
Create, update, or get information about any list. Update the criteria of an existing Smart List.

To download or upload email addresses use the job call. Endpoint URL:

GET a list

Get basic information about a list. If no list name or ID is specified, this call will return a list of your lists with each list's type specified--smart or normal. "Normal" is the API's term for a natural list. Learn about natural vs. smart lists here. The response can also be filtered to show only lists marked as primary (using "primary":1). Examples

By Name or ID

By Name:


By ID:



   "list_id" : "53df0861dd52b83c368c784b",
   "list" : "100List",
   "create_time" : "Tue, 03 Jun 2014 14:15:09 -0400",
   "send_time" : "Wed, 21 Jan 2015 15:01:11 -0500",
   "count" : 100,
   "type" : "normal",
   "primary" : true

GET a list with vars

Example call:

{ "list": "ExampleList",
"fields": {
"vars": 1}}


    "list_id" : "6012e7bb43e509395b4e8222",
    "list" : "ExampleList",
    "create_time" : "Thu, 28 Jan 2021 10:35:07 -0600",
    "send_time" : "Wed, 16 Mar 2022 09:38:03 -0500",
    "count" : 11,
    "type" : "normal",
    "primary" : true,
    "vars" : {
        "list_var" : "success"    },
    "public_name" : "ExampleList"}

Get All Lists


    "lists" : [
            "list_id" : "58e68f1115dd96816a8b4ab0",
            "name" : "!! bar/foo",
            "email_count" : 0,
            "valid_count" : 0,
            "create_time" : "Thu, 06 Apr 2017 14:55:13 -0400",
            "type" : "smart"        }

Required Parameters

listthe name of the listmy-list

Alternatively, you can use list_id:

list_idcalls a list by id number{"list_id" : "53df0861dd52b83c368c784b"}

POST to Create or Modify List

For Smart Lists, you can create or update the criteria used to include users in the list via the query parameter. (See User Queries for Job and List for further details and examples.) To add/remove users from a Natural List, use the job call.

You cannot use a dollar sign ($) in list names. The return value will include a create_time if the referenced list is not new, and was modified by the call. Note that your account is allowed a maximum of 2000 lists.


Natural List

Example Call:

   "list":"natural test list",
   "public_name":"natural test list public name",

Example Response:

   "list" : "natural test list",
   "type" : "normal",
   "primary" : 1,
   "public_name" : "natural test list public name",
   "vars" : {
   "color" : "blue"   },
   "list_id" : "5840769f83ba8848008b458e"}

Smart List

Example Call:

   "list":"smart test list",
   "public_name":"smart test list public name",

Example Response:

   "list" : "smart test list 1",
   "type" : "smart",
   "description" : "All primary list users: 'color' is 'blue'",
   "primary" : 1,
   "public_name" : "smart test list public name",
   "vars" : {
   "color" : "blue"   },
   "list_id" : "584086cd83ba8845008b458e"}

Required Parameters

listthe name of the listmy-list

Optional Parameters

primaryset to 1 to make the list a primary list, 0 to make the list non-primary1
varsAny number of arbitrary variables to store for later use{"color":"blue","category":"men"}
public_nameassign a public name for a list that will be displayed to subscribers (i.e. on an optout page)My New List
queryUse the API Query format to create the underlying query criteria for a Smart List
typeset to smartto make the list a Smart List, or normal for a normal listsmart



Example Call:

   "list":"smart test list"}

Example Response:

   "list" : "smart test list",
   "ok" : true

Required Parameters

listthe name of the listmy-list

Error Codes

HTTP StatusError CodeError MessageNotesRequest type
4002Missing required parameter: listPUT/DELETE
20099Primary parameter must be 0 or 1For example"primary":2POST
20099The total number of vars cannot exceed 20POST
20099The variable key name cannot start with a number - '1color'var names cannot start with an numberPOST
20099The variable key must be combination of numbers/letters and underscore - '[varName!]'Invalid character used in var namePOST
20099The key name is too long 'abcdefg123...', maximum is 32Var name exceeds length limitPOST
20099The value for key '[VarKeyName]' is too long '[varValueName]'. Maximum is 140Var value exceeds length limitPOST
20099You may only track up to 50 primary lists.Primary list copy/generation attempted when 50 already exist.POST
40099Error: Copy list only supports smart list"copy_list" parameter used on natural listPOST
40099Error: New list name already existsWhen using"copy_list"POST
40399This feature is no longer supported, please use the /job API to make List Rename calls"rename" parameter was usedPOST
40399Cannot modify list typeList type can't be swapped between natural and smart lists.POST
40399Cannot modify list query on natural list"query" was specified on a natural listPOST
40399This list is currently associated with a campaign that is sending or about to send. Please wait for the campaign to finish sending.List has active blastsPOST
40099List name: [ListName] failed validationNo valid characters in list nameGET/POST
40415Unknown list: [ListName]GET/DELETE
20099List [ListName] has a pending job and can't be deleted at this timeJob API job in progress that is reliant on the list.DELETE
20099List 'foo' cannot be deleted at this time. It is being used in Site Personalization Manager by the following section(s): barDELETE
20099List 'foo' cannot be deleted at this time. It is being used by the following recurring campaign(s):DELETE
40099Invalid JSON providedPOST