Node.js Library

A Node.js client library for the REST API.


npm install sailthru-client --save


var apiKey = '******',
    apiSecret = '*****',
    sailthru = require('sailthru-client').createSailthruClient(apiKey, apiSecret);

Standard Callback Function

Every function within the Node.js client library will execute asynchronously. Therefore, in order to receive and handle the response, you must provide a callback function. All of the client library functions have a parameter for the callback function, which by convention will be the last parameter. The callback function will receive two arguments: an error object, and a response object. The error object will be undefined if the API call was successful. The response object will include a Javascript object with the response from the API server. Example:
sailthru.getUserByKey(', 'email', function(err, response) {
    if (err) {
        // handle error
    // handle response

Send API Helper Functions

send(template, email, options, callback) function

Send a single message to email, using the given template. Parameters:
  • template (required): Name of the template to use as the basis for the message content
  • email (required): valid email address to send the message to
  • options (optional): a Javascript object that can be used to specify any other valid API parameters for the send POST, the full list is available here
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: send POST Examples: send "Abandoned Cart Reminder" template to ""
sailthru.send('Abandoned Cart Reminder', '', function(err, response) {
        // handle response
send "Welcome" template to "", using custom send vars, for a time in the future
var options = {vars: {color: 'blue'}, schedule_time: 'tomorrow 5pm'};
sailthru.send('Welcome', '', options, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

multiSend(template, emails, options, callback) function

Send a message to each of the "emails" specified, using the given "template". Parameters:
  • template (required): Name of the template to use as the basis for the message content
  • emails (required): valid email addresses to send the message to. This can be either a comma-separated String, or a Javascript Array.
  • options (optional): a Javascript object that can be used to specify any other valid API parameters for the send POST, the full list is available here
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: send POST Examples: send "Abandoned Cart Reminder" template to "" and "**" (using delimited "emails" parameter) **
sailthru.multiSend('Abandoned Cart Reminder', ',', function(err, response) {
    // handle response
send "Welcome" template to "" and "" (using Array "emails" parameter) and evars
var emails= ['',''];
var options = { evars: {
    '': {color: 'blue'},
    '': {color: 'red'}
sailthru.multiSend('Welcome', emails, options, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

getSend(send_id, callback) function

Looks up the delivery status of a particular send, by its "send_id". Parameters:
  • send_id (required): the send ID which was in the response of a previous send call
Underlying Endpoint: send GET Examples: Look up a send by send_id
sailthru.getSend('V-WWJIO6iCcAi0Vo', function(e,r) {
    // handle response

cancelSend(send_id, callback) function

Cancels the scheduled send which is identified by "send_id". Note that you can only cancel sends which were scheduled in the future with the "schedule_time" parameters. Parameters:
  • send_id (required): the send ID which was in the response of a previous send call
Underlying Endpoint: send DELETE Examples: Cancel a send by send_id
sailthru.cancelSend('V-WWJIO6iCcAi0Vo', function(e,r) {
    // handle response

Blast API Helper Functions

getBlast(blast_id, callback) function

Looks up the details about a particular campaign, using blast ID. Parameters:
  • blast_id (required): the blast ID which was in the response of a previous blast call
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast GET Examples: Look up a blast by blast_id
sailthru.getBlast(123, function(e,r) {
    // handle response

scheduleBlast(name, list, scheduleTime, fromName, fromEmail, subject, contentHtml, contentText, options, callback) function

