
A journey is a marketing timeline with events and actions that you can drag and drop onto the timeline that let you interact with customers and respond to their interaction with your business.

There are different types of journeys that can be created. Some are completely automated processes where the user does not have to actually build the journey but simply configure the execution settings. And there are journeys that are created and designed by the user from a blank canvas.

The following are types of journeys that can be created in Marigold Engage:

Transactional Journeys are created based on a transactional email message, a transactional push notification, or SMS message. A transactional message is a message that is sent in response to a contact request (such as registering on your website or responding to an email). Transactional Journeys are called from the API and therefore have no scheduling options. They can contain transactional fields that are filled out by the API.  

Single Batch Journeys are executed only once. They can be created from templates, email messages, SMS, or mobile messages and are executed immediately or at a given scheduled time. You can filter the targeted audience when creating the journey.

Custom Journeys are created by the user from scratch and the different steps in the journey and the flow between these steps are created by dragging components onto a canvas and linking them together to form a marketing flow chart. The user can define events that trigger steps in the journey and use contact interaction to define the path.

Single Batch A/B Journeys are created by using two or more messages, sending these messages to a test audience, picking the one with the best result, and sending this best version to the remaining audience. The best result can be based on different criteria such as the number of clicks, views, revenue generated, or orders.

Recurring Batch Journeys can be executed at recurring moments in time. A typical example is a birthday campaign where an email is sent to all the contacts having their birthday today. This journey is executed every day for a selection of the contacts in the audience.