
Request various stats about primary list membership or campaign and triggered message activity.

Endpoint URL:

GET Stats

GET mode is always used for this API call.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description Example
stat Which type of stat you wish to request list

Additional Parameters

Additional parameters are dependent on the stat value - the type of stats you want to request:


Retrieve information about your subscriber counts on all lists or a particular list, as counted on a specified day's snapshot, defaulting to the current day. Subscriber counts are tracked only for primary lists. For more information, see Lists.

All Lists

Example Call:


Single List

Example Call:

 "list":"Master Marketing NA"}


Example Response:

 "day" : 20170106,
 "list" : "",
 "signup_month" : {
     "201612" : {
         "engaged_count" : 1637,
         "hardbounce_count" : 6237,
         "lists_count" : 100272,
         "email_count" : 91070,
         "dormant_count" : 34917,
         "optout_count" : 14186,
         "new_count" : 2939,
         "active_count" : 2810,
         "passive_count" : 10491,
         "disengaged_count" : 17853
     "201611" : {
         "passive_count" : 17446,
         "email_count" : 170384,
         "lists_count" : 270327,
         "disengaged_count" : 48270,
         "engaged_count" : 1180,
         "dormant_count" : 56397,
         "optout_count" : 33555,
         "active_count" : 2724,
         "hardbounce_count" : 10812
     "201610" : {
         "hardbounce_count" : 15061,
         "disengaged_count" : 87467,
         "engaged_count" : 1594,
         "lists_count" : 491592,
         "active_count" : 3845,
         "passive_count" : 27345,
         "dormant_count" : 78021,
         "email_count" : 273474,
         "optout_count" : 60141
 "spam_loss_count" : 46,
 "uum_horizon" : 436419,
 "valid_count" : 2952498,
 "dormant_count" : 1248649,
 "optout_count" : 1837528,
 "lists_remove_count" : 0,
 "email_count" : 5101740,
 "lists_count" : 31351070,
 "spam_count" : 30283,
 "new_count" : 12635,
 "uum" : 5658464,
 "engaged_count" : 16322,
 "passive_count" : 246992,
 "disengaged_count" : 1384300,
 "optout_loss_count" : 1983,
 "active_count" : 43505,
 "hardbounce_count" : 311699,
 "lists_signup_count" : 2940,
 "count_time" : "Fri, 06 Jan 2017 00:45:44 +0000"}

The signup_month object shows all months, dating back to the creation of the list(s) requested, whether you are viewing stats for a specific list or all lists.  

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description Example
list The name of the list to pull information about. If this parameter is left empty, you will retrieve information about all of your subscribers. my-list
date The date to pull information from. If this parameter is left empty, you will retrieve information from the most recent snapshot (today). Note that list subscriber count snapshots are calculated at midnight, so the data provided under a date could be considered to represent end-of-day data for the previous date. In the  reporting interface, the same data is labeled as representing that previous date. 2016-08-29

Return Value

A structure containing any or all of the following: emailable_count

The count of profiles that are:

  • Not opted out
  • Not hardbounce
  • Have an email address
Field Description Example
active_count The number of active users 41772
day The day the count was made (generally around midnight) 20120929
disengaged_count The number of disengaged users 91723
dormant_count The number of dormant users 189760
email_count The total number of people on the list 515599
engaged_count The number of engaged users (will be 0 if you are not using Horizon) 0
hardbounce_count The number of users who are hardbounces 4423
list The name of the list, or an empty string if retrieving all subscribers my-list
lists_count The total number of subscriptions by all members of this list 2196518
lists_remove_count The number of users who were removed from this list in the past 24 hours 0
lists_signup_count The number of users who joined this list in the past 24 hours 7683
new_count The number of new users 5313
optout_count The number of users who are opt-outs 81931
optout_loss_count The number of users who opted out in the past 24 hours 81931
passive_count The number of passive users 68583
spam_count The number of users who were opted out because they marked a message as spam 341
valid_count The number of users that are:
  • Not opted out
  • Not hardbounced
Note: This may also includes profiles that do not have an email address.
source_signup The number of instances each 'source' value is set on a user. "sailthru": 19
source_signup_count The number of of users who signed up in the past 24 hours for each source. "sailthru": 1


Retrieve information about a particular campaign or aggregated information from all campaigns over a specified date range. Must specify either a blast_id or a start_date and end_date. For more information on this, see API blast call.

