Click save.
Amazon S3 bucket
Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) allows you to store and retrieve data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. This service uses the concept of a container called a "bucket" to store data. You can store an infinite amount of data in a bucket, and download it whenever you need.
Note: For more information on Amazon S3, please see the Amazon S3 User Guide.
You can configure buckets so that they are created in a specific AWS Region. The combination of an optional prefix, the bucket name, and the region together comprise the URL for the bucket. For example, let's say you have an object named cheetah.jpg stored in the awsexamplebucket1 bucket in the US West (Oregon) Region. This object is addressable using the URL:
To create a Connector to an Amazon S3 Bucket:
The "Label" field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Label value. This field is uneditable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check edit internal name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
In the "AWS Access Key" field, enter your Amazon Web Services (AWS) Access Key ID. This ID is a 20-character, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies an AWS account.
In the "AWS Secret Key" field, enter your AWS secret access key. This key is a 40-character string.
In the "Bucket" field, enter the name of the Amazon S3 Bucket.
In the "Root Path" field, optionally enter a value used as a prefix for all objects that use this Connection Profile.
From the "Region" drop-down menu, select your AWS region.
Click save.
To create a Connector to an HTTP API endpoint:
The "Label" field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Label value. This field is uneditable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check edit internal name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
In the "Base URL" field, enter the URL for the API endpoint.
Optionally, in the "Grant Type" field, enter the OAuth grant type, such as Authorization Code or Refresh Token, for example.
In the "Client ID" field, enter the authorized user's username.
In the "Client Secret" field, enter the user's password. By default, this value is obscured; optionally click show to view the value.
In the "Scope" field, enter the scope of the request.
Click save.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud
To create a Connector to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud:
The "Label" field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Label value. This field is uneditable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check edit internal name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
In the "Request URL" field, enter the URL used to get an OAuth token from Salesforce. This URL is usually unique per Salesforce client.
Optionally, in the "Grant Type" field, enter the OAuth grant type, such as Authorization Code or Refresh Token, for example.
In the "Client ID" field, enter the authorized user's username.
In the "Client Secret" field, enter the user's password. By default, this value is obscured; optionally click show to view the value.
Optionally, in the "Scope" field, enter the Scope value. This parameter is used to access additional permissions in the returned token.
In the "Account ID" field, enter your Salesforce account ID.
Click save.
To create a Connector to Sparkfly:
The "Label" field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.
The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Label value. This field is uneditable by default. To edit the Internal Name, check edit internal name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.
The "Endpoint" field is pre-populated with the standard endpoint for requesting a Sparkfly authentication token. Optionally enter a different endpoint in this field.
In the "Client ID" field, enter the authorized user's username.
In the "Client Secret" field, enter the user's password. By default, this value is obscured; optionally click show to view the value.
In the "Token Expiration" field, enter the duration of the authentication token. The default duration is 24 hours (86,400 seconds).
Click save.