Content components overview
The following content components can be dragged and dropped onto a template or message design canvas. This can also be done in source mode:
Note: When using multiple languages for the template/message and adding new content components to a language version, the layout of the new component is automatically reflected in all other languages. However, on request the content of the new component can also be copied to the other languages. For example, in case of an Image Component, the image is often the same across the different languages and can be replicated across other languages. This is possible using the 'copy to other languages' icon available from the component properties panel.
Text — Inserts a content box for text input that supports hyperlinks, styling, personalization fields and emojis.
Image — Inserts an image container. You can click to select or upload an image. Supports adding alternative text and hyperlinks.
- Live Content — Part of the Image component (Countdown, Web scrape, Dynamic images, Weather, Weather forecast, 'X' (formerly Twitter), Content Automation, Nearest store)
Button — Inserts a Button and allows entering the Button label and setting the style. Associating a hyperlink URL to the button. The link can be configured to be tracked or not.
Placeholder — Inserts a Placeholder in the template. Content can be added later by the message creator when it is used in a journey.
Repeater — Inserts a Repeater widget that holds items in a repeating layout. Items displayed can be retrieved from a data source.
Content block — Inserts a pre-defined Content Block into the message. Content Blocks are created in the Library section.
Smart Content — Inserts Smart Content into the message. Smart Content is created in Recommendations.
Video — Inserts a Video in the message. Fallback images and links can be defined.
Barcode — Inserts a barcode or QR code into your message.
Liveclicker — Inserts a Liveclicker campaign element into the message. An integration with LiveContent is required.
Following components can only be added when in Design mode:
Spacer — Creates empty space between components.
Divider — Creates a dividing line between components. The height and color can be set.
When creating the text version of the template, only the following component can be used:
Each content element can be locked/unlocked.This allows the content to be changed when creating a Single Batch Journey from the template. By default, the content is locked.
Example : Add a navigation bar in your email/template with styling, links and user data
Test your knowledge about simple messages with fixed content
I want to send out a one-time message with fixed content. Therefore I need to create :
1 - a message and add content like images and text components in the message
2 - a template and add content like images and text components in the template
3 - a message with a Repeater component to fill out the content