Single Blast by ID

Example Call with Default Response Parameters

 "blast_id": 1881261

Example Response with Default Response Parameters

 "count" : 4,
 "open_total" : 4,
 "confirmed_opens" : 4,
 "estopens" : 4,
 "beacon" : 4

Example Call with All Optional Response Parameters

 "blast_id": 1881261,
 "device": 1

Simply drop any of the optional parameters above representing stats you do not need.

Blasts by Date Range

Example Call:

 "end_date": "2015-11-08"}

Example Response:

 "count" : 37839081,
 "click_total" : 412629,
 "click_multiple_urls" : 54634,
 "open_total" : 3403898,
 "pv" : 1997777,
 "optout" : 18727,
 "spam" : 6185,
 "hardbounce" : 6615,
 "softbounce" : 217810,
 "view" : 22828,
 "confirmed_opens" : 2751330,
 "estopens" : 2836507,
 "beacon" : 2744881,
 "click" : 214865,
 "rev" : 38688476,
 "purchase" : 6998,
 "purchase_first" : 2880,
 "purchase_price" : 38688476,
 "purchase_second" : 841,
 "precached_opens" : 1751330,
 "real_and_precached_opens" : 51330,
 "projected_open_count" : 2563451,
 "projected_open_rate" : .56
 "real_clicks_total" : 312600
 "real_clicks" : 114000
 "nhi_clicks_total" : 100029,
 "nhi_clicks" : 100865