Schedule a new campaign. Parameters:
  • name (required): the name for the campaign, which will be used to identify it in Campaign Reporting
  • list (required): the target list for the campaign
  • scheduleTime (required): when the campaign should be sent
  • fromName (required): the from name for the email campaign
  • fromEmail (required): the from email for the email campaign
  • subject (required): the email subject line for the campaign
  • contentHtml (required): the content of the email body, for the HTML version of the campaign
  • contentText (required): the content of the email body, for the Text version of the campaign
  • options (optional): provide additional blast API options, as outlined in the blast POST documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast POST Examples: Schedule a campaign without using the optional options object
var name = 'my campaign';
var list = 'clicked';
var scheduleTime = '+2 hours';
var fromName = 'Example User';
var fromEmail =';
var subject = 'my test send';
var contentHtml = '<p>This is a test</p>{beacon}';
var contentText = 'this is a test';
sailthru.scheduleBlast(name, list, scheduleTime, fromName, fromEmail, subject, contentHtml, contentText, function(err, response) {
    // Handle response
Schedule a campaign using the options object
var name = 'my campaign';
var list = 'clicked';
var scheduleTime = '+2 hours';
var fromName = 'Example User';
var fromEmail =';
var subject = 'my test send';
var contentHtml = '<p>This is a test</p>{beacon}';
var contentText = 'this is a test';
var options = {
    suppress_list: ['100users', 'domain']
sailthru.scheduleBlast(name, list, scheduleTime, fromName, fromEmail, subject, contentHtml, contentText, options, function(err, response) {
    // Handle response

scheduleBlastFromBlast(blastId, scheduleTime, options, callback) function

Schedule an existing campaign which was previously in draft status, or change the schedule time of a scheduled campaign. Parameters:
  • blast_id (required): the blast ID which was in the response of a previous blast call
  • scheduleTime (required): when the campaign should be sent
  • options (optional): provide additional blast API options, as outlined in the blast POST documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast POST Examples: Schedule an existing campaign to send now
sailthru.scheduleBlastFromBlast(123, 'now', function(err, response) {
    // Handle response
Schedule a campaign to send now while also setting the suppress_list using options object
var options = {
    suppress_list: ['100users', 'domain']
sailthru.scheduleBlastFromBlast(123, 'now', options, function(err, response) {
    // Handle response

scheduleBlastFromTemplate(blastId, template, list, scheduleTime, options, callback) function

Modify an existing campaign by copying data into it from a Template, and then scheduling it. Parameters:
  • blast_id (required): the blast ID which was in the response of a previous blast call
  • template (required): the name of a template to copy from, as the basis for this campaign
  • list (required): the target list for the campaign
  • scheduleTime (required): when the campaign should be sent
  • options (optional): provide additional blast API options, as outlined in the blast POST documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast POST Examples: Modify a campaign with data copied from "Welcome" template and send in 2 hours
var list = 'clicked';
sailthru.scheduleBlastFromTemplate(123, 'Welcome', list, '+2 hours', function(err, response) {
    // Handle response
Modify a campaign with data copied from "Welcome" template and send in 2 hours, while also setting a report email
var list = 'clicked';
var options = {
    report_email: ''}
sailthru.scheduleBlastFromTemplate(123, 'Welcome', list, '+2 hours', options, function(err, response) {
    // Handle response

updateBlast(blastId, options, callback) function

Modify an existing campaign by setting any field. Parameters:
  • blast_id (required): the blast ID which was in the response of a previous blast call
  • options (required): provide additional blast API options, as outlined in the blast POST documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast POST Examples: Enable link tracking on a campaign
var options = {
    is_link_tracking: 1
sailthru.updateBlast(123, options, function(err, response) {
    // Handle response

unscheduleBlast(blast_id, callback) function

Unschedule a previously scheduled campaign, by blast ID. Parameters:
  • blast_id (required): the blast ID which was in the response of a previous blast call
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast POST Examples: Unschedule a previously scheduled blast by blast_id
sailthru.unscheduleBlast(123, function(e,r) {
    // handle response

deleteBlast(blast_id, callback) function

Delete a previously created campaign, by blast ID. This cannot be undone. Parameters:
  • blast_id (required): the blast ID which was in the response of a previous blast call
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast DELETE Examples: Delete a previously created blast by blast_id
sailthru.deleteBlast(123, function(e,r) {
    // handle response

