Import Definition Details


The Import Definition Details screen provides all of the information about the selected Import Definition.

Control Files

When importing data into Loyalty, the platform supports the optional use of a Control File as a way to validate that the import file has been received correctly. If enabled, the Control File must be provided along with the import file. The Control File should contain one row and one column (without a header row). The value in the Control File must be an integer that represents the record count of the import file (including a column header row, if used). 

Loyalty will count all of the records in the import file, and compare that count to the integer in the Control File. If the platform identifies a discrepancy in the record count, then the import file will not be imported and an error message is displayed.

Loyalty allows you to optionally treat multiple import files as a single import job. If you have this feature enabled, ALL files must pass the Control File evaluation criteria, or else the import will fail for all files. If you do not have this feature enabled, the platform evaluates each import file separately against its Control File. 

The Control File must conform to the proper naming convention so that the platform can identify the import file to which it corresponds. The Control File must have the exact same name as the import file, but with file extension "control" or "ctrl." For example:

  • Import File Name: member_import_20200821.txt

  • Control File Name: member_import_20200821.control

If you zip the import file, you must also zip its corresponding Control File. For example:

  • Zipped Import File:

  • Zipped Control File:

If importing multiple files, you can optionally zip all import files together in one file, and zip all their corresponding Control Files in another zip file. For example:

  • Import Files:

  • Control Files:

If you encrypt the import file, you must also encrypt its corresponding Control File. For example:

  • Encrypted Import File: member_import_20200821.pgp

  • Encrypted Control File: member_import_20200821.control.pgp


To access the Import Definition Details screen, click on the desired Import Definition from the Imports screen.

Navigation links are provided near the top of the Import Definition Details screen:

  • Back to Imports: Click this link to return to the Imports screen.


Edit Import Definition Properties

Delete an Import Definition

Execute an Import Definition

Import Definitions Tables

The Import Definitions screen has several tables from which you can use to import data. 

Set up Id (Integer), a Response Identifier

Offer Response w/Certificate Assignment

Import Definitions Details

The Import Definition Details screen is split into multiple steps, identified by a series of numbered items across the top of the screen. You can complete these steps (described below) in any order you like.

Origin Settings

Action Settings

Map and Transform

Test Map and Transform Settings


Job History