 "count" : 13593,
 "click_total" : 520,
 "click_multiple_urls" : 28,
 "open_total" : 972,
 "pv" : 10,
 "optout" : 4,
 "spam" : 1,
 "hardbounce" : 1,
 "softbounce" : 1108,
 "view" : 5,
 "confirmed_opens" : 786,
 "estopens" : 956,
 "beacon" : 776,
 "click" : 53,
 "beacon_times" : {
     "1549986900" : 5,
     "1550036100" : 1,
     "1550052000" : 1,
     "1549994400" : 9,
     "1550010600" : 3,
     "1550041800" : 1,
     "1550035800" : 2,
     "1550064900" : 2,
     "1550028600" : 1,
     "1549983300" : 13,
 "click_times" : {
     "1549983600" : 1,
     "1550022300" : 1,
     "1549983300" : 3,
 "clickmap" : [
         "url" : "<url>",
         "ix" : "1",
         "count" : 15
         "url" : "<url>",
         "ix" : "1",
         "count" : 14
 "domain" : {
     "" : {
         "count" : 640,
         "click_total" : 8,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 1,
         "open_total" : 124,
         "pv" : 2,
         "optout" : 1,
         "confirmed_opens" : 103,
         "estopens" : 103,
         "beacon" : 103,
         "click" : 7
     "" : {
         "count" : 357,
         "open_total" : 32,
         "optout" : 1,
         "confirmed_opens" : 24,
         "estopens" : 24,
         "beacon" : 24,
         "click" : 0
 "engagement" : {
     "engaged" : {
         "count" : 677,
         "click_total" : 310,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 10,
         "open_total" : 146,
         "pv" : 5,
         "optout" : 1,
         "softbounce" : 35,
         "view" : 3,
         "name" : "engaged",
         "confirmed_opens" : 113,
         "estopens" : 153,
         "beacon" : 109,
         "click" : 14
     "active" : {
         "count" : 462,
         "click_total" : 165,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 7,
         "open_total" : 112,
         "pv" : 4,
         "softbounce" : 31,
         "view" : 1,
         "name" : "active",
         "confirmed_opens" : 91,
         "estopens" : 121,
         "beacon" : 88,
         "click" : 11
     "passive" : {
         "count" : 3487,
         "click_total" : 23,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 6,
         "open_total" : 578,
         "optout" : 2,
         "spam" : 1,
         "softbounce" : 200,
         "view" : 1,
         "name" : "passive",
         "confirmed_opens" : 459,
         "estopens" : 459,
         "beacon" : 459,
         "click" : 15
     "new" : {
         "count" : 125,
         "click_total" : 3,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 1,
         "open_total" : 3,
         "softbounce" : 9,
         "name" : "new",
         "confirmed_opens" : 2,
         "estopens" : 2,
         "beacon" : 2,
         "click" : 1
     "disengaged" : {
         "count" : 8365,
         "click_total" : 19,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 4,
         "open_total" : 129,
         "pv" : 1,
         "optout" : 1,
         "hardbounce" : 1,
         "softbounce" : 797,
         "name" : "disengaged",
         "confirmed_opens" : 117,
         "estopens" : 152,
         "beacon" : 114,
         "click" : 12
     "dormant" : {
         "count" : 477,
         "open_total" : 4,
         "softbounce" : 36,
         "name" : "dormant",
         "confirmed_opens" : 4,
         "estopens" : 4,
         "beacon" : 4,
         "click" : 0
 "signup" : {
     "201510" : {
         "count" : 633,
         "click_total" : 10,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 2,
         "open_total" : 95,
         "pv" : 2,
         "softbounce" : 10,
         "name" : "201510",
         "confirmed_opens" : 76,
         "estopens" : 76,
         "beacon" : 76,
         "click" : 6
     "201601" : {
         "count" : 108,
         "open_total" : 11,
         "softbounce" : 1,
         "name" : "201601",
         "confirmed_opens" : 9,
         "estopens" : 9,
         "beacon" : 9,
         "click" : 0
     "201805" : {
         "count" : 268,
         "open_total" : 11,
         "softbounce" : 25,
         "name" : "201805",
         "confirmed_opens" : 10,
         "estopens" : 10,
         "beacon" : 10,
         "click" : 0
     "201901" : {
         "count" : 621,
         "click_total" : 8,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 2,
         "open_total" : 62,
         "pv" : 2,
         "softbounce" : 50,
         "name" : "201901",
         "confirmed_opens" : 49,
         "estopens" : 49,
         "beacon" : 49,
         "click" : 5
     "201902" : {
         "count" : 82,
         "click_total" : 1,
         "open_total" : 14,
         "softbounce" : 9,
         "name" : "201902",
         "confirmed_opens" : 10,
         "estopens" : 10,
         "beacon" : 10,
         "click" : 1
 "subject" : {
     "<campaign subject="" line="">" : {
         "count" : 13593,
         "click_total" : 520,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 28,
         "open_total" : 972,
         "pv" : 10,
         "optout" : 4,
         "spam" : 1,
         "hardbounce" : 1,
         "softbounce" : 1108,
         "view" : 5,
         "confirmed_opens" : 786,
         "estopens" : 956,
         "beacon" : 776,
         "click" : 53
 "topusers" : [
         "email" : "<profile email="">",
         "click_url" : "<url>",
         "click_total" : 50,
         "open_total" : 0,
         "click_time" : "Tue, 12 Feb 2019 14:01:49 +0000",
         "open_time" : null,
         "pv" : 2,
         "rev" : 0,
         "score" : 52
         "email" : "<profile email="">",
         "click_url" : "<url>",
         "click_total" : 50,
         "open_total" : 0,
         "click_time" : "Tue, 12 Feb 2019 17:23:31 +0000",
         "open_time" : null,
         "pv" : 2,
         "rev" : 0,
         "score" : 52
 "urls" : {
     "<url>" : {
         "count" : 13593,
         "click" : 30,
         "click_total" : 97
     "<url>" : {
         "count" : 13593,
         "click" : 15,
         "click_total" : 83
 "device" : {
     "iPhone" : {
         "count" : 484,
         "click_total" : 38,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 9,
         "open_total" : 584,
         "pv" : 2,
         "optout" : 3,
         "confirmed_opens" : 484,
         "estopens" : 484,
         "beacon" : 483,
         "click" : 24
     "Chrome" : {
         "count" : 95,
         "click_total" : 17,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 6,
         "open_total" : 116,
         "pv" : 3,
         "view" : 1,
         "confirmed_opens" : 95,
         "estopens" : 95,
         "beacon" : 91,
         "click" : 9
     "Safari" : {
         "count" : 56,
         "click_total" : 1,
         "open_total" : 89,
         "confirmed_opens" : 56,
         "estopens" : 56,
         "beacon" : 56,
         "click" : 1
     "Android" : {
         "count" : 43,
         "click_total" : 13,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 4,
         "open_total" : 51,
         "optout" : 1,
         "spam" : 1,
         "confirmed_opens" : 43,
         "estopens" : 43,
         "beacon" : 43,
         "click" : 4
     "Android Tablet" : {
         "count" : 37,
         "click_total" : 3,
         "open_total" : 38,
         "confirmed_opens" : 37,
         "estopens" : 37,
         "beacon" : 37,
         "click" : 3
     "Windows Tablet" : {
         "count" : 28,
         "click_total" : 446,
         "click_multiple_urls" : 9,
         "open_total" : 41,
         "pv" : 5,
         "view" : 4,
         "confirmed_opens" : 28,
         "estopens" : 28,
         "beacon" : 23,
         "click" : 10
     "iPad" : {
         "count" : 26,
         "click_total" : 2,
         "open_total" : 32,
         "confirmed_opens" : 26,
         "estopens" : 26,
         "beacon" : 26,
         "click" : 2
     "Outlook" : {
         "count" : 7,
         "open_total" : 10,
         "confirmed_opens" : 7,
         "estopens" : 7,
         "beacon" : 7,
         "click" : 0
     "Internet Explorer" : {
         "count" : 7,
         "open_total" : 7,
         "confirmed_opens" : 7,
         "estopens" : 7,
         "beacon" : 7,
         "click" : 0
     "Gmail" : {
         "count" : 2,
         "open_total" : 3,
         "confirmed_opens" : 2,
         "estopens" : 2,
         "beacon" : 2,
         "click" : 0
     "Firefox" : {
         "count" : 1,
         "open_total" : 1,
         "confirmed_opens" : 1,
         "estopens" : 1,
         "beacon" : 1,
         "click" : 0

