Engage Home Page

The Engage Home page is accessible from the left navigation, providing marketers with valuable information on how their campaigns are doing and insights on messages, contacts, and journeys (Operational tab).

Operational tab

Note: The Operational tab is available to users with access rights to dashboards. Users with no dashboard access rights will only see the starred items on this dashboard.

Insights on Journey interactions

Overview of journeys including the launch date and interaction metrics such as number of messages sent, open rate percentage, click rate percentage and unsubscribe rate percentage.
Click on a line (at the right of a journey name) to go straight to the corresponding journey in the Reports chapter.

The list can be filtered by type of journey (only filter types for the available journeys are shown):

It's a good indication of how a journey is performing.

A search field allows searching by journey name. A drop-down of all available journeys is provided.

The overview can be downloaded in CSV (raw data), XLSX, XLSX (raw data) and PNG format.


Insights on audiences, quarterly messages and yesterdays' executed journeys

Number of contacts in the Audience List, with the possibility to select a different Audience List when more than one exists. By default the Audience List with the smallest ID is used (the oldest). Marketers can deduct from this if their audience is growing over time, stagnant or even declining.

Number of messages sent and delivered, per quarter. Marketers can compare different quarters by using the filter buttons.

Number of journeys executed yesterday.


Journey executions of last 2 quarters

This shows a graph with the number of journeys executed per hour of the weekday, for the last 2 quarters. It tells marketers how journeys are spread over the days and time of day, if there is a concentration of journeys and if changes should be made for future scheduling.

You can hover over a block to see the count for that day and hour :

Clicking such a block activates it as a filter, resulting in all data shown on the Operational tab to be dynamically updated with the active filter applied.

You can remove the active filter by clicking on the 'Clear filter' button at the top-left (which again dynamically updates all data shown).


Starred items

At the right, a list of starred items is shown.

This list contains content, lists and journeys that you marked as starred from within the corresponding chapters.
They're available on the operational tab for easy access.

Starred items can be removed from here too.


System storage

A storage section shows the health status of your system on three levels : Database, disk and FTP usage.