Punch Card Details: Definition


The Definition tab is used to configure the properties and details of this Punch Card.    


The features available on the Definition tab are described below. 

Prize rules

For many Punch Card use cases, the Member earns a Prize when they complete the Punch Card. The Prize can be another Loyalty asset, or it can be a set number of points in the selected point metric. A Punch Card can optionally grant multiple Prizes, either at completion, or along the way toward completion. For example, you could have a Punch Card that requires ten punches to complete, but grant the Member a smaller Prize when the Punch Card is half complete at five punches.  

The configuration options available in the Prize Rules section are described below. 

Note: The Prize Rules section is displayed only for Standard and External Punch Card types. 

Define the Punch Card Prize

Edit Prize Properties

Delete a Prize

Punch Limits

The Punch Limits section is used to configure additional business rules for how Members earn punches. The configuration options available in the Punch Limits section are described below.

Configure Punch Limits


A Choices type Punch Card is intended for clients using externally-generated Punch Cards, and who want to allow the Member to choose which Punch Card to activate. From the Choices section, you can configure which Punch Cards are available to the Member. 

Note: The Choices section is displayed only for Choice Punch Card types. 

Configure Choices

Remove a Punch Card

Extra JSON

The configuration options available in the Extra JSON section are described below. 

Define Custom JSON


All Punch Cards are governed by an effectivity period. 

Define Punch Card Effectivity