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description Example
blast_id The id of the blast to pull information from. Required if start_dateand end_dateare not specified. 123456
start_date The beginning of the date range from which to pull aggregated blast stats. Required if blast_idis not specified. 2012-09-29
end_date The beginning of the date range from which to pull aggregated blast stats. Required if blast_idis not specified. 2012-12-29
list Specify this option if you want to pull blast stats from one particular list. my-list
beacon_times Specify 1 to pull information about when a particular blast was opened. 1
click_times Specify 1 to pull information about when links were clicked. 1
clickmap Specify 1 to pull click map information. 1
domain Specify 1 to pull information based on recipients' email domains. 1
engagement Specify 1 to pull information based on levels of engagement. 1
signup Specify 1 to pull information based on signup dates. 1
subject Specify 1 to pull information based on subject lines. 1
urls Specify 1 to pull information based on urls. 1
device Specify 1 to pull information based on the number of clicks by device. 1
topusers Specify 1 to pull information based on the top users based on clicks, opens and purchases. 1
banners Specify 1 to pull information based on your Ad Targeter banner performance. 1
purchase_times Specify 1 to pull information based on the purchase times for transactions related to this campaign. 1
purchase_items Specify 1 to pull information based on the items purchased from this campaign (quantity, url, etc.) 1

Return Value

A data structure including some or all of the following stats:

