User Reports Overview

User reports offer user and list-related metrics. These reports can help to analyze your known users based on an array of data, including performance by list or acquisition source, and much more. Most reports include a CSV data export option.

From the Analytics menu, open the Users menu to view all of these available reports.

Click a report name below to view details about the data included.



User Lookup

Search by email address and view detailed profile data for any given user.


A table of all your primary lists, with a breakdown of their size and user engagement levels. Access more detailed reports for any list.

List Growth

Track the growth or contraction of all lists across any time period with daily, weekly, or monthly data.

Source Signup Report

Track your user signups/acquisition by source, as recorded on each user profile when it is created.


A Snapshot report offers aggregated data for a given list or Audience Builder query--a defined subset of your users. The Snapshots page lists all requested Snapshots with a link to view each one, convert it to a Smart List, or delete it.

List Performance

Aggregated campaign performance data by list, including views, opens, clicks, and much more.


Log of jobs--requests from your account for user data imports/exports, list creation/deletion, or Snapshot report creation. View job details and the linked data file or report, where applicable.

Postback Log

Status of notifications to your server about user email optouts, hardbounces, or signup confirmations.

List Calculation and Date Ranges

List Growth Report

  1. This report is calculated from the list database.
  2. When you select a date range for a specific day, the result will be the stats for the previous day. For example, I want to retrieve the stats for 12/19. I would have to select the start date as 12/20 and the end date as 12/20. This would give the time period of midnight on 12/20 to 11:59 pm on 12/20 to retrieve when the stats were calculated. Since the list stats for this report are only calculated once a day with a script that can occur any time after midnight, the result of this date selection would return when the stats are calculated (12/20), but the data present is actually from the day prior (12/19).

List Ledger

  1. This report is calculated from the list database.
  2. This report contains the same data as the list growth report, it just displays it differently. The list ledger allows you to toggle by lists, whereas the list growth report demonstrates units of measurements/metrics.
  3. The date range selection functions the same as the list growth report where the result for a specific day will be the stats for the previous day that you selected.