pauseBlast(blast_id, callback) function

Pause a currently sending created campaign, by blast ID. Parameters:
  • blast_id (required): the blast ID which was in the response of a previous blast call
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast POST Examples: Pause a currently sending campaign by blast_id
sailthru.pauseBlast(123, function(e,r) {
    // handle response

resumeBlast(blast_id, callback) function

Resume a previously paused campaign, by blast ID. Parameters:
  • blast_id (required): the blast ID which was in the response of a previous blast call
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast POST Examples: Resume a previously paused campaign by blast_id
sailthru.resumeBlast(123, function(e,r) {
    // handle response

cancelBlast(blast_id, callback) function

Cancel a campaign which is currently sending, by blast ID. This cannot be undone. Parameters:
  • blast_id (required): the blast ID which was in the response of a previous blast call
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: blast POST Examples: Cancel a sending blast by blast_id
sailthru.cancelBlast(123, function(e,r) {
    // handle response

Templates API Helper Functions

getTemplates(callback) function

Return a list of all the templates in your account. Parameters:
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: template GET Examples: Return all templates in your account
sailthru.getTemplates(function(e,r) {
    // handle response

getTemplate(template, callback) function

Return details about a named template in your account. Parameters:
  • template (required): the name of the template to fetch
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: template GET Examples: Return information about the "Welcome" template in your account
sailthru.getTemplate('Welcome', function(e,r) {
    // handle response

getTemplateFromRevision(revision_id, callback) function

Return details about a template in your account, using revision_id to look it up Parameters:
  • revision_id (required): the revision_id of the template to fetch
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: template GET Examples: Return information about the 1234 template revision in your account
sailthru.getTemplateFromRevision(1234, function(e,r) {
    // handle response

saveTemplate(template, options, callback) function

Create or update a template with the given name Parameters:
  • template (required): the name of the template
  • options (required): any template API options, as outlined in the template POST documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: template POST Examples: Create a new template with a welcome message
var options = {
    content_html: '<p>Welcome</p>{beacon}',
    subject: 'Welcome'};
sailthru.saveTemplate('New Template', options, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

saveTemplateFromRevision(template, revision_id, callback) function

Revert a template to one of its previous revisions. Parameters:
  • template (required): the name of the template
  • revision_id (required): a revision_id of the template
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: template POST Examples: Revert the "Welcome" template to a revision with id 1234
sailthru.saveTemplateFromRevision('Welcome', 1234, function(e,r) {
    // handle response

deleteTemplate(template, callback) function

Delete a template from your account. This cannot be undone. Parameters:
  • template (required): the name of the template
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: template DELETE Examples: Delete a template called "test template"
sailthru.deleteTemplate('test template', function(e,r) {
    // handle response

List API Helper Functions

getLists(callback) function

Return a list of all the lists in your account. Parameters:
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: list GET Examples: Return all lists in your account
sailthru.getLists(function(e,r) {
    // handle response

deleteList(list, callback) function

Delete a list from your account, and remove all record of it from your user profiles. This cannot be undone. Parameters:
  • list (required): the name of an existing list in your account
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: list DELETE Examples: Delete a list called "test list"
sailthru.deleteList('test list', function(e,r) {
    // handle response

Content API Helper Function

pushContent(title, url, options, callback) function

Create a new content item. Parameters:
  • title (required): the name of the content item being created
  • url (required): the URL of the content item, which will be used as its unique identifier
  • options (optional): provide additional content API options, as outlined in the content POST documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: content POST Examples: Create a new content item
var title = 'my new content';
var url = '';
sailthru.pushContent(title, url, function(err, response) {
    // handle response
Create a new content item with certain tags
var title = 'my new content';
var url = '';
var options = {
    tags: ['new', 'exciting', 'shoes']
sailthru.pushContent(title, url, options, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

