Punch Card Details: Definition
The Definition tab is used to configure the properties and details of this Punch Card.
The features available on the Definition tab are described below.
Prize rules
For many Punch Card use cases, the Member earns a Prize when they complete the Punch Card. The Prize can be another Loyalty asset, or it can be a set number of points in the selected point metric. A Punch Card can optionally grant multiple Prizes, either at completion, or along the way toward completion. For example, you could have a Punch Card that requires ten punches to complete, but grant the Member a smaller Prize when the Punch Card is half complete at five punches.
The configuration options available in the Prize Rules section are described below.
Note: The Prize Rules section is displayed only for Standard and External Punch Card types.
Define the Punch Card Prize
Click here
A Punch Card can have one or more prizes assigned to it. To define a Punch Card prize:
Click add prize. The "Add Prize" pop-up window is displayed.
Next to "Punches Reached," select either:
Static: Enter the number of punches required to earn this Prize (or leave the field blank to use a default maximum number of punches defined for the Punch Card type).
Member Attribute: Select a Member Attribute where the number of required punches will be stored.
Check has reward to use a Loyalty asset as a Prize. From the drop-down menu, select the asset type (Offer, Reward, or Gift Card). Please note that a Reward is used as an "Award," meaning no points are deducted from the Member's accumulated points when they win the Prize. From the second drop-down menu, select the desired asset of the selected type.
Check metrics to use points as a Prize. In the text field, enter the number of points the Member will earn. From the drop-down menu, select the desired metric.
Click add.
Repeat the above steps as needed to define additional Prizes for this Punch Card.
Edit Prize Properties
Click here
To edit an existing Punch Card Prize:
In the Action column next to the desired Prize, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Punch Card Prize" pop-up window is displayed.
Make any necessary changes to the Prize properties.
Click save.
Delete a Prize
Click here
To edit an existing Punch Card Prize:
In the Action column next to the desired Prize, click the Delete icon. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.
Punch Limits
The Punch Limits section is used to configure additional business rules for how Members earn punches. The configuration options available in the Punch Limits section are described below.
Configure Punch Limits
Click here
To configure the punch limits for this Punch Card:
You can optionally set a maximum number of punches that can be earned within a time frame, such as "two per week." In the "Punch Rate Limit per Card" field, enter the maximum number. From the "Per" drop-down menu, select the time period. If you prefer not to set a limit, check no limit.
To enforce the Punch Card limit across all Punch Cards in a Category, select the desired Punch Card Category from the "Limit Across Same Category" drop-down menu.
Optionally, you can require the Member to earn punches within a specific time frame, such as "one per day." Next to "Require a punch at least every," enter the minimum required number, and select a time period.
Click save.
A Choices type Punch Card is intended for clients using externally-generated Punch Cards, and who want to allow the Member to choose which Punch Card to activate. From the Choices section, you can configure which Punch Cards are available to the Member.
Note: The Choices section is displayed only for Choice Punch Card types.
Configure Choices
Click here
To configure the available Punch Cards for this Choice Punch Card:
Click add choices. The "Add Choices" pop-up window is displayed and populated with all External Punch Cards defined in your account.
Optionally filter the list of External Punch Cards by entering a text string, or defining a "published date" date range. Press Enter, or click the search button (magnifying glass icon). The list is refreshed to show only the Punch Cards that meet your search criteria.
Note: If you click the name of the Punch Card, the Punch Card Details screen is displayed.
In the Select column, check the check box next to the desired Punch Card. Repeat this step as needed.
Click add selected.
Remove a Punch Card
Click here
To remove an External Punch Card:
In the Remove column next to the desired Punch Card, click the Delete icon. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Click confirm.
Note: Optionally, click remove all to remove all External Punch Cards.
The configuration options available in the Extra JSON section are described below.
Define Custom JSON
Click here
The "Extra JSON" section allows you to extend the standard API to include additional metadata relevant for external processing.
To assign custom JSON code:
Next to "Extra JSON," click edit. The "Edit" pop-up window is displayed.
Enter your custom JSON code.
Click save.
All Punch Cards are governed by an effectivity period.
Define Punch Card Effectivity
Click here
Punch Cards are governed by an overall Effectivity Period that controls when a Punch Card is considered active and available for use. In addition to the overall Effectivity Period for the Punch Card, the platform allows you to set more granular schedules that control when a Member can respond to the Punch Card (called the Response Period), and when the platform considers responses to be usable for reporting and analytics (called the Usage Period). Optionally, you can click the Recurring checkbox to define a new recurring schedule for an item's effectivity when the Select Period Type is Fixed.
Note: Depending on the Punch Card type, the effectivity period options may vary slightly. You may see some, or all, of the options described below.
Response period
To define the response period:
Click on the Select Period Type drop down and choose:
- Same: Uses the same effectivity period as defined for the Punch Card.
- Relative:
- Select the interval and a unit of time for the beginning of the date range. Ex. 1 hour.
- Select the interval and unit of time for the end of the date range. Ex. 2 weeks.
- Fixed:
- Enter a date range relative to the publish date.
- Select the time zone you want the effectivity period to be effective.
- Optionally, check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule. See below for details on creating a new recurring schedule.
Click save.
Usage period
To define the usage period:
Click on the Select Period Type drop down and choose:
- Always: Punch Card does not expire.
- Same: Uses the same effectivity period as defined for the Punch Card.
- Relative:
- Select the interval and a unit of time for the beginning of the date range. Ex. 1 hour.
- Select the interval and unit of time for the end of the date range. Ex. 2 weeks.
- Fixed:
- Enter a date range relative to the publish date.
- Select the time zone you want the effectivity period to be effective.
- Optionally, check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule. See below for details on creating a new recurring schedule.
Click save.
Define recurring schedule
To define a new recurring schedule for this item's effectivity:
From the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, select Enter Schedule. The Repeat pop up window is displayed.
Select a recurrence frequency of Weeklyor Monthlyfrom the Frequency drop down menu.
In the text field, enter the interval.
For a Weekly frequency, select one or more days of the week. For example, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
For a Monthly frequency, choose one of the following options:
Day of month: Select one or more days of the month. Ex: the 15th and the 30th.
Day of week: Select one or more days of the week, for each of the four weeks within a month. Ex: the second Wednesday of the month.
Click ok. The system adds the new schedule to the Recurring Schedule drop down menu.