Field Description
count Number of users
beacon Number of users who opened the email with images enabled in their email client, loading your included beacon image.
estopens An estimate of the total number of users who have opened the email, with or without images enabled. (This estimate is based on the ratio of unique opens to clicks for those users with images enabled. That ratio is then multiplied by the total number of users who clicked.)
open_total Total number of beacon impressions (including multiple beacon impressions per user)
click Number of users who clicked at least one link, includes both real and NHI
clickmap The URL, index, and number of clicks received by each link. For a unique URL, the index receives a counter of 1. For a repeated URL, the first instance receives 1. Subsequent occurrences receive 2, 3, etc. For example, a template that contains 50 unique URLs with no repetition will all have an index of 1.
click_multiple_urls Number of users who clicked at least two different URLs
click_total Total number of clicks from all links in a message, includes both Real and NHI.
pv Number of pageviews generated
purchase Number of users who made a purchase
purchase_price Total amount of revenue generated from purchases (in cents)
rev Total amount of revenue generated (in cents)
softbounce Number of users who softbounced
hardbounce Number of users who hardbounced
optout Number of users who opted out
spam Number of users who reported spam
confirmed_opens Number of users who opened with images turned on or clicked, this includes both human and machine opens. Also referred to as unique_opens.
view Number of users who viewed the public version of the campaign at the {view_url}
pre_cached opens Unique count of opens pre-cached by a machine open
real_and_precached_opens Unique count of pre-cached opens that recipients later clicked on a link and/or read outside of the Apple Mail app.
projected_open_count Unique count of opens from recipients whose interactions were not hidden by Apple MPP
projected_open_rate Unique % of opens from recipients whose interactions were not hidden by Apple MPP
real_clicks_total The total number of Real clicks from all links in a message, includes multiple clicks by a recipient within the same message.
real_clicks The number of Real unique clicks from all links in a message.
nhi_clicks_total The total number of NHI clicks from all links in a message, includes multiple clicks by various NHIs.
nhi_clicks The number of NHI unique clicks from all links in a message.

<code style="display: none;"><!--<h0>personalize</h0>Retrieve analytics about the sections of your website that are personalized with Site Personalization Manager over a specified time range. You must specify a <code>start_time, end_time, metric, and unit.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description Example
start_time The beginning of the time range from which to pull aggregated Site Personalization Manager stats. 2015-10-01
end_time The end of the date range from which to pull aggregated Site Personalization Manager stats. 2015-10-31
metric impression, clicks, pageviews, purchases, or revenue n/a
unit minute, hour, day, week, month, or year n/a
<code style="display: none;">Optional Parameters
Parameter Description Example
section_id  Unique identifier for the section  3539e416-4c59-4e67-cb0f-00000036b2e9
test_segment_id  Used to identify the A/B test segment  B
JSON Response -->


Retrieve information about a particular triggered message or aggregated information from triggered messages from that template over a specified date range. Must specify a template and a start_date and end_date. For more on this, see API send call.

Get Triggered Message Stats

Example call with minimum required parameters:

 "stat" : "send",
 "template" : "Behavioral Abandoned Cart",
 "start_date" : "2015-01-01",
 "end_date" : "2016-12-31"}

Example Response:

 "hardbounce" : 39,
 "softbounce" : 178,
 "optout" : 114,
 "spam" : 24,
 "count" : 226497,
 "pv" : 125087,
 "rev" : 41331858,
 "purchase" : 2771,
 "purchase_price" : 41331858,
 "click_total" : 58327,
 "click_multiple_urls" : 3365,
 "open_total" : 158829,
 "confirmed_opens" : 88360,
 "estopens" : 94938,
 "beacon" : 84322,
 "click" : 36113,
 "start_date" : 20150101,
 "end_date" : 20161231

Get Triggered Message Stats with URLs and Click Times

Example Call:

 "stat" : "send",
 "template" : "Behavioral Abandoned Cart",
 "start_date" : "2015-01-01",
 "end_date" : "2016-12-31",
 "urls" : 1,
 "click_times" : 1

Required Parameters

Parameter Description Example
template The name of the template to pull information from. welcome
start_date The beginning of the date range from which to pull aggregated send stats. 2012-09-30
end_date The end of the date range from which to pull aggregated send stats. 2012-10-30

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description Example
beacon_times Specify 1 to pull information about when a particular send was opened. 1
click_times Specify 1 to pull information about when links were clicked. 1
clickmap Specify 1 to pull click map information. 1
domain Specify 1 to pull information based on recipients' email domains. 1
engagement Specify 1 to pull information based on levels of engagement. 1
purchase_times Specify 1 to pull information based on the purchase times for transactions related to this campaign. 1
revision_id Revision ID of the template 24242
sample Specify this option to get stats on one segment of an A/B split test. A
signup Specify 1 to pull information based on signup dates. 1
subject Specify 1 to pull information based on subject lines. 1
topusers Specify 1 to pull information based on the top users based on clicks, opens and purchases. 1
urls Specify 1 to pull information based on urls. 1