Purchase API Helper Function

purchase(email, items, options, callback) function

Record a purchase into the system. Parameters:
  • email (required): the email of the user who made the purchase
  • items (required): a description of what items the user purchased. See the examples on the main Purchase API page
  • options (optional): provide additional purchase API options, as outlined in the purchase POST documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: purchase POST Examples: Register a purchase for a single product, without any extra options
var items = [
        "qty": 1,
        "title": "product1",
        "url": "",
        "price": 10000,
        "id": "id1"    }
sailthru.purchase('', items, function (err, response) {
    // handle response
Register a purchase for two products, including a coupon code var
var items = [
        "qty": 2,
        "title": "Water Bottle",
        "price": 1099,
        "id": 1234,
        "url": ""    },
        "qty": 1,
        "title": "product1",
        "url": "",
        "price": 10000,
        "id": "id1"    }
var options = {
    vars: { coupon_code: 'xyz' }
sailthru.purchase('', items, options, function (err, response) {
    // handle response

Stats API Helper Functions

stats(data, callback) function

Fetch stats for any part of the system. Parameters:
  • data (required): provide stats API options, as outlined in the stats GET documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: stats GET Examples: Get stats for the performance of the "Welcome" template over a certain month
var data = {
    stat: 'send',
    template: 'Welcome',
    start_date: '2016-10-01',
    end_date: '2016-10-31'};
sailthru.stats(data, function(err, response) {

statsList(options, callback) function

Fetch stats for a List. Parameters:
  • options (required): provide stats API options, as outlined in the stats GET documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: stats GET Examples: Get stats for the performance of the "clicked" list on a certain day
var options = {date: '2016-04-15', list: 'clicked'};
sailthru.statsList(options, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

statsBlast(options, callback) function

Fetch stats for a campaign send, or aggregate campaign data over a time period. Parameters:
  • options (required): provide stats API options, as outlined in the stats GET documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: stats GET Examples: Get stats for the engagement level performance of campaigns over a certain month
var options = {start_date: '-3 months', end_date: 'today', engagement: 1};
sailthru.statsBlast(options, function(err, response) {
    // handle response
Get subject line performance for a particular campaign
var options = {blast_id: 225, subject: 1};
sailthru.statsBlast(options, function(err, response) {

Job API Helper Functions

getJobStatus(job_id, callback) function

Fetch the status of a job. Parameters:
  • job_id (required): the job ID which was returned from a previous job POST
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: job GET Examples: Get status of a particular job
sailthru.getJobStatus('575b100f83ba8830008b4568', function(err, response) {
    // handle response

processJob(job, options, report_email, postback_url, binary_data_params, callback) function

Create a new job with specific options. Parameters:
  • job (required): the name of the job to create
  • options (optional): provide additional job API options, as outlined in the job POST documentation
  • report_email (optional): the email address that will be emailed when the job completes or fails
  • postback_url (optional): the URL which will receive postback data when the job completes or fails
  • binary_data_params (optional): used to specify file upload details. Should be an array which includes strings, corresponding to fields in the "options" parameter that should be read in as files.
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: job POST Examples: Export the list "VIP Users" to a CSV file
var options = { list: 'VIP Users' };
sailthru.processJob('export_list_data', options, function(err, response) {
    // handle response
Import a CSV file into a new list called "New List"
var options = { list: 'New List', file: '/path/to/new_users.csv' };
var report_email = '';
var postback_url = '';
var binary_data_params = ['file'];
sailthru.processJob('import', options, report_email, postback_url, binary_data_params, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

