Journey Components

Journey components are building blocks that can be used to construct a marketing scenario, such as the sending of a monthly newsletter. Journey components represent the journey elements, such as pages and messages, and actions such as data lookups, etc. Each component corresponds to a step in the journey.

The components in the journey are linked to each other with connectors.The connectors define the path to follow throughout the journey. In addition, events are defined on these connectors to indicate when a contact will pass from one component to another, such as on a 'Click', 'Success' or 'Failed'. The type of event associated with the connector depends on the component starting the link.

The typical event for a contact to pass from an Audience component to an Email component is the event 'InList'. All contacts in the Audience (list) will automatically pass to the next step.

A typical event for a target to pass from an Email component to a Data component is the event 'Click sensor' or ‘AfterDelivery’. All contacts that have received the email will pass to the next step when they click a certain sensor, or the data defined in the Data component will be stored if the email was delivered.

NOTE: Email and Page events ‘OnView’ and ‘OnSend’ can only be used for reporting purposes (with the Report component).

Right clicking a component on the journey canvas gives access to a pop-up menu with additional options, depending on the type of component:

  • Connect/Move (only in'Edit'mode)allows creating a connector between the current component and another component on the canvas, or moving components around.
  • Open list/page/email — This is available for List, Email and Page components. It takes the user straight to the selected element under Lists or in the Editor.
  • Cut/copy/Delete (only in'Edit'mode) Allows cut, copy and paste, and deletion of components in the journey.
  • Properties — Displays the properties of the component in a dialog. This is where the component is configured. Double-clicking a component also opens its properties panel.
  • Preview — Displays a preview of the selected component.

Some components have additional component-specific options. If these exist, they will be explained within the component topics.

In the following topics, each component is described thoroughly. Information is provided on their use, properties and events.

Journey Component Features

Every journey begins with the Start component. This component is placed in every new journey by default . The properties of the Start component are also the properties of the journey itself and are displayed on the right of the main window, in the 'Properties' tab:

  • Start (Journey properties)



Audiences & Reporting




Select & Optimize





  • HTTP
  • SOAP
  • CRM (Connector component to integrate with CRM solutions)