User API Helper Functions

getUserBySid(sid, callback) function

Return a user profile by looking up via an ID (sid). Parameters:
  • sid (required): the id for a given user
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: user GET Examples: Return the user profile for a given user
sailthru.getUserBySid('57e54ddc83ba8895008b4567', function(e,r) {
    // handle response

getUserByKey(id, key, fields, callback) function

Return a user profile by looking up via a given key and ID. Parameters:
  • id (required): the id for a given user
  • key (required): specify which type of key was provided in the "id" parameter
  • fields (options): specify which fields to return. Options are documented here
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: user GET Examples: Return the user profile for a given email address
sailthru.getUserByKey('', 'email', function(e,r) {
    // handle response
Return the lists that a user is on
var fields = {lists: 1};
sailthru.getUserByKey('', 'email', fields, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

saveUserBySid(sid, options, callback) function

Update a user profile. Parameters:
  • sid (required): the id for a given user
  • options (required): provide user API options, as outlined in the user POST documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: user POST Examples: Add a var to a user profile
var data = {vars: {def: 123}};
sailthru.saveUserBySid('57e54ddc83ba8895008b4567', data, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

saveUserByKey(id, key, options, callback) function

Update a user profile. Parameters:
  • id (required): the id for a given user
  • key (required): specify which type of key was provided in the "id" parameter
  • options (required): provide user API options, as outlined in the user POST documentation
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: user POST Examples: Add a var to a user profile
var data = {vars: {abc: 456}};
sailthru.saveUserByKey('', 'email', data, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

Low Level Functions

Sometimes the helper functions do not give the options you need. In this case, you can always specify a raw API GET, POST, or DELETE call using these low level functions.

apiGet(action, data, callback) function

Perform an arbitrary API GET request. Parameters:
  • action (required): the API endpoint to send a request to
  • data (required): provide the API options, as outlined in the GET section of the documentation for that endpoint
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: any GET Examples: Fetch details about a purchase, using a purchase_id
sailthru.apiGet('purchase', {
    purchase_id: '5520b3b39759105e4aa4e69f',
    purchase_key: 'sid'}, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

apiPost(action, data, callback) function

Perform an arbitrary API POST request. Parameters:
  • action (required): the API endpoint to send a request to
  • data (required): provide the API options, as outlined in the POST section of the documentation for that endpoint
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: any POST Examples: Copy a blast, saving under a new name
sailthru.apiPost('blast', {
    copy_blast: 123,
    name: 'my copy'}, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

apiDelete(action, data, callback) function

Perform an arbitrary API DELETE request. Parameters:
  • action (required): the API endpoint to send a request to
  • data (required): provide the API options, as outlined in the DELETE section of the documentation for that endpoint
  • callback (required): a standard callback function which will be invoked after the API server responds
Underlying Endpoint: any DELETE Examples: Delete a feed by its id
var data = {
    "id": "559a8fc63c8aa934460f227d"};
sailthru.apiDelete('feed', data, function(err, response) {
    // handle response

Library Utility Functions

Get Version

var version = require('sailthru-client').VERSION;

Enable / Disable Logging


When you're logging to a specific file, the script must include the [file] parameter after the options object. This is required by the node library to process file uploads.

sailthru.apiPost(endpoint, data, ['file'], callback)

Rate Limit Information

The library allows inspection of the 'X-Rate-Limit-*' headers returned by the API. The getLastRateLimitInfo(action, method) function allows you to retrieve the last known rate limit information for the given action / method combination. It must follow an API call. For example, if you do a /send POST, you can follow up with a call to getLastRateLimitInfo('send', 'POST') as shown below:
// make API call as normal
sailthru.apiPost('send', {'template': 'my template', 'email': ''}, function(err, response) {
    if (!err) {
    } else {

// check rate limit information
var rateLimitInfo = sailthru.getLastRateLimitInfo('send', 'POST');
The return type will be undefined if there is no rate limit information for the given action / method combination (e.g. if you have not yet made a request to that endpoint). Otherwise, it will be an object in the following format:
    limit: 1234, // <Number representing the limit of requests/minute for this action / method combination>    remaining: 1230, // <Number representing how many requests remain in the current minute>    reset: 1459381680 // <Number representing the UNIX epoch timestamp of when the next minute starts, and when the rate limit resets>}